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Everyone runs the likelihood of developing patm. It's a human type condition.

We don't need to label us as patmers. As long as you're human you stand the chance of running along the line of patm. Everybody in essence can suddenly become a patmer. That's the brutal reality. Do you guys respond to the reactions. Over the years I've gotten used to the reactions and can brush it off or even ignore it. It's not as hard as it sounds. I think in some sense we have rejected our beings. But that's not all of patm. Patm has manifested in our minds. Someone once compared it to a superpower we have no control over. That superpower is emotions/thoughts/feelings etc. We've lost our selves and need to find back ourselves.
For example our mind can travel far and long whereas our bodies cannot do as such.
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Everything we do for the sanity of our minds sake. Use this   phrase if things get too bricked up or troubled
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Patm did not originate from today. It's been in our world since. I also made the light switch flick on/off with the amount of overwhelming emotion I carry which I somehow am not able to express any better way.
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