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I am sick with this disorder also.   First started with fumes, literally coming off me, so strong that I quit work, because of foul smells daily , comments from co workers, friends, neighbours, people in stores, everywhere I was.  Now I am causing all family and friends to cough and choke, still sometimes odour comments.  I have had , gallbladder removed as it was non functioning,  low thyroid, on meds now.  I have had every medical test, 3 colonoscopies, mri's , cat scan's , liver biopsy of lesion,  tons of scopes and scans and ultrasounds, hundreds of bloodtests, saw  tons of specialists,  no doctors can help me, and  I would say 5% believe what I tell them.  One day I was giving off this Bleach odour so strong, my friend said,  You must have cancer, to be giving off such a strong smell.  I have tried the pro biotics, it varies with food I eat.. Tested 3 times for TMAU, and all neg. results.  Just to have a diagnosis is all I want,  What I eat has a huge impact, I am not able to eat  soya, dairy wheat, sugar and most everything makes me ill,   I stay alive with exercise, a fairly good diet, and    all I want is for someone to beleive me,,,,,,, that is all.  I have lost all friends, due to odour issues, and stay alone mostly .  I know what you all say is TRUE and I am a carbon copy of this medical issue... Depression and anxiety are  huge problems,  What can I say,, but I understand.
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  I am having the worse reactions, my Dog sneezes as he comes downstairs, my little ones in my life get sick if they are around me for long periods of time,   eeek,  I am on Prednisone for ibs,   colitis, I take probiotics ,  lots of water, I know I must eat more carefully,  I am pretty good if I avoid lots of meat, all dairy, sugar,  my big problem is coffee,, I drink mostly water purified,  LOTS of water,  I don't care about the odours anylonger as,  I am tired of making my family members ill ,, headaches, cold like symptoms.   I have read all the posts here I can,  I tested Neg. for TMAU,   but sure have ALL the symptoms,  burning up when I eat sugar, it  causes people to lose their voices if I am intense with sypmtoms.  10 years now,   SICK of it, tired of it,, Hate it, it has ruined my whole life.
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please try Oregano oil, it has helped me dramatically - google it for more information - it kills the poisons that are in our body !
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Hi there
Have a look at the main forum.
You need to test yourself for gut dysbiosis (indican test) and Candida.
The medical circle is mainly close to this concept, only naturopaths. It is nevertheless a growing issues of modern society.
Check the main forum, a lot of explanation there.
I myself suffered from PATM symptoms for 3 months. I have been totally cleared of it for 4 months now.
Good luck - there is a way out but it takes time and dedication.
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