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Has anyone been through PATM in university?

Hey PATM community. I've been in the shadows on this forum for a few months after developing PATM post-antibiotics while backpacking southeast asia. It turned the trip of a lifetime into hell but at least that's in the past.

Now that I'm back home, I'm faced with the question of whether or not I should continue on to university in the fall like I planned, or take another gap year to fight this thing. I would much prefer to go to university, but having seen how my mental health deteriorated in the midst of all the PATM reactions while travelling I'm scared of ruining my entire university experience.

So my question for all of you is: have you been through university with PATM? How did it go? Did you manage to enjoy life and study hard regardless of everyone else?

Also, I'm currently eating coconut oil and taking probiotics for the Candida. I've also switched to a Vegan diet as more of a lifestyle choice. May order some Brown Rice powder and restore in the next few weeks.
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