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Bentonite Clay, Diatomaceous Earth?

There are a few posts about these here already.

Can you guys please confirm which one of these two helped and tell me which kind or brand did you use?

8 Responses
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I had this thing for 3-4 months and the cure is just being relax as many people said before here and in other forums, and to do that, the best way is to breath well (people who suffer for years, it's can be solved by psychologist I believe).I was amazed how bad my breathing when I nervous it's was very shortly and fast. it's process that you can see the results very fast. for some reason the reaction are real I'm sure, but you don't need to put your thoughts on it, you will lost your mind and it's will much harder to be cured. if you can't deal with it alone, it's not shame to talk with psychologist.
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sorry for the writing mistakes, there is problem with posring here
sorry for the writing mistakes, there is problem with posting here
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is the brand I use , got mine on Amazon. I've been taking for over a month without any negative side effects.

still doing plant based food choices, etc , etc

all of these things keep me patm free - no reactions from people
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I have tried Food Grade DE. It definitely gave me benefits. My nails are no longer cracked and my oral thrush has been reduced. After taking it for 13 days, my stomach and kidney started having intense pain. I have currently stop taking it to see how it goes. I have a yellow bruise around the bladder/groin area. Food grade DE has no well-known side effects but there are a couple of people who have complained about kidney pain after taking food grade DE. So, take on your own risk. Not everything works for everyone.
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I just want say 1 additional comment.

Mold, fungi spores candida yeast ect..... Are everywhere they are mostly outside leaves trees ect....... They enter inside microscopically under your shoes floated like dust onto your coat or shirt. So fungi is everywhere in dust you can not see it ---until it cultures and grows then you see for example toxic black mold or pink mold in the tub or green mold somewhere else or you smell a musty scent In a basement.

Now you can not see microscopic mold that's in dust for example. Radiation attracts dust. Cells phones tvs ect..... Give off radiation. Put an ivy plant or spider plant next to your modem put a salt lamp in ach room keep house clean and dust free get a squeegee for your shower and keep the vent and window open even up to 40 minutes after you started a bath or shower to prevent moisture that can create mold. If there is moisture inside you Are introducing mold.

Take your shoes off leave at entry home there are lots new design ways to do this. People do this not to annoy you are be a neat freak but to keep pathogens out of there home. On top of all the fungi there are tons of bacteria on bottom of your feet . You have been Everywhere in those shoes. Leave the bacteria at the door. I even Lysol the soles then leave them at the door.

You may have picked up a mold or yeast outside or on a trip or in a store --- if your immune system was down at the time a spore enter your nose for example you breathed in it is the perfect host.

So don't dwell on your home
It could use f been outside or when you were stressed out watching for reactions.

This is why stress makes it worse.

Stress depletes your immune system so you can't fight the cells and your white bloods can't fight the fungus.
Just go outside for a stroll breath in fresh air. Destress.

Your white cells need to be generated to fight the bad cells like candida fungus bacteria.

Focus ok

Get that immune system up

Be mindful of your home don't go crazy we all know it can drive you crazy but little by little you will see in time you will conquer if you do right way

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Be sure to have echinacea tea b6 zinc mg fish oil coconut oil no sugar no caffieneeeeeee no carbs lots water and exercise walking daily limit stress stay off this post do this increase veggies non gmo no gluten on these supplements listed and wait 6 weeks you will see for yourself but u have to stick to diet greens at every meal before anything no fast food no cheating at all
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The problem is the fungi or candida or yeast has disguised itself on your white blood cell and hitched a ride into blood stream
They have a mask sort of speak and the white blood cell can't see it to attack it --- then it spreads
You have to repair your immune first then gi where it broke threw into blood stream then detox liver to remove the debris --- debris is once the immune system figures out the masked fake hitchhikers they destroy that bad cell but debris is left in blood and liver --- so last step after 6 weeks liver detox
Any morsal of sugar or carb or coffee will make these guys explode by thousands you HAVE to STARVE them for weeks
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Bentonite clay same just make sure it's oral intake brands do not matter on these 2 products
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Just make sure food grade
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Grandpas DE
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