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Toxic Spit

Has anyone else noticed that their spit is white or not clear? I have been trying to not swallow my own spit unless im eating and it has made my stomach less aggravated. I tried to not swallow my spit for 2 weeks and i think there was a smell decrease because i was around new people and it wasnt until day 3 of swallowing my spit again they said that there was a poop or fart smell. I think our spit probably contains a certain chemical that aggravates our stomach and the way i have found to get rid of the stomach ache(accompanied by a bad smell) is to drink something very acidic like lime juice. I think the key to getting rid of the fart smell might be to clear our insides of this weird chemical that can be found in our spit. If you want to test if you have non-clear spit then all you have to do is get an empty water bottle and spit into it for about 5 minutes and check the color afterwards. I am not sure what the chemical is, I am only sure that it makes my stomach upset, it is not clear, we have to get rid of this chemical somehow.
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I have been thinking this for so long . There is something about our saliva. One doctor did a sputum test but because it wasn’t from my lungs they said it was of poor quality. It’s like they don’t want to test your saliva for some reason. Although the test showed many rare rods, this was highlighted in red. My saliva smells rotten. I will see my gastroenterologist as well as my PCP today. I also notice when I spit it out in the commode the saliva looks weird.
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Im not sure how to dissolve it either. My guess is that the lime doesnt dissolve the chemical is only inflames your esophagus and your mouth which then makes it easier for the chemical to be rinsed out???I dont know if that theory holds any truth but its my best guess since i was testing out different chemicals and the effects it had on my saliva, from all the things i tried, nothing worked. I tried isopropyl alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, soap, toothpaste, lime juice and to my surprise nothing made the whiteness of my saliva go away. There have only been 2 things that made my spit look completely white, lime juice and hydrogen peroxide but both of them didnt have an effect on the saliva which is why i think those 2 probably make it easier for chemical to be rinsed out. I think it will be hard to find something that is able to nullify the toxicity of our saliva but i feel like its possible, after all there already is a powder that can make clear drinking water from swamp water.
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Oral thrush. Fungal infection….
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No oral thrush that would be visible to the naked eye. I would think a fungal infection would show up in bloodwork.
Have you been able to get rid of white spit? I still have no idea what it is and i have no idea what to do to get rid of it.
I believe it is something going on in the sinuses and this stuff mixes in with the saliva throughout the day as well as when we eat. I think I posted this before. But anyways our digestive system cannot digest mucus from the sinuses., or acid reflux one of the two. I just started on acid reflux meds and I also chew 3-4 tums as needed. I can certainly tell a difference. I also use dry mouth products only(biogenesis) I scrape my tongue really well before and after brushing. If I take a tissue and dab the inside of my nose l can see a little blood. I feel like I am dry from my nose down to my esophagus. I boil water and put a large towel over my head and breathe steam through my nose and mouth., I notice when I apply vaseline to my nostril overnight the next morning there is a sour smell in my nose.
I think it is there all the time. When I get in the shower I go from hot to cold on my face where my sinuses are. Dry mouth can cause stringy, thick mucus.
I meant biotene dry mouth products.
When i said i didnt know how to get rid of the whiteness from your mouth i should have said effective way of getting the whiteness out of your mouth. You can use acidic liquids to get rid of it like lime, lemon, apple cider vinegar, etc but you have to rinse your mouth with the liquid then rise with water and repeat 2-4 times.

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