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What to expect 3 weeks out of POP surgery

Hi there, I am about 3 1/2 weeks out of surgery. I did have a urogyno with years of experience, I had a bladder, bowel and uterus prolapse. My surgery was done vaginally with mesh and a bladder sling. My prolapse were beyond stage 4 dr said, protruding out of vagina. I have done everything post op I was told, no lifting, pushing or tugging on anything, my family has taken good care of me and made sure I havn't done anything I shouldn't, came home with a cath, got it out a few days later, did void trial, had some bleeding the first two weeksbut nothing major at all, a little trouble moving bowels but took stool softner with laxative for the first week and been taking just stool softner since and doing fine there, no bleeding from anywhere for the last 5-6 days. So feel I'm doing ok, 2 week check up dr said I'm healing good but didn't want to release me to work yet. My question is, I still feel pressure down there, especially if I'm on my feet, I am definitely better than I was but to my horror when I got the mirror out I can see a bulge like before my surgery but it is not out. Is this normal from swelling?? I was so bad before my surgery than I could actually feel things 'roll back' when I sat down or bent over to pick something up, I can't feel anything like that now but sure don't like seeing what I'm seeing!! I called my Dr and spoke with nurse, she said as long as nothing has changed since they saw me at 2 week check I am fine. I will see Dr again at 4 week check which is Tuesday and then again at 6 weeks.
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Hi, I had prolapse surgery a little over a year ago.  It took me at least twelve weeks until I felt close to normal again.  It has taken almost a year to experience  complete healing.  The feeling of pressure could be from swelling due to your increased activity.  I can relate to those feelings and my first thoughts were that my organs fell again!  Even now I still worry about that.  Standing over two hours at three weeks post surgery might be too much for you. Listen to your body and rest whenever you get pressure,pain etc.  good luck!
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Wonderful news!  So glad we could help by sharing our experiences with you. Continue to take good care of yourself for the rest of your healing and if you have any new concerns feel free to ask!
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Hi Summer, Thank you so much for your your informative comments.  I also want to thank Wendy C. Dickersheid & Tina Diane for all their encouraging comments and followup on me.  I had a cytocele & rectocycle surgery March 10th by an experienced urogyn.  I decided to have mesh incorporated into the surgery at the recommendation of  my surgeon.  I am almost 2 wks post-op and doing very well.  Go back to see surgeon in 6 wks.  I came home w/o catheter, didn't have any issues, thanks to the above mentioned women and Sherrie's book which gave me so much great information and comfort.  Only Advil after surgery, no narcotics.  I was very worried and stressed about this surgery, it was a roller coaster ride for me, but as stated by so many before me, IT RESTS IN THE HANDS OF THE SURGEON AND THE TECHNIQUE THAT IS PERFORMED!!  Do your research, find the best experienced surgeon, be prepared for coming home and REST!! Couple of things that I did to make my recovery a little easier, I got a portable extension toliet top and a cheap walker, to transport articles from room to room, hence, no lifting and minimize my trips back & forth.  Very difficult to watch my husband taking care of everything that I did, and not help, but don't want to go through this again!!  TOO MUCH LIFE TO LIVE!!!  GOOD LUCK, AND THANKS AGAIN!!!
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Thank you for your comments, you made my day!  Glad I could reassure you!
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Thank you so much, that is very reassuring to me!! I'm trying to be patient and I know it takes time. I think it's just the fear of being back where I was before surgery. I am def not lifting or straining and know my lifestyle has and will be forever changed in that way and that's ok, there are things I have always done and will miss doing, working around the yard type things but I can for sure accept it to stay healthy!! After all, getting older does bring changes, it's just hard for me to watch other people do what I used to do and feel responsible for. I've been wondering about the pelvic floor strengthening excercises and what I can do so I will look into and most likely get the DVD...thank you again...you have no idea how much better you've made me feel!!
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Sorry, but the above post was to you!  For some reason your name was deleted when I sent it!
