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tired of being lonely cause of that condition I wanna make friends

who feel lonely and depressed and tired of that condition we can be friends and support each other you can contact me and add me here
5 Responses
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I left you a link in your mailbox. Be sure to follow the link and sign up. My screen name is zetti777 there. As for what did the people do to cure themselves,  you first need to figure out what you have. Joining this Discord will help guide you to finding that out. Once you do then you can move on to dealing with it. I can tell you that your diet and a lifestyle change will probably be necessary.  Depending on what you have, a doctor may be able to help you. Follow the link and see.
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So instead of answering my question you ask a question. That takes away credibility from your point of it being in our minds. I'll tell you what, answer my question first and then I'll answer yours.
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I'm at work right now, but I'll hit you up on this post later. There are actually quite a few of us who know each other and some have even met up in person.
Helpful - 1
thank u. I ll wait for it.
I have beaten it 100%. Patm only exist in our mind. it is true that we are creators, those people reacting to us is actually our own self. As for me my anxiety led me to patm. i can help you with how i overcome my own
If what you say is true, then how did so many people experience the exact same thing with our condition and the reactions we get from other people if this is only in our minds?
If i may ask, have you ever ask someone offline(physical) why they feel uncomfortable around you?
I responded to your comment in the wrong place. Let me try again. So instead of answering my question you ask a question. That takes away credibility from your point of it being in our minds. I'll tell you what, answer my question first and then I'll answer yours.
okay, let me put it straight. The truth is reality is not real, as a man thinketh so he becomes, we are product of our subconcience mind, and everything that surround us including our own self is just energy. excessive negative thought will mirror back negativity because like attract like. do you know that when i was a sufferer i will overheard people speaking of how i stink and where ever go i will be seeing reacting, its just like the whole world is against me, its reach a point where i wished i have never existed. But last year a miracle happens when i met a former patm sufferer online, he explains everything to me. i decided to know if what he was saying is truth, i went to exactly thesame people i overheard speaking of how i stink. i asked them if trully i stink as they said, but the reply they gave me blown my mind away, they told me that i must be dreaming that they don't even know what i am talking about, it was there i realise that what the other former sufferer was telling me is true. we are the creator of our own life even quantum physics tells us
Those people you see reacting is yourself nothing else. patm is an opportunity giving to us to become everything we want in life. Fear and anxiety causes patm
Ok, you gave me your explanation and I don't agree that it's all in our mind. After dealing with this condition for so long and people's reaction to you it is possible that you imagine that every cough, sneeze, or sniff is due to you, but that is how this condition works on you mentally. It breaks you down. As for your initial comment about asking people if they feel uncomfortable around me. I would say that over the years only 3 people were honest about having reactions when they were near me. One was a soldier in the Navy, one was a doctor who knew there was something wrong with me, but didn't know what it was, and the last was a real estate agent who was brutally honest. Most people don't understand how or why they get reactions when they are around me, but they are won't come out and say anything, because how do you describe something that you don't understand.  You can tell by their body language though if you've had this condition long enough. I was like you in the beginning thinking it had to be in my head. I've had this too long to know it's not and I believe myself to be realistic.  I'm not trying to change your mind or anything.  We all cope in different ways and who is to say that you are wrong about all of this?  So let's agree to disagree.
do you mind if we can chat through messenger so that i can easily explain some things to you. i also want to share with you some of the experience other former patm sufferers gone through. since i got cured, i've visited countless website viewing so many testimonies of former patm sufferers. and what suprises me is that all of us that got cured comes to the same conclusion of what patm trully is. there is more to this world that people do not understand and i think patm is trying to send us a message to who trully we are
if others can beat it, i know you can beat it. we all deserve a better life.
If you are serious about beating this and know that there is something wrong that may not be only in your head, then I can set you up with a link to the Discord that I gave Dreamia. Let me know if you are interested.
Zetti444 Si te lo dijieron que es? Que es PATM? como lo sienten? Por que todos aqui dicen teorias, sin embargo nadie dice que es en realidad.... Yo mismo anduve como loco preguntando a cientos de personas hace como 2 años cuando PATM era muy fuerte, ahora ya bajo bastante, solo tengo una vida casi normal, comer lo normal, algo de ejercicio....
Zetti444 If they told you what is it? What is PATM? how do you feel? Because everyone here says theories, but nobody says what it really is... I myself went around like crazy asking hundreds of people about 2 years ago when PATM was very strong, now I'm down a lot, I just have an almost normal life , eat normal, some exercise....
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Hi I have the same condition but it’s only on my feet don’t know what it is and I’ve suffered for 4+ years, I thought it was athletes foot or hyperhidrosis, we can meet up if your a girl?
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I'm not a girl, but I can give you an invite to the Discord that I gave Dreamia. There are other people like us on there, so you can do video chat or in person meet ups with the other ladies on there. Let me know if you are interested.
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Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I work and goto school. How long have you had this condition? I believe that I've had it in some form for atleast a decade or more. It sucks big time as you already know, but I've been in touch with others like us and there are a few that say they've beaten it and are trying to teach others how they did it. What have you tried so far to deal with this condition?
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What did they do to beat it?

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