plesase stop to confusion people this is not medical problam this is some kind of anixty stress
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Russian, привет,страдаю PATM 15 лет, молчал 14 лет, испытал психологическую травму в школе, на следующий день после этого появился PATM,пол года назад обратился к врачу за помощью, вместо помощи поместили в психиатрическую клинику, через месяц поставили диагноз - психическое бредовые расстройство.
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I've cured my PATM mid-2011 and since then I haven't got problems with allergic reactions from others anymore. I agree that it is the stress which causes allergic reactions. As I wrote long time ago I noticed that when I was stressed or I was worried that I caused allergic reactions in others (being in stress condition also), at this time there were many allergic reactions from other people around me. I realized that being in condition of constant stress, thinking about PATM always and worrying about every cough around me made my PATM worse. I hadn't got enough confidence in myself too. Gradually I pay less attention to PATM and began to notice fewer and fewer allergic reactions from others. After taking a tranquillizer, I've completely cured my PATM.
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