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People Are Allergic To Me (PATM)

People are allergic to me. And a lot of other people around the world are suffering from this condition. Doctors do not beleive the reports, and most of them claim that we are crazy but we all know that we're far from being crazy. This condition causes so much heartache and stress. I have sent emails to CDC, NIH and WHO with no help. Would you please address this issue?
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I go the computer at the library.
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You are actually homeless but own a computer with internet access?
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I have suffered from PATM for the past nine months. In fact, I am actually homeless because of PATM, as my roommate’s girlfriend wouldn’t stop coughing, and, since the government will only put me in a house share, I opted to ‘sleep rough’, so to speak. I, however, do not believe, as the great majority of people here seem to, that it is attributable to any yet-to-be-discovered illness. I just think it’s a bizarre form of cruelty/sadism. To back up this claim, I can give you a couple of pieces of anecdotal evidence.

1. My roommate’s girlfriend used to start coughing every time she heard that I’d got a message on my phone.

2. There were about four people who laughed while they were coughing or after they had finished coughing around me. One person who was with one of these people even said, sarcastically of course, and while laughing herself, “don’t do that”.

3. One guy started coughing before he passed the spot where I was sleeping. As he passed, he waved his towel at me to let me know that he was coughing at me, then continued coughing.

4. When I was in the library one time, I was waiting to check out my book as there was a guy who was in front of me. As soon as he turned around and saw me, he sniffed (but, of course, did not do so before he turned around and saw me).

5. One time I sighed in frustration when this guy sniffed as he passed me, and, after I did so, he smiled a conceited smile.

6. Two other times, one in which a guy was repeatedly rubbing his nose around me, the other in which a girl was repeatedly sniffing around me, I kept looking at them, because, of course, they were engaging in such behaviors, and this prompted each of them to, in each respective situation, smile in conceit.

7. I put my earphones in one time – though I didn’t have any music or the internet on my phone so wasn’t listening to anything – just to see if it would change anything, and when I was walking into the supermarket, a guy coughed as he approached me, without covering his mouth, then raised his hand to his mouth before coughing a second time, as he obviously thought I did not realize that he had coughed the first time.

8. Just this morning, after a guy coughed, he said something to his (I presume) wife as he passed me, and she laughed.

9. No one has coughed or cleared their throat while on the phone to me who hasn't already met me.

So, call me pessimistic, but I think this is just a case of cruelty/sadism whereby this cruelty/sadism manifests itself through coughing, sniffing, throat clearing, etc. etc. I still signed the petition, because I am a PATM sufferer myself, but I don’t think there’s any underlying illness or condition which we will come to discover in the future, and I certainly don’t think it has anything to do with body odor or diet. I’m not going to spout any platitudes such as, “just go out and enjoy your life”, or, “don’t let it get to you”, because this has completely destroyed my life, but at the end of the day, I think the best we can do is support each other as fellow PATM sufferers – though I would love it if I were wrong.
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I am 20 years old living in Japan .
It has been plagued by 10 years PATM. Around you sip cleared his throat and nose . All because of PATM has collapsed . Are you what measures you ? Also I think the PATM heal ... ?
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Instead of the shake just eat hemp, chia and flax seed plus other super foods. Not helping my patm though
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To reduce PATM symptoms temporarily, I use a little bit of food grade hydrogen peroxide mixed in water. I usually take it when I'm on an empty, or close to empty stomach, and after 5-10 minutes I usually don't get any or only very few reaction for 1-2 hours.

Be careful though because too much of it is dangerous, and it tastes awful too. It's a bad idea to use it on a full stomach since it neutralizes the stomach acid, making it harder for your stomach to digest food, and that in turn I've found to increase reactions. The hydrogen peroxide itself is also very antibacterial and antifungal which in small doses is beneficial for you.

I bought mine off ebay, and be sure to pick a "food grade" one.
Hope that helps!
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