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I still continue to feel better and I had my surgery Sept,2012! My surgeon told me it takes about 18 months to be totally healed.  If his patients are having complaints after that then he knows it is probably not related to post surgery healing. I still have days when I feel more pressure and or discomfort and some days are great!  I remember when I was at your stage in the healing process I felt more pressure especially at the end of the day.  I was told that was normal and everything was settling down, muscles relaxing organs.  Sort of like falling again to a more natural position.  Please be patient even though I know it's hard to do, and learn to accept the new you!  I know that I will always have to be aware not to lift heavy objects and not do certain exercises for the rest of my life but am willing to sacrifice some of my old self for continued post op success.  Another option to consider is pelvic floor therapy with an experienced pelvic pt. You can learn pelvic floor strengthening exercises.  I bought the Hab-it DVD from Amazon by Tasha Mulligan.  Your concerns are very similar to mine and I have continued to improve and hope you do too
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Hello, just wanted to stay in touch...having some concerns...I am better than I was before my surgery and I have not been lifting anything as my husband will not let me lol...not a bad thing at all but after being on my feet for a few hours still having symptoms like before but not nearly as bad. My dr did tell me after having 3 children, my age, etc I may still have some symptoms after being on my feet for awhile. It's been 3 months since my surgery and just wondering if you know how long this may take?? Dr does want to see me in July for 6 month check to make sure my repair is still healthy... Just don't want to 'feel' anything down there and wondering if I am always going to feel it and have to accept that as it is or am I just being impatient?? What I am feeling I can see at the opening after being on my feet...usually not there when I get up in the mornings...Dr said my cervix is large and I may be able to see it at the opening but he promised me nothing would 'fall out'!!! Need reassurance at this point I guess :(
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Hello, just wanted to stay in touch...having some concerns...I am better than I was before my surgery and I have not been lifting anything as my husband will not let me lol...not a bad thing at all but after being on my feet for a few hours still having symptoms like before but not nearly as bad. My dr did tell me after having 3 children, my age, etc I may still have some symptoms after being on my feet for awhile. It's been 3 months since my surgery and just wondering if you know how long this may take?? Dr does want to see me in July for 6 month check to make sure my repair is still healthy... Just don't want to 'feel' anything down there and wondering if I am always going to feel it and have to accept that as it is or am I just being impatient?? What I am feeling I can see at the opening after being on my feet...usually not there when I get up in the mornings...Dr said my cervix is large and I may be able to see it at the opening but he promised me nothing would 'fall out'!!! Need reassurance at this point I guess :(
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Thank you ~ I always wonder how other people are doing and their outcomes and didn't want to leave you wondering :) I am feeling better and stronger everyday ~ sure took the wind out of my sails more than I expected.
Take care as well ! :)
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So happy to hear of your success.  That is sweet of you to give us the update! Keep taking care of yourself and your success will continue!

Best regards
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Thank you :) For sure no excessive lifting ;)
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Great news wannabenormal5.  No risk taking with lifting and keep going towards your goal towards feeling completely healed.

Good luck
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Hi ladies,
Just wanted to let you know I finally made it to my 6 week post op (at 7 weeks, due to weather AGAIN!!) ... Good News:) Doc says I am healed and released to normal activity... I will be 'smart' about my normal activity though ;) I am feeling much better and if it helps anyone else he did tell me again that I do have a bigger than normal cervix and that's what I was seeing and feeling after surgery and not to worry it can't fall out!! Everything else is back where it's supposed to be ... yay!! I go back in six months for a check up to make sure everything stays put and healthy :)
Also want to thank you again for all your help and encouragement ... hope you are both well :)
Oh, the Bells Palsy is getting better too, not back to normal but much better :)
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Thank you :)
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My friend had Bells Palsy.  I think she had steroids to sort it out but is fine now.  Glad you are getting good news with regards to your op healing.
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Thank you and yes was a huge relief!! They did tell me I have a large cervix and nothing can be done about that of course but that could be what I'm seeing at times too. I agree, I think now there will always be that fear. So glad to hear you got a good report as well...woohoo!! :) I am resting as much as I can and getting off my feet when I feel any pressure at all. My bells palsy really isn't painful just a little annoying, hate to hear your mom had it. My brother had it several years ago and was pretty severe but he came out of it ok. Thanks again for all the reassuring words, it means a lot :) I go back again for my six week check on Tuesday so hopefully nothing but more good news :) Take care of yourself too !!
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Yay!  So glad to hear that your healing normaly!  What a relief for you.  Keep listening to your body and resting when you feel symptoms.  I had Dr appt yesterday and everything is "still way up there" and I was relieved too.  I think we will always have the fear of prolapse happening to us again but let's celebrate and live in the now by taking care of our bodies.  My mom had bell palsy and it was painful.  I hope yours will get better soon.  Continue to heal!
