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Going to see a special list doctor Tomorrow

My dad scheduled appointment with a  specialist I'm going to be with for 2 hours or so doing testing. I need your guys help what should I ask them to test anything specific ?? Please help me out I seen a psychologist psychiatrist therapist I told them this is what I'm  experiencing nothing is wrong with me physically or mentally just people are clearing there throats and coughing and itching eyes and nose rub and they do it in front of me in my presence but it's easier for them to say I'm delusional that's why I'm seeing a specialist  I don't want to be put on  psychotic drugs PATM is a real thing I been experiencing it for 2 monthes now.and I just want doctors to know that its real. hopefully they will find what's wrong or what's causing us to make people cough I would appreciate if you guys help thanks
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My theory about PATM is that it is an autoimmune reaction caused mostly in men, after ejaculation through masturbation or sex.  Young men, especially young teenagers, seem to be more effected, as it is the time when they start to experiment with masturbation.  In some men the autoimmune system over reacts to the semen after ejaculation.  Symptoms can be many, and the most common are: Runny nose like you have a cold, caugh and sneezing.  Other people around you also get the same symptoms, and some worst than your own. What happens when your body reacts this way, is that it produces antibodies, which the body can expels through exhalation and in the vapour of your breath. These antibodies can also be expel out of the body throught sweat. Breathing out is the most significant way the antibodies reach others causing them and their immune system to react in the same way as yours. These antibodies seem to be very reactive, and it only takes a tiny amount to reach a host (person) to cause them symptoms.  I have noticed that animals like dogs can show symptoms if you are close to them also.  Cats for some reason do not seem to become symptomatic.  As a very young teenager I noticed that if I did not ejaculate through masturbation for a period of a week and more that my symptoms where less and also in other.  I also noticed that sexual simulation without ejaculation also caused symptoms in myself and others.  I prosume it is because stimulation caused even small amount of semen to be released causing an autoimmune reaction. The only thing that I can recommend is the use of antihistamines as a way to stop your autoimmune system from reacting to your semen. It is we'll know that some women are allergic o their husbands semen and get different symptom, but his is through direct contact unlike PATM.

Anyone wishing to contact me with any questions please do so directly.

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It depends on what kind of specialist you're seeing. If you're seeing a gastroenterologist, try to get a stool test (not just for viruses and h. pylori, but also for levels of beneficial bacteria/fungi); maybe ask about hydrogen breath testing as well. It might also be good to get an upper abdominal ultrasound, or possibly even a gastrocopy/colonoscopy if that's reasonable.

If you're seeing an ENT, ask for things like a throat culture or get checked for an infection in your sinuses.

If it's a lung specialist, ask for a chest x-ray to rule out some of kind of infection in the lungs.

In my experience, the only way to get good attention from a doctor is to communicate with them only in concepts/disorders that they are used to dealing with (e.g., if you suspect that you might have a digestive issue like IBS, that issue can serve as a "foot in the door" to get other medical tests that might reveal something about your PATM). I was only able to get referrals to specialists after I had elevated liver enzymes on a blood test - before that, my doctor did not take any of my other complaints seriously.

So pay careful attention to your body and try to identify something that doctors might take seriously, such as: Do you have digestive issues? Do you have allergies? Have you been checked for anemia? Unfortunately, most doctors will not take complaints of making other people cough seriously - doctors will only offer follow-up tests if they suspect something biologically wrong with YOU, not with the people around you.

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Is it just me or are we seeing more and more new people?  Please ask him to visit this board and view the copious amounts of people reporting similar symptoms.

I wish a doctor would come to an environment where i notice increased sneezing/coughing/throat clearing.

Many of us are hard working professionals, don't think we all have this delusion but who knows.
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