18751818 tn?1482352552

PATM is in my life since 01/01/2016

Im french. Ive this ****. since I moved and a new job .

Family people are immune

20% 30% at work react coughing sneezing sniffles .

People in the street and the stores react

Some people are very impacted and do not coughing stops

I have a scientific approach to the problem I 'm not crazy .

This is not deodorant , perfume , detergent, shower gel and odor.  I changed all

It could be I'm fine particle bike and I live near a busy street or pollen fir next to my home.

I did blood tests ok

I'm working on the idea of ​​candida lungs and sinuses

I also analyze the electromagnetic charge of my body

I 'm not sick I do not cough and sneeze I do not I eat organic and do sports .

I think it is related to stress or emotional shock or insomnia ;

I try not to think about it patm but the facts are there . We will find a solution
there is necessarily an explanation

I remain available for your questions
6 Responses
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same story i moved in city to go college and got patm 5 years ago.. im suffering for 4 years now **** life
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J'éspère que tu arrives à relativer cette merde. Reste fort mon ami. C'est incroyable que ceci est possible. Envoi moi un message privé si tu as besoin d'un chat.
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Interesting i first noticed this about a month or 2 after I moved and got a new job.
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Am leaning  towards  stress,  GI and respiratory  system problem
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I think stress is the link with respiratory system. GI ? What is it ?
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Where did you move to at onset?
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In shared flat with a friend in apartment.

Each room and bathroom.

5 km from my first home.
How are you now?Do you have improvement now?
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I m french salut!

Its electric biofilm combined with pyemotes or nematod
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2 type of Mycotoxins and 2 type of parasites.I was diagnosed with that.
Which types of parasites you were diagnosed with?
Coronavirus and strongyloides.
i see, very interesting! When i googled for patm and strongyloides i've found out about your story on badbreathhalitosis*com thank you for this offer, maybe wie are dealing with similar issues, bcs i also think the reactions aren't caused by a smell.

However you wrote that coronavirus is a parasite:
"Coronavirus is a cat parasite and I saw it in my stool-its like mucus with tentacles"
What do you mean by that? Bcs when i'm searching for this virus, i don't find something about visible tentacles, but the interesting part is, some time ago a few patm-people also told us about releasing tentacle-critters when taking albendazole...
Very interessing!

Coronavirus and strongyloides ; micro nematode of coton...
My doctor said that coronavirus is cat parasite.I don't know why.But I read that coronavirus in cats leads  to peritonitis,diarrhea etc. which is interesting fact.Strongyloides are brown worms.
Yes it is a cat virus. But i don't find anything about visible tentacles, except you have a microscope lol What have you done to see these critters in stool? Did you take some special medics or herbals?
They move in the water and they are visible.I was on antiparasite program for a month-cloves+wormwood+walnut tincture.Actually this is antiparasite program from Hulda Clark.
Hm you can't see a virus without a microscope... Are you sure he said coronavirus? Or did you mean that you can see the nematode in stool? Or did you have another parasite?
Yes I saw these 2 types of parasites  in my stool.Strongyloides are brown worms,coronavirus as i said -mucus with tentacles.
This very strange. Normally you can't see a virus like coronavirus with your naked eye you need a microscope, it's to tiny. Please take look at wikipedia. These worms are still 20.000 times larger than one coronavirus
This is strange*
Or do you think these worms were covered in billions of these virus?
Yes worms are larger but coronavirus it's not that small.
You can google it, a coronavirus is 120nm-160nm and strongyloides are 2.7mm which is 20.000 times bigger
It doesn't matter keltic.It was good that I was getting rid of this but that doesn't decrease PATM reactions because we need to restore the gut flora.
But if you had parasites and it was triggering patm it would be very helpful to know which ones. Maybe these parasites were triggering the bacterial imbalance. So if someone else with patm does have the same parasites as you did, it could be easier for him to find a doctor which helps him with getting rid of these parasites and reproduce the intestinal bacterial balance
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