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Since I started my parasite cleanse, I’ve been seeing a lot of floaters. When I sit on my balcony and look up at a clear blue sky, I see a big tube-shaped floater right in the center of my right eye. These are supposedly just dead skin cells.

Today I noticed lots of tiny little floaters that actually move around rapidly, like wiggly little worms or fireflies. They’re much smaller than the standard floaters and it’s disturbing how many there are. Does anyone else have these?
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Yes.  I have them also.  I posted about it here before.  I don’t think mine are normal floaters. They showed up exactly with my patm.  DO NOT tell the doctors that you think it could be worms or something in there. I made that mistake already.  They told me impossible and I shows them the articles I had found.  They then tried to get me to accept a psychological recommendation.   They did not care about the truth I was telling them
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I think I found an answer: it’s the Blue Field Entoptic Phenomenon

This video explains it: https://youtu.be/Y6e_m9iq-4Q
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