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Could PATM be a mental disorder?

I have a hypothesis, that PATM could be caused by mental disorder. I don't mean mental disorder as in being a crazy person with psychosis.  

Rather, do any of you have symptoms such as anxiety/panic disorders, chronic subthreshold depression/ recurrent depressive episodes, or and/or hypomania.

Remember, the brain controls all other organs such as the digestive and nervous system. Hence any abnormalities in the brain could cause the other systems of the body to malfunction.
4 Responses
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NO it is NOT -- you have symptoms correct? you react to food correct? you have eye floaters? correct? It is a fungus--get real
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That was a brutal response. It's easy to get an answer and jump to conclusions but you have to take everything on board and be as open to answeting answers. Get real - the only person in need to get real is your self and you should be rereading your comment before posting.
do you know that some major research found that IBS could be caused by a gut -brain axis dysfunction.  The brain is the most important organ of the human body and when it malfunctions, it could manifest as physical symptoms..

If you do not have such symptoms, is fine. But I do remember some members complaining about brain fog, fatigue etc.

Some of us have tried all kinds of physical test. So looking towards mental disorder symptoms for some of us could be key.
Thanks healthhealth24 for your response. People have to be open minded so that we can solve this PATM problem.
You're welcome.
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I have also done 3 different blood works, abdominal Ultra sound and X-rays. All results came out fine.
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Patm was nor here nor there it was drifting in and out of me but I never really looked through to it until one day ocd disappeared and patm fully appeared. I believe my ocd was to shed light over my obsessiveness towards what I considered a negative part of my life.
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I've had a mental disorder for well over 10 years but this only happened 3 years ago
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I've had a mental disorder (ocd) 10 years before the development of patm. Thats what strikes me. I don't have ocd (ritualistic behaviour) anymore but I have patm. The only ocd appears is in my mind. Mentality is spacious. I believe my ocd was so I focus my anxieties elsewhere that is in the room of ocd.
I also had OCD since as a child. Since mental disorders are chronic, they can gradually make changes to the body. Hence PATM appears later in life.
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