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Sleeping in rolled up position?

Hi everyone,

Just asking since I have been sleeping in straight position (I still lay on my side but I try to keep my spine straight), I do feel like I am digesting a lot better and my PATM symptoms seem to have been improved.

The question is; what kind of position do your sleep? Since my PATM started off corse I have been worrying much more and I have been sleeping in this rolled up position. Last week I thought let's try to keep my body straight and I have to say that I wake up much better, more energy and it seems I am digesting better which makes my PATM symptoms lesser..

Sometimes the answer to recovery is simple and I would love to hear your responses on this topic!

Kind regards and best of luck!

3 Responses
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I always have slept on my back 95% of the time.
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Sitting as well as standing in straight posture improves digestion hence patm. Chest out belly in
20637193 tn?1503890589
right answer
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I'm learning that it is very important while we are detoxing, eating clean and/or plant based  to
also be extremely concerned in how much we are pooping!

I have learned from an expert/professor that
If you are having only one bowel movement per day -  then you are officially constipated !!!

If you are eating 3 meals a day , then you should be having at least two bowel movements each day !  So. digestion of our food in a timely and effective manner is critical to being patm free.

So if you are eating right, but not eliminating at least twice each day - your goal of patm free health will not be achieved !

Question for everyone : How are you pooping ?
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