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Will this work for you as it is for me? (PATM) (Possible Solution)

Hi there,

I've been experiencing this since last October (8 months ago), and I've recently been reading this forum. It has been greatly consoling to know that people share in this experience. First I'll quickly outline my thoughts, and second I'll pose my solution.

I share in the experience of people around me at worst coughing, but often sniffing, sneezing, scratching, or giving weird looks. This generated depression and social anxiety in me. It all started after I (in an uninformed way) messed with my breathing. I had a few instances of strange and amazing results with people around me acting euphoric and being able to indicate exactly what stage my breath was at. This led into a downward spiral of "off" or "un-natural" breathing which I believe has influenced my magnetic field or aura in a way that often makes people feel uncomfortable, leading to coughing and the rest of it. By deviating from nature, nature is sending signals back. Coping is very hard, as well as finding answers through this forum, but all the people here seem to be coming from a good place (save for those trying to sell products).

Firstly, I am on the side of believing that this has not to do with smell, odour, or gas. I understand that there are conditions out there that cause odour such as fish, garbage, or worse, and I'm confident this is not that.

Secondly, I do think that diet and exercise are always amazing and underrated, but I do not think that is the ultimate solution.

Today, although requiring a fair bit of effort and awareness, I was able to have a very close to normal day, and I've just started breath re-training. It's as if I'm working towards breathing at a slow and natural way into my pelvis, with little to no visible movement from my chest or abdomen. This web-page is my go-to breathing retraining resource.


Also I have started doing 16 hr a day fasts, and going for a run every day. With all these combined along with beginning some yoga classes, (and quitting weed), I'm confident that I will be able to fully cure this in the same way that it started, by fixing my breathing.

Good luck, please let me know if this works for you
7 Responses
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The breathing cure is a hoax. It simply doesn’t work and has no scientific basis. The whole purpose of breathing is for one reason – to carry oxygen inside for cellular respiration. This regulates and responds to oxygen demands by altering two main things automatically.

If you need more oxygen, it forces diaphragm and lungs to work quicker - breathe faster. It it’s a permanent need, the body forces bone marrow to create more red blood cells (oxygen carriers) to remove more oxygen from every breath because on average we only take 25% of the total oxygen that goes into the lungs. 75% is goes out again so it’s inefficient.

If you lack oxygen the signs are obvious, you’d continuously faint and probably will die within minutes if the situation isn’t corrected.

As I’ve said to you before, the easiest way to check the validity of your claim is just to get an oxygen bottle. Breathing from it can increase your oxygen intake by a million times than whatever breathing technique you’re suggesting. As I’ve mentioned on our last conversation, if oxygen was the problem then I myself should have recovered by breathing with an oxygen mask for days unconsciously in the hospital after the accident.

When people are incapable of getting enough oxygen, usually they are injured in some way, they will pass out and therefore need oxygen supplementation. This is why paramedics provide oxygen supplementation as an aid to patients in need.

The last thing wanted by a person suffering from little oxygen is exercise. Exercises depletes oxygen in the body which is why we breathe heavily during exercise. During exercise body literally is starving of oxygen. So ask yourself why is it that exercise helps PATM. If your claim is true, then exercise should make PATM worse or kill us, but it’s the opposite.

Also know when we do a health test most doctors run arterial blood gas (ABG) which examines the concentration of oxygen and CO2. None of us has been diagnosed so far with a low oxygen blood concentration.

Therefore, as you can see for yourself the idea of breathing in to get more oxygen is FALSE. Too many things have to occur to make your claim come true.
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But maybe different people can respond better to treatments than others. Possible?
Hey don'tgiveuphope, stop acting like you know everything. You can't explain everything according to science. So, if you don't know about it, just keep quiet.
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Welcome to the forum, @22MCanada !

I too have added intermittent fasting to my daily lifestyle as of a few weeks ago. I now make sure that at least 12 hours up to 16 hours exists - for example- between dinner tonight and breakfast tomorrow .

