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People Are Allergic To Me (PATM)

People are allergic to me. And a lot of other people around the world are suffering from this condition. Doctors do not beleive the reports, and most of them claim that we are crazy but we all know that we're far from being crazy. This condition causes so much heartache and stress. I have sent emails to CDC, NIH and WHO with no help. Would you please address this issue?
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Read is ok, but its better just to pronounce them in your mind, believe me, because you should do it everywhere, on work, in public, at grocery store, you got the point

I'm looking forward for your enlightment and purifying

Dont cheat :)  Nothing more that beauty words of compliments to yourself your mind should say, with every sentence you get better and better, I love you my dear

Now I need to go to sleep, its 6:42 in Moscow. Today I'm going to sleep with a thoughts "I'm going to be the best person in the world" and "I will accomplish all my dreams"
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ive written those wonderful words in a piece of paper in pentelpen so i can read it again and again. just reading it gives new air in my body..
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wow..listneing to paul collier song type in youtube 47 Musical medicine No.1 The Virtual Inhaler. by Paul Collier ..and all his song 52 53 ..etc ..it heals my soul somehow.. cool.
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My dear one, dont think so hard about unnecessary things, please

Think about what I told you, when you will feel yourself blessed, then you can think about that kind of things (but you will dont want, really)

Right now there is a plenty of work to do, dont waste your precious thoughts
Think only

- I feel myself perfect
- I am so beautiful
- I am so healthy
- I look so fine
- I am happy
- I'm the happiest person in the world
- I love you people
- Everything is allright

By the way, I dont want to remember anything and think about anything that didnt even exist (PATM is not real, you will understand soon)
I'm here just to help you all and when I'm trying to get you on the right course and to help you understand, I myself remember those bad things, so I put harm to myself. Please also understand my position and follow my instructions exactly, I'm not a robot, so I can be tired also. Think about me, as I think about you when writing this manual of beautiful life
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your correct. When ever i think that everything is alright..or think im beautiful ..i see something gone from the patm stress on my face. its like its now aglow. I see myself shining beautiful if i keep on being positive. but if im stressed with this patm.. i see it instantly stressed face.
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just a funny thought..Maybe this thing inside our bodies are really a little demonic. it  came from the caves that lab scientist took from there because they really want to make strong antibiotics. (just watch a documentary about how tey get specimens to put in antibiotics to fight infection). Must be that they've took demonic species in those dark caves. and worse they even manipulated their genes since they want more potent specimens to kill infection) what if its true. Anyways not really hard to  take because im thinking its weird disease. So take care of your nerves..keep them relax..because that's what keeping it on coming out of our bodies and attacking people.  Even thinking that PATM doesnt exist is the best PATM cure.
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