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Bad Breath PATM

Does anyone get patm reactions when they breathe? I suffer from bad breath, but it’s not coming out of my mouth, but from my posterior wall of the pharynx or esophagus. I rinse my throat with antibacterial solutions, but it still doesn’t help, cause the source of the smell is located deeper. I don’t have tonsillitis. My smell is very sour, like a kefir. I also had and cured gastritis, but it didn’t help. I still get reactions like coughing, itchy eyes, stomachaches and etc. My smell also spreads rapidly for a big distance and it also spreads through phone, walls, windows, zoom and etc. I thought it might be a candida overgrowth, but i had no progress with candida cleanse. I was taking antifungal pills for 11 days and had a strict diet (no sugar, no gluten, no starch, no tea/coffee, no dairy) but I had no progress. i also did a throat swab, but there weren’t any pathological bacterias. I don’t know what could be the cause and how to solve it. Doctors don’t know either, most of them don’t take it seriously. Does anyone have the same problem?
4 Responses
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I am beginning to think it is dysphasia. Where there is a problem with swallowing correctly and the smell comes back up into the throat.
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Interesting. could be!
Yeah I am going to follow up with my Gastroenerologist and bring it to her attention
It might be diverticulitis of oesophagus
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My mother complains about my bad breath all the time.
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Due to stress and anxiety, halitosis and yellow balls usually appear in the tonsils ........ Get oral and tongue hygiene in addition to removing all the balls with lor from there as often as possible.
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I have the same bad breath patm, it's truly a curse.
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I don’t know if patm and bb are together or separate.
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