I have learned that, It helps our bodies to digest the day's food that we ate - much better .

As you may know , I continue to choose ( with joy) plant based food options - no meat, no gluten, no sugar, no dairy.

along with vitamins, water, daily exercise, frequent sauna, oil pulling, supplements.

All these actions, keep me patm free.

God Bless you always !

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But this is not a cure, it is only a reduction in symptoms.
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Deep breathing helps, that's for sure. This changes the level of PH in the body, and also helps reduce stress.
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Deep breathing seems to help me.  Thank you for your thoughts.  I appreciate most of what I read here.
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I haven't tried anything my stomach is killing me
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I can completely relate to everything you are saying as I've reached those exact same conclusions. Started off as a problem of bad breath phobia as a child from bullying on terms with it then developed into ocd then finally fell to the ground with this patm. Breathing is so important. It's imperative infact but we as people have become scared to do it so we automatically focus on it so much inwardly patm happens without any intention. It's almost same as feeling sick you don't necessarily choose to feel sick but you feel it with us we project this with our nervous/sick feeling and thoughts. I know what is happening exactly hence I am able to somewhat stop these reactions occuring again and again. Sometimes however it becomes overwhelming and there's no stopping. It. I've reacted to myself nearly as much as people reacting. Breathing. We are all scared of it.  Scared to proceed on and do it. We stop doing it.
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But then none of us have had “bad breath phobia” as a child. I’ve yet to see one claim with OCD except you. Btw, the only time a person stops breathing when he’s dead. Anyone that is alive breathes including when unconsciousness.

If your claim was true, we should see at least overserve >95% of PATMers with the above symptoms you mentioned but we only have less than 0.001%. That’s not scientifically significant if you know what that means.

Moreover, if PATM was any of the above, MeBO researchers and scientists would have found out already. They have not detected any abnormality i.e. red blood cells (oxygen carriers), to indicate anything of that kind. I think it’s therefore false to think they’d be able to find relationships at the molecular level with leaky gut, low amino acids but fail to see the obvious signs as you mentioned.

If your claim is ever right, then the statistical analysis shouldn’t show any distinctiveness among PATMers but differentiated from other groups including the control. This is why the PH.D. researcher said it herself on the MeBO presentation of their initial report, that the conclusion is therefore REAL, not imaginary. Therefore, it’s your claim against MeBO scientists plus 99% of the forum members. The odds there is very little.

To be pragmatic, one scientist is 100 times smarter than all of us put together. If all of them agree after thorough testing, then it should have some weight on our opinions, shouldn’t they? The only reason why PATM hasn’t been understood, studied, treated and cured in the past is because researchers and scientists have not given the effort to work on it. Research cost money… a lot of money and that’s what we don’t have. I know because I’ve worked with some of them. MeBO is the first and only to research on PATM with hardly any funding but look what they’ve found so far.

Note that I’m not claiming your opinion is wrong individually because you could be right regarding yourself but I’m exclusively referring to the majority of members in this forum, otherwise this forum would have been called from the very beginning “Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)” instead of “People allergic to Me” because allergies wouldn’t make sense anymore if the problem lies somewhere else.

Can you explain why should anyone here dismiss their rational thinking and believe your claim instead? I’d change my mind if there’s rationality in your explanation.

So in your opinion if we imagine we have no leakygut, the leakygut disappears spontaneously? If we imagine we have low metabolites like amino acids, then amino acids suddenly appear in large concentration in our blood stream? If so, can you explain how that biological metabolic process works because I’ve not found one scientific paper on google scholar or the university databases that I have access to, that explains anything coming close to what you’ve just explained.
I doubt that 1 scientist is 100x smarter than all of us.   Maybe know a little more about gut biome and such but it can all be learned.  We live this everyday.  Some of us here have master degrees from universities.

You are reading content posted in the People Allergic to Me (PATM) Community

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