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Hi guys please help! Im from the Philippines. I have a question, is Armpit odor correlated with PATM!?
Because my armpit smell fishy every morning but the smell is not so bad like a rotten fish, and people around me get itchy nose and sneeze!. Even when I wash my armpit they still sneeze.
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You should definitely look into tmau - since there's a fishy smell going on.
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4274626 tn?1487889732
1. Reduce stress (heal any childhood trauma)
2. Stop eating sugar and carbs
3. Kill the yeast until your gut heals (use capryllic acid, Candibactin AR and BR)
4. Eat nutrient DENSE foods (supplements don't absorb as well as beef liver and sardines)----these foods help the gut RE-BUILD.  Also put L-Glutamine in your food every day for the next year.  
5.  Eat fermented food with your meals (food with good bacteria).

Note..As the yeast dies it makes the reactions worse.  Have faith, it is only the darkness before the dawn.  

Emotional healing is paramount.
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1880475 tn?1579232941
please ream my post about hair coloring that solved it
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