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Theory about my Nasal PATM, caused by mold and immunosupression

This is my theory of how this disease developed. I am still looking for the cure. Even though I try to explain this to 3-4 ENTs and doctors they aren't much help to me.  It takes a lot of energy for me to try to explain to the doctor. Each year goes by and it is very demoralizing when they can't do anything.  At least the most recent ENT i went to acted like he cared somewhat.

First I was exposed to mold in my office after water damage and I got a bad acute sinus infection which caused nasty post nasal drip.  Also during this time I had silent reflux (GERD) which was pre-existing but may have been worsened by the mold as I have read there is an interaction there.

That developed in to oral thrush.  

I tried to treat with antibiotics but didn't ever stop the thrush permanently, it just is much less but still present in the throat

After that I had a swollen throat, lots of mold allergy symptoms, huge inflammation, eye problems, and part of my sinus was completely swollen shut. But then was the worst part

The mold suppressed my immune system next and I no longer had any allergic reaction to the mold or post nasal drip or inflammation. I very distinctly remember when this happened.  Because every day I would have very bad sneezing, running nose, etc, but finally it stopped because my immune response was suppressed.

I was also being exposed to mold (at home, pink mold) but I didn't realize it until it had been going on for some time and did a lot of damage to me.

This is when the PATM started as (I belive) the mold spores are in my sinus permanently and sinus rinse won't remove them.  I have had 2 CT scans and they are normal.  I think the spores are in the lining of my sinus.  If I examine my nasal mucus I will constantly find very thin dark blue/black strands of what I presume is mold or bacteria (I don't dare try to explain this part to the doctors cause they will think I am a crazy Morgellons person. Can't talk about fibers). These can be up to 1cm long and are usually wrapped up into tumbled strands.

This has been going on for 5 years but I don't know what to do. I have an electronic nasal rinse machine but it barely helps at all.  I always have a pretty nasty taste in my throat.

The other bad part of this disease for me is the toxins. Early on the symptoms were brain fog. My vision got worse from inflammation. Then I believe that the toxins then began draining through the lymph channels, every single lymph node on the way in my face and neck got very inflamed and tender.

Interestingly in my case the PATM reactions only happen if i breathe out of my nose.  This has been the only concrete clue I have that it is a sinus problem.

I want to try anti fungal medicine next but my ENT said it is expensive without insurance. In the mean time I will give an anti-sugar diet another try.  
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Stories like yours plus 3 years of searching is why i have a hard time believing that patm is a "gut" bacteria.   There are too many of us who have it in other places.   I also have it in my nasal cavity and eyes. (I can see the black dot)   maybe some people only have it in their gut but patm is not only a gut problem 1000%
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Theres a doctor by the name dr.lonnie herman located in davie, florida that seems to know alot of natural ways of healing your body. He has many youtube videos as well about hows hes healed many of his patients because of mold contamination. He seems to know his stuff.

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