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People Are Allergic To Me (PATM)

People are allergic to me. And a lot of other people around the world are suffering from this condition. Doctors do not beleive the reports, and most of them claim that we are crazy but we all know that we're far from being crazy. This condition causes so much heartache and stress. I have sent emails to CDC, NIH and WHO with no help. Would you please address this issue?
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I was thinking we could all contact her with our stories, symptoms, ect.  
She does work on metabolites and such and since I feel are problems are dietary she could possibly help us.  Right now they are mapping the Metabolome like we did the Genome.  The Metabolome project is mapping all the metabolites that exist in our bodies.  Pretty exciting stuff.  
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I was wondering if we should reach out to Dr. Irene Gabashvili.  She used to have an active website "Aurametrix" but only her twitter account is active.  She also has a facebook page.  She is the scientific advisor for MEBO(TMAU).  I know she is involved in metabolites.  She might find us very interesting.  Any thoughts?
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I literally eat whatever the hell I want btw.
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Of course you can get better. All you need is to put some work into it. That is really desensitising yourself. I don't know yet what causes these 'allergic' reactions but it is all just a feeling  - the way you are feeling and you are able to project that onto someone else. That is how low we feel. For example if you feel nervous and sick and suddenly the fright literally freezes you youre projection literally goes there. But bottom Line its all just a feeling and I'm sure feelings can be overcome. What's interesting to me is I developed this feeling at 6 years old but ocd tripped its way in to backminish these feelings and when ocd went the feeling submerged its true reality. It is true in fact that people have created the personality that we have.
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my journey with patm and patm free is well documented on this forum

feel free to check my past posts, which began about december 2011

brief synopsis:  became "aware" and noticed people allergic reactions in my presence : coughing, sneezing, wiping their nose, gagging etc

before beginning oregano oil capsules - was consuming fast foods, junk foods -any foods i wanted

gradually , after researching and googling and youtubing info : stopped consuming the following : sugar ( stevia instead), dairy, meat, gluten, fast foods, processed foods, junk foods -

started and remain now -  embracing plant based food choices 90% of the time along with supplements

also no specific exercise , however when using the oregano oil capsules - I would also go to the dry sauna a few times each week to help remove toxins

hope this helps, what is your experience ?
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Were you on any exceptional diet or exercise regimen while you were taking oregano oil?  Also before you started taking oregano oil, could you give specific symptoms of your patm problem?
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