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PATM?? Compare my symptoms to yours

Up until I was a junior in high school at 17 I had been perfectly fine. (Junior year is the first year I started taking/ sometimes double dosing adderall XR) I would take about 20-40 MG a day for school. (Adderall intensifies my symptoms by a big Margin) All the sudden I start experiencing things in class and around me that I'm sure all of you know. Sniffing, looks, coughing, sneezing, etc... My tongue was coated white and my breath was very hot. When I sit in cars even now sometimes all the windows will just fog up uncecessarily. I got terrible brain fog. Also my eyes seem to be more yellow than before. I also lost a crazy 40 pounds in 4 months which is related to having no appetite from adderall (possibly parasites). I developed a bunch of intolerances I've never had. I used to eat lots of bread,ice cream, pancakes, pastas, and drinks lots of milk. But when these symptoms began. All of those foods caused me to get bloated with diarrhea. BUT HERES THE THING. Summer rolls around I'm around people less.. I'm at football more sweating. I noticed no symptoms when I was at football or with friends. when I go back to school AT FIRST everything was fine and I loved life again. All of the sudden around October/ November the looks and sniffs are coming back. I think oh no nightmare round 2 it's coming back. And it did. It got worse. And worse. and worse. And worse as the winter went on through spring. Ever since it has never left but it goes up and down. So MY QUESTION is this.... why did this mysteriously disappear from about June- late October? All I did different was go to football and sweat but I'm in college playing football and that hasn't worked!!
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@Kingjownson, Hi, what is your race? Just asking.
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During the summer there is more sunlight which increases serotonin in the brain. Mind you PATM has a connection with mental health too.
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Yellow eyes is something that a doctor should evaluate. It could be a symptom of jaundice.
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I too took adderall xr 15-20 mg no longer on it
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Why do you ask us? First analyze yourself. What were your diets when under PATM? Did you ask how many people you smell or not? Because you may have TMAU, or you may have intolerance to some food similar to celiac, maybe the weather will help you down. First ask and write down all your routines and analyze them on a sheet. It is difficult to tell you why the PATM, here they go with that question, if the doctor does not give answers.

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apart from that, my diet was also of pizzas and breads before the PATM, apart from consuming corticosteroids, then the stress and anxiety gave rise to the PATM, try to analyze calmly, do not get into chaos as that feeds the PATM.
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