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Non-related sneeze vs patm sneeze

there's a difference between patm sneeze and a normal sneeze. heres the difference

- nose turns red or pink (this happens when your nose gets irritated)
- random sneezes going on and on
- runny nose afterwards

Non-related Sneeze
- nose not red or pink
- will sneeze only once or twice
- no random sneezes

I created this post for the sanity of PATMers because when your paranoid you begin to think your causing every allergic reaction. (iv'e expierienced this)

pay attention to how people sneeze when your away from them and when your in the room.
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I have also seen it happen multiple times through closed car windows and against strong winds...both of these are baffling
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Great post soulja. I consider PATM to be just one, albeit the worst one, of my Morgellons symptoms. It took many months of watching before I realized that the reactions could not be explained solely by floating fibers. I saw it happen lightning fast, through windows, upwind, and came to a conclusion similar to yours. Also, when it was horrible, I shocked everything and hair stood straight up. You are on the right path, Sir.
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Nobody can help us cos they think we are crazy. But after reviewing this condition further, I don't think it's parasites, in our sweat or anything attributed to bacteria, viruses etc.. I think this has something to do with ions, electrons and protons. I say this because lint is attracted to us, if the lint has a positive charge then We have a negative charge. Also my condition started this year. The only mistakes I made was to drop cat litter all over my bedroom floor, put to much washing powder in the washing machine and wore the clothes, breathed in mr sheen with dust trap technology as was not in a well ventilated room, touched an ivy plant in winter as it was growing over my window then broke the stem which caused the sap to go on my hands this gave me a tingling sensation on mu hand or used oven cleaner without gloves. No one if these is the cause of the problem I think. First if all cat litter has sodium bentonite which clumps the litter not sure what else is in there but sodium bentonite produces a negative charge which attracts toxins to sodium bentonite when wet (becomes like clay!) so this could have got under the skin and when you wash your face the water gets absorbed. I'm saying this because when I feel a sweat coming I get a reaction in between my inner skin and outer skin. It feels like something is burning/warming the skin.. But no sweat comes out. Also on a website they claim sodium bentonite to work up to 95 squared yards so this is why people in another car with windows closed might be reacting. In bright lights I saw a person itching but also could see the allergens flowing around that person. I got a mate to shake his top and the amount of lint that fell off was ridiculous. I sometimes see the fibres on my T-shirt sticking up. So this has something to do with static, electrons, ions or protons. I'm not a scientist but have researched so many topics but none fit except for the above. Like how can somebody itch in another car if it was an airborne parasite, how can someone standing on the other side of the office be itching - must be something to do with the electronic/magnet field we emit. We need a scientist to do some test on us not doctors who don't believe us. If any of you have had any of the above happen to you before you notices the symptoms please respond. I also have noticed when I am near tree's or plants I get this crawling sensation. We need help!!! Also I have noticed when I sit in a car I see loads of small particles coming off my clothes, this happens to the person sitting next to me aswell, so it must be a charge that we are emitting, I don't think this is contagious as when the person goes home they are fine, but when they are around us we make them itch. Only happens to people who have allergies and that's most people. On a positive note I think that we are curing some people of their allergies as some people do not react anymore I think they are building up immunities to dust etc. please post a reply, we can't go on living like this we need someone or an organisation to support us. Help!!!! Also check out NASA's research on lunar dust and the affects of sunlight hitting the surface.
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I attract alot of lent also.  The past few times i wore a black shirt it was ridiculous how much and how fast it accumulated on me.  Same thing when im in my car, u can see a lot of lent flying around.  I tried on a black cape at work, its a work thing thats goin on, and within a couple seconds it had lent all over it.  It was a lil embarrassing, i took the thing off right away
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