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My point of view on the search for solution of PATM -Needs of your emails

How are you guys? apart from your PATM :)   I am much better.
In the search for a final solution of the patm, I think it is especially our approach that is lacking.
Me every time I posted messages here, it was related to exams that I have done, more than 37 so far. I even did some scans for some of us.
Even this step is not the right one.
What I propose to you, I will prepare a leaf with symptoms that are probably related to the patm and that I would send to the volunteers to check the symptoms that they recognize to have.
And I would add small experiences that I practice without taking any medication that significantly reduces the allergy of others.
The form I am going to prepare will have a maximum of 7 to 8 symptoms.
And you will see the direct link with the PATM.
Leave me your comments or send me a message: if I have more than 15 returns I prepare the file.
* You can create emails just for that, to keep your anonymity.
thank you in advance
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Please could you send me your emails in PM ?
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- Spits in the head from time to time (I do not know if it will be normal, before I did not notice it as much as when I had PATM)
- Tiredness of the body and fatigue. (I attribute it to the few hours of rest, I sleep 4 hours ...)
- Noises in the stomach, more than anything in the intestines, as if it were without food. (Usually this happens to me when I hear the effects of my PATM on third parties).
- nose covered from time to time, usually the right side. (before that did not happen to me, this effect was presented in recent months).
- White stones in the tonsils. (more than everything on the right side).
- You rarely see diarrhea.
- Anxiety (due to the PATM, as soon as it starts causing PATM effects around me, I get anxious, the latter started to control.)
I do not remember anymore.

In my analysis of blood, urine, saliva, etcs. The only thing they found was; Anisocitosis-Hypochromia, where the doctor prescribes me; 5mg folic acid for one month.
I also have symptoms of stationary allergy where the doctor prescribes an antihistamine.

I have a fractured right shoulder for 1 year, I am preparing for a surgery, about 7 years ago I had Tuberculosis, I finished the tuberculosis treatment in 1 year, 5 years after that treatment my PATM started, the first year I did not believe it, the Second year, I began to worry, that second year worsened to such an extent that it occurred to me to commit suicide, after wandering through hospitals in search of answers, I valued myself in the face of the refusal of all doctors, try all kinds of diets in almost 2 years (celiac diet, vegan, antihistamine, candida, etc.)
After all the only thing that worked for me or under the PATM effect of me was; Relaxation, lower anxiety, try to face fear, be more secure, among others more like self-esteem, I say all this because when you get anxious or nervous the PATM gets worse, the only way to keep the PATM partially calm was that (relaxation, self-esteem, etc ...).
The latter take the supposed supplements that would help lower the PATM, but they did not work for me.

Excuse me for my English, I hope you understand, thanks and regards!
Helpful - 2
- " nose covered from time to time, usually the right side. (before that did not happen to me, this effect was presented in recent months)."
- "I also have symptoms of stationary allergy where the doctor prescribes an antihistamine."
- " I finished the tuberculosis treatment in 1 year, 5 years after that treatment my PATM started,"

Thank you for your reply,
I also use google translation.
It reinforces me in the internet searches that I do every day.
Do you sometimes have dung in your nose quite regularly?
If you put a finger in your nose in the morning, does it smell?
Do you have trouble breathing sometimes, feeling like you're running out of air?
Are you sensitive to odors? (Do you smell easily?)
When you get up in the morning, your sputum is yellow when you brush your teeth,
Do you sometimes have thick sputum?
Are you a smoker or have you lived in a house with a lot of humidity?
I propose that we make a card and a small database of our emails
(even create for the occasion).
So each of us, will specify his country, his sex, his age, his job and fill the form. and sent back.

Do you sometimes have dung in your nose quite regularly?
I do not have anything eye-catching in the fluids that come from my nose, in fact, when I cover myself and blow in a handkerchief I only get colorless fluid and little thick, a typical nose fluid with allergy.

If you put a finger in your nose in the morning, does it smell?
The fluid in my nose has no smell.

Do you have trouble breathing sometimes, feeling like you're running out of air?
Last year when my PATM was worse If I was short of breath, I went to the doctor and I found anxiety-stress, according to the doctor the cause was anxiety-stress, this year I started to lose anxiety and along with it decreased the lack of air I felt from time to time, mostly when my nose is too stuffy. Only that.

Are you sensitive to odors? (Do you smell easily?)
Yes, I am sensitive to smells

When you get up in the morning, your sputum is yellow when you brush your teeth,
Do you sometimes have thick sputum?
I do not have yellow sputum, I do not notice, I'm one of those people who do not spit, it's not my habit to make noise and get spit, what if I sometimes have a bitter mouth, but a bitter mouth in the morning is normal if we consume X food, at least that's what the doctor told me.

Are you a smoker or have you lived in a house with a lot of humidity?
I did not live in a damp house, although the weather here is sometimes Humid in general in the Summer. I smoke only from time to time now for 2 months, before the PATM was an occasional smoker, only in events-parties with friends, nothing extreme.

Thanks, regarts.
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