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People Are Allergic To Me (PATM)

People are allergic to me. And a lot of other people around the world are suffering from this condition. Doctors do not beleive the reports, and most of them claim that we are crazy but we all know that we're far from being crazy. This condition causes so much heartache and stress. I have sent emails to CDC, NIH and WHO with no help. Would you please address this issue?
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Hey all.

Just a quick question.

Does anybody here has a hypothesis for how long the projection of our molecules can be? In other words, how far away can someone be before they begin to experience reactions? Seems to me like it could be 20-50 feet.

If anyone else has any information on this it'd be helpful to me.

By the way, incredible work everyone here is doing. I'm getting more and more confident that we will reach a cure by the end of this year, if not then next year!

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chance, sorry.

My patm begins when I was 20. That simply break my life. I
abandon the studies at the university. No one understand what happen with me or even think that I was crazy. Thinks to the internet, I was able to read stories about others who lives the same condition.That was like a light in the dark !.
Now I know that others live the same situation. For me, this information is like solving the issue itself ! Because for years I do not understand what happen when others react to me. Do they hate me? Are they some secret service wishing torment to me? That's crazy. After that, alone with my head, I begin to explain to myself why this happening.

That a short story about what I lived.

Just to add, I read that some patmers are cured using antibiotic. Others have stopped  dairy. Other have used diet. Well, that excellent. I wonder  why that do not work for other.  
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I think personaly that Dr Donatini  is revolutionary. Why? Did you already try to explain to someone Patm and tell you that you are crazy ? I am sur that you did. This desaese is so special, and even trying to explain to someone what patm is, is not possible, you will not able to expalain him. But me, I am patmer and I know what it is.
The reason why I believe in Dr Donatini approach, is that he use material for bacteria detection in breath and the various gas from the body. Dr Donatini do not know Patm. But his approach is more likely to detect this so special desease. I do not know if he will effectivly solve the issue, but, to the best of my knowledge, no professor or specialist of that kind did already speak about desease detection using breath.
Our body is emitting molecules for which others react. That why Dr Donatini approach can be interesting.
For sur understanding patm is not an easy task. If that was the case, that certainly be solved for years from no.

This is my analysis. When we cough, the body is reacting to some strange particules. That could be virus, or any other strange element to the body. This means that the concentration of toxines in our body is anormaly elevated.
Dr Donatini claims that there is two aspects of interstin infection: bacterial and hormonal. Fortheremore, he proposes a cure.

Patm is very strange and painful condition.Hundreds of desease are not explained for now. Think about mycose for example. Also, even when certain desease is known, sometime no cure is proposed.
So, patem, for the time of this writing, do not belongs to any of the categories. Why? It is not even recognized. No doctor know this desease. The medical community do not know how to proceed.

That said, keep working guys, may the change be with all of us !  
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@BBoy123456, that’s a presentation, not a study. There are numerous claims by many professionals. His claim is most likely true but it doesn’t matter because it doesn’t help us. There could be hundreds of things going wrong in the gut. Our patm problem is a claim too. If we want to get out of our problem, we definitely cannot use other claims to solve our own claim. We need to use well founded studies.

Detecting diseases through breath test is straight forward on the fact that they are looking at different molecules within patients’ breath and determine if they are unique enough to identify a particular disease from others. So detecting a disease through breath analysis is not a new thing as long as researchers can find the particular molecule(s) in question and link it uniquely to a disease. The process of drunken drivers taking breath test is a form of molecular breath test for drunkenness so breath test is not a new thing. The new thing is when researchers discover a particular molecule(s) in the breath to tie uniquely to a disease.

Our current dilemma is that we don’t know what’s causing patm. We don’t know if it’s the gut, an organ, enzymes deficiency. And if microbes are involved, what kind is it? Is it a protozoan, worm, virus, bacteria etc.? So we don’t know what to look for at this stage. There could be hundreds or thousands of different molecules within our breath. To test for each one of them to where it leads could take decades and there’s a chance we’d miss a couple. Therefore if we knew exactly what the problem was and what particular gas it’s supposed to produce, wouldn't we just go straight to the expert in that field and ask for help.. but that is our problem we don’t know that. The possibility for whatever source it may be is enormous.

What ray2502 is doing is trying to cross referring at least two plots of organic molecules(s) from a patmer and a normal person and compare to cancel out similarities and leave out differences to stick out like a thumb as he said it. It’s much easier that way to just track in reverse, once we have the isolated molecules in question, the chemical pathway to the source within the body. The source could be the intestine, microbes in the liver etc. The reason why we can trust the idea of Gas Chromatic/Mass Spectrometer, is because it prevents any chance of excluding patm in the test itself.It's like a fishing net design to capture all fish and none excluded. Almost any other test that we do has chances of patm being excluded. Other form of test can come later but once we isolate the molecules in question with this initial test, everything else is easier.

What I’m worried about is that researchers might not accept ray2502’s approach. They said it themselves, its $2000. If that doesn’t happen or something goes wrong, we are looking at many more decades of more frustrating journey.

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This is a very intersting study: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjH4O5_r6rM.
For thos who do not understand french, this doctor claim that he can detect intestin infection using breath. He claims that there is gas output from our breath which is the result of fermentation, the result of the activity of bacteria.

Please search google for more detailles about this doctor and his theory.

Unfortunatly, he is from france and may be expensive to travel there.

Sorry bad english.
I am from Algeria.
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1880475 tn?1579232941
Internet shows this as medicine for animals with Demodex: Mitaban Dip (Amitraz) .

Lets try this and report back.
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