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I am curious..where do you work at?

I’m only asking this because I have been fired from both of my nursing jobs here in Orlando.  This is really annoying.  They have come up with bogus reasons to fire me...almost like I’ve been set up.  I do have an attorney looking into my recent termination because management didn’t follow proper protocol with me.  I know its because I smell or whatever, make patients sicker, etc.  They have even accused me of not showering, brushin my BEAUTIFUL WHITE TEETH, or even sanitizing my hands when in contact with patients!  It’s crazy, but where do you all work because I do not think I can work in healthcare anymore.  Additionally, I’m going to lose my car, house, and everything I love and own.  I’ve applied to other healthcare organizations, but I’m terrified I’m going to go through the same things again.  Staying hopeful and positive though!!
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PATM is cholinergic urticaria?
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Can you explain more on this? I have had PATM for one year and never considered this as a possible cause. I have bumps all over my arms and my skin becomes very red when I workout and become anxious. What makes you think it's cholinergic urticaria?
Mycotoxins(candida,white and black mold) and methylation in the body-the likely reason for PATM.
It has several types in it, what I want to know is that, I'm not a doctor, I just found articles where the cholinergic Urticaria is because of a disorder, that is, at some point your body sought a way to respond to certain moods or tense situations, in fact, the colinergic Urticaria dismisses even allergic substances through our pores, sweat, that is because we can not manage certain chemical compounds in some tense situation ....... Surely we have some kind of trauma where our body body responds in that way constantly or in tense moments-nervousness, etc .......
If you do not know what PATM really is, many say it's some derivative of the TEMAU, others say it's some kind of Candida, others say it's genetic mutation, liver failure, etc.

The truth is that until now it is not known that it is in fact, many here say that it is such a thing, but for sure they can not prove it, they can not explain it either.

The best thing is that you go to a doctor or several, one or the other will guide you .......
Right now there are workers working in my window, they are fixing the façade, none of them is atoser or scratching their nose, they work quietly, until I feel confident in my room .....
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I work in a factory and also I will spend classes in the U. In my work we are like 10 and none tells me that I have a bad smell, it is more, there was a time in which they cleared their coughs and often asked them a thousand times , they interpret it as an allergy to some dust, all that happened to me between Autumn and winter, I was also asking how "crazy" again and again in my course and in the street, even in the row of the bank asking, none admitted that They had a bad smell, they simply do not know the problem, they just see it as an allergy. In my course they only cough about 3 students, sometimes none, sometimes the odd cough. I wish at least one told me that I have a strange smell, at least it would be a clue to find the solution. There may be several types of PATM.

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Hi Justincase_25.Sorry to hear that but you shouldn't be depressed because that is PATM.I remember last year how I and hopeful12345 adviced you to not taking any antibiotics because I knew what happened with me.Likely reason for PATM are mycotoxins and parasites but me and grateful2011 think that there is something with the process methylaton in the body.I write you in private because I know how i reduced smell,bad breath and patm symtoms and I want to help you so answer me.
I am not depressed as before, in fact I am already able to stop at moments, I do this with my mind, I am currently taking Vitamin B 12,6,9, vitamin C and before I tried others such as L-NAC, SB, etc, not never take antibiotic except for the olive oil in my salads, completely eliminate sugar by Stevia, etcs. I am currently better than 4 months ago. What I help the most is to relax and be calm mentally, as soon as I start to take it seriously, the hacking coughs this automatically presses me in the intestines and also the PATM gets worse, it is best to learn to recognize the problem and let go ... ... I also tried the diets and none worked on me, what if a good diet helps to have energy to be able to stand and cope, vitamins provide the same. Until now no one explains what it is really like; some say it is the lack of enzymes, others say it is the altered intestinal flora, others say it is mental ....... blah blah blah. But well, I will continue to meet with doctors to see if in years they find something, another I do not have, after finishing my studies I may start studying, even though I do not like the area of ​​study of the subject. ......
Yes, lack of methylation seems to be it as well.  I did not start having issues until I took antibiotics (2 years ago) and even before then.  I had strep throat every day and it sucked.  I did not know what to do so I went to my MD who prescribed antibiotics and I actually felt better.  I was taking SB probiotics along with the antibiotic.  I felt ALIVE!  However, it did not last.  It takes alot for me to get depressed.   My roomates are a great support system as well as friends that I am SURPRISED I still HAVE LOL!  
It's because you're a good person Justincase_25.We are nothing without our family,friends.People who love us.Antibiotics only reduce symptoms till you take it and then PATM is the worst-bad breath,smell,coughind,sneezing etc.And I had mold in my room due to antibiotics but when I eat fish,beef,liver beef I am feeling better.Eat more b12 rich foods -that helps(only diary is not ok because of mycotoxins).
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Hi Justincase_25.My best friend is working  as Emergency Department Registered Nurse in Florida hospital in Orlando.I told you that because I know that you are from Orlando and it will be interesting if you know her.I work as Warehouse Stock in firm which is about medical equipment-cardiology,physiotherapy,aesthetics.But you know I'm in warehouse and I work with logistics department.Last 3 years was like hell.Due to antibiotics I knew that I smelled.One of my colleagues told me that before 2 years.But this year I have great improvement.You know that I'm 90-95% PATM free and now I don't have problem with smell.Only if I eat certain foods I have gas but that is rare.Yes some of my colleagues knew about my problems(with smell) but I'm happy because they like me as a person-I'm intelligent,positive,interesting,,funny guy and professionalist at work.People are not bad-they just don't know about the whole problem.
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Wow what a small world mindspace !!  I just got fired from Florida Hospital Orlando and worked in Women’s Hospital before they left me go.  I was within my 90 days because I almost got fired from Orlando Regional Medical Center.  They built a case against me ...I was on final warning before I had to find something else.  FH was terrible.  I remember nurses pointing at me in the cafeteria and saying “It’s HIM!!”  It’s sad that this had yo happen because FH is a religious hospital...I don’t believe in organized religion, but it sucks that these individuals treated me the way they did.  I had no friends at all, and I am a cery outgoing person.  My colleagues set me up to get fired and I know it.  Long story, but I do not know where to work now.  I’m out of options..
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