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Has anyone read about biofilm. I wonder if this could be the underlying problem for PATM and odour issues.
Serratia Marcesens bacteria is a biofilm.  It is a sticky substance that adheres to your intestines, mouth, throat and blood.  Various bacteria and fungi get attached to the biofilm and they form a community with a protective coating (film), making it difficult to kill the bacteria and fungus.

I think this could be why I cannot get rid of candida.    The experts say that taking calcium, iron and magnesium makes it more difficult to break through the biofilm barrier with antibiotics, and a high carbohydrate diet feeds the fungus, which causes inflammation and aids the bad bacteria in the biofilm community.    The bacteria could give off a hydrogen gas which is an irritant, and I wonder if this is what comes through pores, mouth etc and causes reactions in others - I am only guessing this.

It looks like in the long term you are better trying to eradicate the biofilm with natural prodcuts/methods than using antibiotics.    There is also apparently a diet called the Biofilm Carbohydrate Diet.     It might be worth looking into.
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195411 tn?1300080506
Yep definately. I read about ths recently and was a bit shocked by it but it makes sense.

A recent reseach team found that Lactoferrin helps disrupt the biofilm:

A component of bodily secretions, including mucus and tears, stops bacteria forming potentially deadly biofilms. These slime-encased colonies frequently clog up medical implants and the lungs of patients with cystic fibrosis. They are highly resistant to antibiotics.

Biofilm infections are a major medical problem. But, explains Pradeep Singh of the University of Iowa, who led the new work, although the human body is constantly exposed to disease-causing bacteria, biofilms do not normally form unless a person's defences have been compromised by disease. This suggested to us that the body might have a natural anti-biofilm defence mechanism.

The team focused on a protein called lactoferrin, a component of the body's antibacterial defence system. They studied its effect on the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa, in conditions ideal for biofilm formation.

Even small amounts of lactoferrin stopped biofilms forming, the team found. The protein did not kill the bacteria or slow its growth – but it successfully kept individual bacteria on the move, preventing them aggregating into groups. The bacteria then remained exposed and vulnerable to antibiotics.

Lactoferrin achieves its effect by trapping iron, a crucial bacterial nutrient. When iron levels are low, bacteria roam across a surface in search of more. Other compounds that trap iron have been developed to improve deodorants.

Lactoferrin is present in lung secretions, tears, saliva, breast milk and other bodily fluids that come in contact with bacteria. Everywhere that this defence is needed, lactoferrin is present in large quantities.  Source: "Biofilms disrupted by sweat and tears" vetscite.org


"Lactoferrin is present in both breast and cow's milk, with much higher levels found in human milk. Lactoferrin concentrations are highest in the colostrum that is passed to the newborn infant. Lactoferrin serves as a protective protein that helps to strengthen the immune system of the infant. Lactoferrin has a very high affinity for iron and binds quickly with it in the body. Most of the biological activities of Lactoferrin are related to this activity." Source: Yahoo Lactoferrin Article
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in regards to biofilms, candida, bacteria, and other causes of why people can't stand our smell which make them allergic to us.  little funny intro but not really funny.    yeah i read about biofilms and its resistance to synthetic market antibiotics.   i believe that doesnt relate most of people who suffer from PATM.  worst case scenario would be if a person had this biofilm which lets say in the upper respiratory tract which 90 percent for people with PATM.  people focus too much on digestive symtoms as there causes or diet.  diet doesnt make it worse more  then reveal what you have.   yeast and dairy products are not the real enemy.  for me i found out all my symptoms come from the nasal cavity. the sinuses to be exact.   the pnd,  which is constant  thick mucous feeling back of throat, the white coated tongue, the pressure in my maxillary pressure which more severe when i bring my head down,  the tooth aches.   it all goes back to the sinuses being the culprit.  how and why is not so important,  but how to reverse symptoms with and sometimes without the use of therapuetic antibiotics and fungal agents for upper respiratory infections.  the neti pot truly works and physically not metabolically change things.   metabolic comes after the flushing of the nasal tract which ultimately drains the upper respiratory tract.   the flushing of the nasal passages using the neti pot with time changes the flora in your respiratory back to normal, clearing out all the mucous  buildup feeding bacterial and fungal invaders.  some case may need combination of meds with nasal irrigation along with surgery in cases where polyps or fungal ball develop.    diagnosing correctly with the corrective medicine will absolutely reverse almost all cases.  but what i learned is the patient is the most important part to complete recovery..  meds wont work by itself because it cant flush out the passages which is where you must begin to overcome PATM.  meds will destroy bacterial or fungal
but unless drain the old mucous by self irrigation or sugical drainage the old stuff just stays laying around growing new breeding feed.  which is why people have chronic symptoms of PATM.  you have to be pro-active in the fight.
PROCEDURE: neti pot instructions
for the most part a neti pot is tea like pot to clear nasal passage using warm sterile saline water having gravity pull out old mucous back up.
i say sterile because tap water has particles of minerals and sulfites that can actually feed bacteria and fungi while your draining your passages.  remember it's invasive,  it's not normal for fluids being flushed in your nasal cavity which can have reverse effects on what your trying to do.  
use a quart size  pyrex container.   microwave 5 to 8 minutes, large volume of water requires longer sterile process.
it will cool at least 2 hours if in a hurry use a 10 oz measuring cup and microwave bottled spring water for 2 minutes,
it will cool off less than an hour.  
important ,  keep neti pot and microwaved water always sterile to the point of nasal drainage.
important  ,  while cooling container until its warm for you to take cover with paper towel sheet or foil wrap
you dont want any particles or dust if you can help it.
drain nasal cavity 3 to 4 times a day.  do this for 4 to 6 wks before taking any medications, will make the meds if you so choose alot easier and effective.   mild steroid nasal spray from 2 to 3 months is recommended if your going to take any meds to assure no re-infection occurs.    but of course it starts with the neti pot which you should do 6 months to a year vigorously.  afterwards you can do it routine 3 to 5 times a week.   you must always clean neti pot after every use to develop strong cleaning habits and to assure not to introduce any pollutants back into your upper respiratory tract.   it sounds tidiest because it is but if you have chronic PATM you must ordeal the first 3 to 6 months on focusing on your treatment.   i dont recomment any antibiotics or fungal agent more then 4 wks.  the nasal spray along with the neti pot will finish the job.   the neti pot is the only long term step to follow.  
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