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Are our problems related to the "Vagus Nerve"? (give possible solutions)

Hello all!

The reason that I am asking this question is because my problems seems to correlate with the Vagus Nerve. These days my most important symptoms are not that people are being allergic to me (which is still happening and really annoying) but that I don't feel rested and feeling like I have no energy at all, furthermore I have a lot of breathing problems and a painful not rested neck.

I have a theory that would maybe explain our digestive issues and all the other correlated problems;

I think our problem "could" be related to the Vagus Nerve. This is the longest nerve in your body and it goes through our neck (google it) and it can give a lot of weird problems related to many symptoms we are experiencing. I think this nerve is somehow irritated all the time and is not able to close or something else and therefor acid/ something else is coming its way up and/ or good bacteria are not being created (these are speculations, I am not a doctor).

Today, I put a cream on the neck area which has 90% chondroitin in it. Chondroitin seems to helps with your collagen, tissue and bones and more. I put it really in my neck and under my jaw bone. When I did this I can feel that my throat is getting less irritated, breathing is much easier and I have more energy. Furthermore I also feel some positive effects (warmish feeling) on the right part of my belly (digestive system) which is like the opposite of the inflammation (numb) kind of feeling I would feel sometimes, in the end my Appetite increases. Also important to mention is that I am not itchy. They say that the "Vagus Nerve" is responsible for creating good bacteria which we are all lacking.

If you have your doubts about what I am telling you please google; Vagus nerve and GERD, Dysbiosis, leaky gut and candida.

I really don't want to give you false hope but I do think it is important to take this in too consideration and think about more tips that would maybe help this Vagus Nerve with restoring itself. There is a lot of information about the Vagus Nerve on the internet and I wouldn't be able to find all.

Thanks! Regards!
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The vagus nerve does control a lot of things in the body: It slows down the heartbeat (if left to its own devices, our heart wants to beat very, very rapidly, and the vagus nerve slows this it down - i.e., vagus nerve damage results in heart palpitations), it has a role in swallowing, and (perhaps important for PATM) it seems to regulate gut motility.

Before I developed PATM, I experienced difficulty sleeping and swallowing, which I thought might be an issue with the vagus nerve, but my doctors chalked it up to stress and anxiety. Personally, I wouldn't rule out the vagus nerve as having some kind of role in gut issues as well as (potentially) in PATM (albeit indirectly), and I'm intrigued that someone else might have issues with it.

Just a note on the biology of the vagus nerve: It surely wouldn't create bacteria or carry acid or anything like that. It's a nerve, so it only carries electro-chemical nerve impulses. If it's claimed to have a role in regulating gut bacteria, it's through its influence on gut motility. It probably also has a role in the tonic contraction of muscles like the esophageal sphincter, which means acid reflux could become a problem if the vagus nerve were damaged.

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