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People Are Allergic To Me (PATM)

People are allergic to me. And a lot of other people around the world are suffering from this condition. Doctors do not beleive the reports, and most of them claim that we are crazy but we all know that we're far from being crazy. This condition causes so much heartache and stress. I have sent emails to CDC, NIH and WHO with no help. Would you please address this issue?
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I too used a drug called ThreeLac for treating Candida. There was less problems when I was using it, but the strange symptoms reappeared when i stopped. I cannot afford to buy that drug from US as I have to pay the customs duty everytime here.I am not 100% sure that is worked but it helped upto some certain point.

One more thing I observed. For the past 10 days is that I almost stopped eating non-vegetarian and there were less symptoms and yesterday I had a simple fried Chicken Sandwich and the problem started... Now I am 100% convinced that soon I should take the path of a vegeterian or even vegan.

I continue to look for the results of others,

Have a nice day pals,
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Maybe you were getting rid of your candida but didn't fully get rid of it.  If you don't keep at it, it will still be there, even if you did the diet/anti-fungals for a while.  You need to make sure you fully got rid of it because it could be the source of the dysbiosis creating this allergic gas.  It might also be that since we have candida, there aren't that many good bacteria, and it might be that all we need is good bacteria to combat these gases that are being produced.  So we can't up our good bacteria just by taking probiotics, we have to have the environment in which they can survive and grow, a candida infested intestine is the reason they won't grow.  This is what I'm hoping anyway.
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Check this out: http://www.mightymicrobes.com/products/em-food-grade.php

Maybe besides getting rid of candida (or whatever), we should be growing a thick garden of good bacteria in the gut.  This talks about helping to reduce the bad bacteria too.  I am thinking about doing this to repopulate my body after I've gotten rid of my candida.
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I'm curious if everyone on this forum has had constipation as a recurrent problem. I'm not now, but was all during childhood up until a few years ago (when I started having daily bowel movements). I also consumed mass quantities of milk and sweets as a child and into adulthood. Plus started drinking beer on a semi regular basis about 12 yrs ago. These things would make candida overgrowth a definite possibility acoording to all accounts. This  may explain why my symptoms have decreased somewhat since drastically changing my diet, plus being regular. Sounds plausible, but who really knows?
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Actually my constipation started about two years ago, and comes and goes. But I have been free for about 6 months. Prior to two years ago I never had constipation before.
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Got stuck with constipation :(

Any other findings please?!

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