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Criticism of Candida Overgrowth/ Leaky gut

Hello all,

Been awhile since I've checked in here. Still battling PATM. Was doing some digging for recent Candida articles and came across this one that rejects a lot of the notions based on lack of scientific evidence. Thought it was worth sharing and to see what people thought. I tend to feel that, given that our condition is rejected by medical professionals, yet is clearly a real thing,  I'm not as worried as the author about lack of science behind Leaky guy/ candida overgrowth. We are essentially in uncharted waters which requires us taking some leaps and thinking outside the box. Here is the article-

Overall, I haven't been able to consistently reduce my symptoms. I'm about 1.5 years into this, but I have certainly not been consistent with diet and exercise. Last couple weeks I've gone for no alcohol, no processed foods. Brown rice powder, candida cleanse pills, dessicated liver pills, and Sach Boull. Coconut oil pulling. Which is my typical protocol. I skip the oxy powder as I tend to have very quick and frequent BMs as is. Maybe minor improvements with reactions but I think I need to cut out Coffee and Fruit and Potatoes to take the next step. I was finding the candida diet too restrictive and would keep failing so I tried the whole30 instead which allows fruit and potatoes and coffee. But those 3 are all known to worsen candida so I think I will just have to go back to candida diet to make a real impact. Sigh.
Also going to re-introduce bone broth into the diet and try to be more consistent with exercise so I can sweat out more toxins.

Hope everyone else is hanging in there and continuing to fight. Sometimes I wanna say forget it, when I'm dieting pretty well for 2 weeks and get minimal improvements I just wanna go get a double bacon cheeseburger and a milk shake lol. But I'm trying to see the big picture and remind myself "Rome wasn't build in a day".
I'll post back with an update as I continue this healthy run I've been on, to see if there's any improvement.

4 Responses
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Candida and gut permeability is not the same thing. Candida is referring to a particular group of yeast that sometimes grow in great numbers in the gut causing multiple problems.

Gut permeability (leaky gut) is a condition where the gut lining is more permeable than normal. Why? We don’t know all the possible causes but there is evidence that some food toxins, toxic substances, microbial species can actually harm the tight-junction or the epithelial cells themselves.

Regarding candida, I’m not sure how many have actually tested positive for candida (yeast overgrowth). Although, I’ve read many here whom have come up negative on yeast overgrowth tests, but still have PATM so clearly PATM has nothing to do with yeast overgrowth.

MeBO has tested samples from PATM volunteers and proved we have leakygut so that’s not a claim, it’s a fact. Why it exists? MeBO doesn’t know yet and neither do we. We can only speculate and wait for further results.
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I've had it tested in stool test, and negative.
Thanks @Smellyorus. Many have tested negative for it.
I have just posted something on what I think PATM is. I think many of the readers won't like it but this is what I see according to all the info we have and new ones that have emerged, plus the many scientific papers I've just read for the last couple of days.
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Interesting. I hope the bone broth helps with Leaky gut. What kind of protocol are you on, if you don't mind my asking? And what is MeBO?

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I’ve compiled a list of what’s been reported on this forum to work and ranked them. I take the first few 10 workable items and combined it with my own.

Because Leakygut & amino-acids haves been redflag by MeBO researchers as indicators, I prioritize products that decreases gut permeability and detoxification. I’d take some antibiotics (natural or artificial) if necessary, supposedly if there’s an urgent meeting the next day. I’d take it with an extreme laxative like Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) or Magnesium Oxide to flush everything out, at least most of them. I never buy the fake and expensive Magnesium Oxide relabeled as Oxy-powder.

If there’s no urgent stuff, I’d just prepare by going vegetarian in preparation for something within a week. I’d do a small sweating exercise for 15-30 min the next morning just before the event (sauna is better).

I’ve heard about Bone Broth but I haven’t tried it. It too wide for me. You can almost find anything there. It has to be more specific. I heard there’s lots of stuff like glutamine, all kind of minerals and so forth but I think the good ingredients has to be identified first.
You mention the veggie diet a lot, but what do you do for carbs? Do you go gluten free? Also, I think many of us would like to see that list of top 10 items. Thanks.
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I also would like to see the top 10 list if you don't mind. For me, I think I will shift my focus from candida to strictly healing leaky gut. I know there's a lot of overlap anyways, but I think I can cut out some unnecessary supplements and focus on gut healing. I know a lot of websites recommend L-Glutamine. I'm currently taking the brown rice protein powder (jarrows), which includes glutamine, but in wondering if this is the best way to get L-glutamine?
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Yes, if I’m preparing for something within weeks, I will always go vegetarian + brown rice. Nothing works for me if I eat sweet or dairy or meat. That goes without notice. But if it’s urgent like I have described, like tomorrow for instance, there’ nothing I can do. It’s better to empty my stomach than to pack on veggies for the next 12 hours. I’ve made long posts of the products and how I do it. It’s basically like the above.

Honestly, when I’m going vegetarian and taking these products, PATM will minimize and sometimes gone for weeks. I think this is what @grateful2011 experiences since she keeps the diet most of the time…. My understanding of it, is the concentration of the compound in the blood takes time to depleted. If I can sweat it out real fast and pee a lot then it goes away faster. Sweat glands contain these compounds longer so the only way is to exercise with lots of cloths, beanies, glasses on for 30min. But the gut has to be emptied out too for maximum results, because that’s where the PATM compounds are made to begin with. Not healthy, but if you’re going to stay sane in an enclosed room in a glass building for a few hours and get cozy with your co-workers or classmates, you’d have to go through it. If you’re eating all vegetarian all the time, there’s probably no need for all this.
@dontgiveuphope Is the veggie diet sustainable long-term? What is your protein source?
Regarding sustainability, it’s a matter of graving, but if we could keep the veggie diet it should improve our condition. As a matter fact all the proteins in our body, regardless what it is, are all made from just 20 amino acids. Almost half of that 20 amino acids can be synthesized in the body, the other we have to get them from other food sources. So in realty most of the food that we eat, has proteins. Take rice for example, it has a portion of protein but it’s not a lot. So if you eat enough of it, you’ll get all the protein that you need. In other words, we can get everything that we need from just eating vegetables alone. The problem is, we crave and we often get weaker…but losing weight because of a vegetarian diet is normal and we should be worried, however, most of us crave.

I the long term, PATM whatever should get better if we stick to the vegetarian. The best protein to eat is just shrimps, prawns and chicken breast (organic).
I would expect PATM to be less or nonexistent in rural areas where people still rely on organic food (less chemicals such as pesticides), no gluten carbs i.e. rice, crops (no wheat, rye, barley etc).

I expect PATM to proliferate in modern city lifestyles such as western countries and cities, or anywhere these fast foods are adopted.

I think if rural areas with native inhabitants were to adopt this western lifestyles & diet, they’d be worse since they haven’t evolved with this. It’s like when some American natives were given alcohol for the first time. They abused it and many become addicted alcoholics since they’ve never been exposed to it throughout history.
*graving* I meant craving... lol.. plenty of mistakes there.
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FPATM, there's no harm in drinking bone broth. Its healthy stuff, if you've access to it or you can prepare it at home. Its got all the essential amino acids that our bodies need to repair leaky gut. So they say! Didnt work for me. I'm also taking glutamine powder which you can buy at any health store. Tastes yuck but i take it 3 times a day.

You need to cut out coffee entirely and anything that has sugar in it including fruits. Thats essentially one of the first things to do. Since you've had it for less than 2 years then the chances of you recovering from it is close to 99%. Get oregano oil to tackle candida overgrowth and also starve them by going on a green diet for 2 weeks.
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