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Does PATM make you smell bad?

Does anyone know if having PATM make you smell bad? I've been struggling with PATM for the past 3 months and every time I see people coughing or snezzing I wonder if I also smell bad or if Im just releasing a toxic that is odorless?
sometimes people give me weird looks like I smell but I have never have anyone complaining about me smelling bad. Do people also give you weird looks? Also does perfume make the symptoms worse? whenever i wear perfume or any other essence the coughing gets so bad. I also feel people's reactions get worse when i sweat. The only thing that has helped symptoms a little little bit is not wearing any perfume or lotions.
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17489628 tn?1458796338
True, maybe like others have suggested, something is causing are body to release toxins faster than normal and thats why we smell that smell sometimes.  Why ppl react from far away instantly, something is obviously being propelled from our pores, mouth, nose etc.  Some say a parasite in the small intestine.  Idk, maybe all this is correct, maybe only some.   I honestly DO believe it has something to do w our bodies not functioning properly, therefore the symptoms we are experiencing.  Maybe this is why ppl have different reactions on their own bodies since everyone is different , but the standard in this is how we effect otheres.  

I had a thick coated tongue but its pretty much normal now.  Maybe my diet or from all the stuff ive been taking?  Ive stopped buying all the stuff i was b4, and am now only taking those 3 things that Hopeful mentioned.  So, SOMETHN is working.  
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What are those 3 things that you are taking that Hopeful mentioned? Do you mind sending me the link to these products?

Thank you
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You'll need to take more than grapefruit seed extract pills and vitamin c if you wish to reduce your reactions to almost nothing. The candida diet is the best place to start. It's a difficult diet, but if you can do it, it will make your reactions much more manageable.
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Dj_Choppa, by any chance have you also experience smell sensitivity? 'Cause I feel like ever since Patm I can't  stand the smells of perfume or food they are just suddenly so overwhelming. Also I don't even know what makes Patm worse anymore  I have days in which I barely get any reactions and I think I'm cured and then I have days in which I get a lot of runny noses that's basically the only thing I'm seeing now people are not coughing or sneezing anymore they're only getting runny noses really bad for a little and then they're good. All I'm taking right now is grapefruit seed extract pills and vitamin c.
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Yeah, when I started noticing this strange odor, ammonia was my first thought, too. Eventhough I would say it's just a part of this weird air mixture stuff. Anyway, the normal human breath contains ammonia, as well but usually in an indiscernible amount.
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17489628 tn?1458796338
Ive done a couple cleanses for my liver and stomach, been taking probiotics and supplements.  Ive run out of a few things but idk if it made a difference.  So now i have been taking 3 different things that hopeful12345 said cured him.  Cure is a strong word for me.  Some said they took a spiritual route and now dont pay attention to ppl and are now cured.  I dont buy that, i want this crap gone.  Ppl tossing that word around has diminished the value of it to me, but im trying Hopefuls method cuz u believe it has helped him in some way.  Ive been eating mostly chicken and vegetables, i have already dropped 30lbs.  Btwn all this, those odors subsided, but came back a couple days after i drank.  Someone said clear liquors are safe for us to drink.  Idk cuz i mixed beer and liquor that 1 night.  

At first i started getting bumps on my face along w other certain little things i noticed.  Seemed like my body was reacting to something.  I called into work for about a month cuz i was depressed and i also thought i had bad breath cuz of that odor.   Shortly after and Long story short, 1 day at work, about 2 months ago, i finally realized everybody within proximity of me would cough.  On my drive home i freaked out and was at a loss for words.  Couple days later i tested it out, went walking around the halls of my job and i was able to clearly see numerous ppl reacting from me.  

Thought back to situations from about a yr ago, and remembered 1 of my friends from work would have these sneezing frenzies.  I even made a joke like man i think ur allergic to me.  She even said "ya i think i am bro." Maybe she just had bad allergies?  In more recent times, everytime id pick up my friend she would start sneezing crazy.  She said i wasn't like this till i got in ur car.  I didnt make the patm connection yet, i mean why would u?  Next scenario was when i noticed it at work.  Before it was like 1 out of 20 ppl, now its almost everybody.

So it has definitely gotten worse.  Within that yr i was drinking alot.  I was moving up in my job, had a nice car, and everything was looking promising.  So i was having fun.  As far as my eating habbits, i would work late hrs and then eat crap late at night.  My stomach doc ran some tests and saw that my body doesnt digest food as fast as it should.  Due to acid reflux, i have some damage to my lower esophagus.  This is what made me change my diet, stop eating late, especially before bed.  I made the patm connection shortly after this doc visit.  Idk if it is related to my patm symptoms tho.  

For me it all comes down to  me needing to arrange an appointment w a particular doctor in Dallas tx.  He is an MD, who also speciallizes in environmental health and medicine.  He has helped alot of ppl w weird health problems like us.  Alot of veterans who were exposed to gas, i believe its called agent Orange or sumthn like that, have gone to him for treatment.  He does not accept insurance, so i have been grinding making money the past few weeks so i can go w him and run all the tests that need to b ran.  So far this is the best option and what gives me hope.  Ive done research on him, the man is lagit.
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Dj_choppa, I also think I notice the smell more after drinking alcohol. Are you taking any medicine or supplements for Patm? How did your Patm symptoms begin?
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