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Thank you and I am taking your advice to heart and listening to my body for sure :) On top of all this I came home from the hospital with Bells Palsy....not too severe but a little disturbing none the less...now to get the droopy mouth back to normal... one thing at a time ... but I'm still smilin'.. or at least half of my mouth is... :-/
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Great to hear things are going well with your healing.  Pace yourself even at 6 weeks and listen to your body as you start to do more each day.

Happy healing!
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Hi Ladies,
Just wanted to let you know I finally made it back for my '4 week check' ... at 5 weeks!! Due to weather I could not get there last week again. Everything is good!!! Yay :) she said what I'm seeing is skin from healing and everything is where it's supposed to be!! Whewwww!! So back in another week for 6 week check up and hopefully released :) I am feeling better too, not as much pressure but still can't be on my feet for long periods of time...slow but improving everyday...thanks again for your support and caring and I hope this helps anyone else out there going through similar experience and I'm happy to help if anyone has questions!!
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Just talked to the nurse at my dr's office, they rescheduled me for Thursday so hoping I can make it then, supposed to get more snow tomorrow and Thursday!! However, just wanted to share this if it helps anyone else to know too....the provider said what I'm seeing is most likely fine as there is going to be some relaxation still but it will tighten up in time!!! Of course still need to see them to be sure but just knowing that makes me feel better :) I will keep you posted after I actually see the dr for exam and hope all is as it should be :) I did ask about the stool softners also, how long can you take those...they said can take daily as long as stools do not get watery or too loose...I personally have never had that problem lol so I'm safe to use them as long as needed and if it keeps from getting constipated and to keep from straining then absolutely need to take! So I hope this info helps anyone else out there with similar questions...this is a slow process I'm finding out and as I just told my mom...I don't like slow lol but I'm hanging in there and doing as I'm told so not to undo the good work my dr has done :) Take care of yourselves ladies and be kind to yourselves!!! We are not made to work and do things like men!
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Hello, thanks again and just wanted to let you know I would have responded yesterday but we were without power for 16 hours!! House got down to a chilly 50 degrees but could have been worse! We are warm and toasty again now however, I will not be able to make it to my dr apt like I thought so will call them this morning and I'm really hoping we can do a phone consult at least. I don't feel like I've strained at all as far as bm's go but those first few weeks was having a trouble going and just so much pressure that you don't know where it's all coming from??!! I did take a stool softner with laxative the first two weeks then just went to the softner these last two weeks and been doing good. Just pressure when I do need to go but not straining for sure cuz I know that could really not be good :/
Thanks again and I will keep you posted on my dr apt. I seriously in my mind thought before my surgery I would be going back to work in two weeks....
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Sorry that the bad weather might keep you from your doctors appt.,especially because of your concerns. You have valid questions some of which your doctor would need to examine you to answer. I can't say if I saw the same bulge after surgery because I was way too scared to even look down there for a long time!  I was always questioning if repairs failed whenever I had a lot of pressure, pain etc.  I can recommend that you do not strain to have a bowel movement as this can interfere with your healing and repair. You might need help such as miralax daily or even stoole softener to help.  Magnesium can also provide some help.  Let us know how your Dr. appt. goes when your able to go
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Thank you UKlady 1001 ~ I do feel your support and appreciate it soooo much! I'm still a little disheartened after all the resting I have done and feeling I've done everything I'm supposed to and that I can still see anything at all down there :( maybe I'm just not giving it enough time but I really thought I wouldn't be able to see anything at all after my surgery.... I have an apt on the 7th but not looking like I will make it due to more than 12 inches of snow, 40 below temps and blowing blowing blowing snow and I am an hour away from my dr....so hopefully a phone consultation this time then maybe get there toward the end of the week or beginning of next when the weather is better. Weather is looking bad all week and for sure don't want to be slipping and sliding around!! It's depressing to me not being able to do everything around the house that needs done, I have plenty of help but don't feel it's fair even though I know I can't help what's going on right now...ugh. Some questions I have maybe one of you can answer...I'm still taking stool softner to help with that, never taken them in my life til now...how long can or should you take those? When any of you had your surgeries were you or can you now still see a bulge down there? Sometimes still looks like two bulges...worse after being up of course then better after resting but comes back after being on my feet...please tell me this goes away in time.... Don't get me wrong I'm am getting better everyday and so much better than before surgery and if this is the best it gets it's still better than before and I can live with it. Thanks again for any replies and comments. I will be calling my dr tomorrow and hopefully get to speak to someone there too that maybe can give me some reassuring answers... ya'll are awesome though...so glad I found this website :)
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