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Heavily leaning towards massive subclinical bacterial infection for cause of PATM

I pulled out some of my blood work from a couple of years ago to do some research on two readings:  High SEGS (neutrophils) and low Lymphocyctes.  In combination, these two blood results indicate bacterial infection (if they were reversed i.e. low segs and high lympho that would indicate a viral infection.

I'm leaning heavily towards some kind of mycoplasma-type of bacteria, perhaps subdermal, that causes my PATM (my PATM is the "electrical" variation).  Did some research on the types of bacteria that can emit electromagnetic energy...there was a paper published a couple of years ago that said that certain types of e-coli (not necessarily the type that causes bowl upset...there are many other types of e. coli that don't do that) and a mycoplasma called mycoplasma pirum produce and may be able to communicate by radio waves.  http://phys.org/news/2011-04-theoretical-physicists-explanation-bacteria-radio.html

I find this to be of high interest, especially a mycoplasma since they are notoriously difficult to detect in typical tests (blood cultures, etc.).  I feel that my type of electrical phenomena produce an almost crackling wave noise as well as other auditory manifestations (which I will not go into on a public forum).  

Now to figure out what mycoplasma pirum hates and start pounding it with some of it...
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Hi soiledsystem glad you started a topic, I mentioned having pics of whats in me. Follow this link, these pics, are pics of what i have inside me, came out after colon cleanse http://www.lymephotos.com/bb/index.html
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Forgot to mention,  found 2 more people with patm in that microbiologist group. One said has h. Pylori afyer many false negatives
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Look up slime mold. It is everywhere. This mytosis is what causes the organisms in us
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Now that im done crying i can post that i just pooped out a ******* slug worm.
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Picture of snail??
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Sorry I haven't wrote back to you in awhile. I was trying to see whether what another PATMer mentioned how he cured his reactions. To not think about it. The power of thought! oddly, it started working for like three days. Weird. As soon as my anxiety begin to act up, I calm down and my reactions are less! Focusing on it too much makes it worse for me.

I tried to post this in the last post, but the website cut half of my comment off. I have paid attention to the puffs of odor. Anxiety and stressing out makes it expel out even more. I take gas pills, four a day two times a day. Two in the morning, two at night. I also started using mucus relief pills. Two a day. One in morning and night.
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your anxiety releases gas from organisms, I can literally feel a ball of hot air rise out of me when i get nervous, then very bad reactions, but still reactions all the time anyways
odor here too, I use body mint to help odor and patm
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Also, I noticed eating salads seem to make the reactions go away. I tried to experiment with it to see whether this was in fact true. So I decided to continue my daily routine without taking gas pills before bed and in the morning, as well as the mucus relief pills,
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Without the salad in the morning and in my lunch break. As soon as I wake up, my fiancee reacts, my kids react, the people in the car next to me while I am driving to work reacts, as soon as I walk into the door people react, non-stop reactions! Next day, I follow through with the medications and the salad, and notice that my reactions are so few! It amazes me!

I also wanted to mention that I had my tonsils taken out because of inflammation as well as tonsil stones. I haven't noticed a darn thing changed, and I had my surgery six months ago. My gallbladder I had removed because I believed it was a malfunctioning organ that was causing me to have upper abdominal pain. After surgery, it did make the pain go away. I still have it once in awhile. Twice since. Felt something moving like I had explained to you soiledsystem.

Also activated charcoal and chlorophyll works with odor. the most disgusting thing about the reactions is the flys, fruit flys, and gnats are very much attracted to me! I hate that! So disgusting!

Marine algae you mentioned in another post meowkitty, sounds almost comparable to the guy who believes mushrooms are growing in our stomachs. I figure it may be a plant that releases a certain odor like gas out through our pores and mouth. The gas is what's causing the reactions and maybe the black specks is the pollen???

I also have the white fibers. I just started getting them about a month ago. The fibers float around me, in my hair, on my clothes. They are every where!! I feel the stinging and the bites with the allergic reaction bump following after. I also get the clogged ears feeling and the feeling of hair floating inside my ear. I do not get the wounds however.
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Soiled system you talked about this being a smart bacteria, Read on slime mode, it can grow the correct rout through mazes, and it is used in bio-computers. If you do a image search for it you will only find what they want us to know, the scientific , or nature slime mold. I have a giant web of slime mold growing in my apartment staircase real high up. I took pictures in this staircase and things were flying by at super speed. Look up pictures of slime mold life cycle, this stuff is everywhere in the environment and inside of us, producing marine life as slime mold originated in the deep ocean and has gotten inland
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Meowkitty and Borntobe...whatever it is, it definitely uses an undulating/wave-like motion to propogate gas/electrical fields, etc.  I went to the doctor and got some Zoloft because the anxiety from this is killing me.  Doctor listened to my PATM spiel, didn't act like I was crazy, just said if I think this is what is happening, I believe because of the bite on my scalp years ago, then it would probably not go away and I would just have to learn how to cope with it.   PATM is in its infancy, like some other poster said about TMAU---at first doctors thought people that people who complained about TMAU were crazy, but turns out they weren't.  Still must be a biological explanation for this, not giving up.
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bite on the head sounds real familiar in group, many people have lesions, morgellons. Watch morgellons real or fake , under the microscope. On you tube. You arevery smart and you need to join the group I am in
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Soiled system. I started a new thread please follow it. There are 3 other patm people in this group i found
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Borntobe you said there is a guy who says mushroms growing in stomach,  guess wwhat . This lady in group had a very wierd specimin, turns out its mushroom. She had mushroom growing in her
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