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People Are Allergic To Me (PATM)

People are allergic to me. And a lot of other people around the world are suffering from this condition. Doctors do not beleive the reports, and most of them claim that we are crazy but we all know that we're far from being crazy. This condition causes so much heartache and stress. I have sent emails to CDC, NIH and WHO with no help. Would you please address this issue?
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Hi thisssoweird, the electrical currents idea is not a theory, it’s just a suggestion by some people here with no background in the area to understand what’s possible and what’s not. I read a lot of comments about electricity and I began to question if they understand what electricity to begin with. After reading so many comments, my only conclusion, is that many don’t have any clue and only think they know, and give fictionally ideas based on X-men and startrek.

Regarding the link you’ve posted, I’ll just summaries some facts about that. The explanation I read is more like sweet candy wordings of a simple idea from some media people to sell their story.

Here’s the thing, we know for a fact that unicellular organism existed since the beginning of life in this planet before any multi-cellular organisms… as a matter of fact, they gave rise (evolved) to other multi-cellular organisms including us. They’ll also continue to survive on when we go extinct, to give rise to other group of species.

In any case the world is covered by unicellular organisms always. It’s not just humans but everything is covered by microbes. They’re like dust everywhere and in motion all the time. We can’t stop it even if we wanted to. That’s why food go bad anywhere whether it’s up in the sky, down in a pit or in the middle of the ocean. Decaying is the process of bacteria etc. consuming the matter. So if you leave a piece meat etc. anywhere around the world without refrigeration/heat/antibiotics they will go bad because microbes will act on it. This means you and I and all the tables and chairs, land, air, the ocean are covered by all kind of microscopic organisms… the ratio of bacteria to cells on/in our body, if I remember from the first biology course I took is something like 1:10. This means if all the microbes’ cell were as big as human cells, they’d drown us and our stomachs will pretty much explode. Our immune system is constantly fighting microbes on/in us. The moment we die they take over and decompose us. The microbe that float free in the air from us, is when we scrape them from motion or breath. The rest is blown from other sources. So the air contains microbes all the time but the density differs from one area to another. Most of the microbes are harmless. They go from person to person and to animals and other things.
Some cannot survive long in the air without getting in contact with a food source.

“But this theory really doesn’t work with making people itch upwind, through windows of moving cars, and it also struggles to explain the times when the bystanders seem to itch first or at the exact same time as the sufferer. ”

The wind is not unidirectional as you think and very often buildings/objects will cause it to go in weird directions changing and circling from now and then. If you read about toxic gas incidents within cities, people that get intoxicated aren’t in one wind direction only. That’s because wind can circle and go up and down again depending on various factors.

Nonetheless as I was saying before, we could debate on that for ages but none of us has the ability to test for anything. It’s just too complicated to handle.. it could be anything and we wouldn’t know how to rule out one causation from another. A million causation or the combination could easily give the effect. It could be someone that had flu nearby or another patmer you don’t know about was upwind. The problem has to be broken down to manageable units that are testable. For example, if you think it’s electrical then that can be tested. All patmer can be tested if they have X-men abilities..lol to start with. It’s a very simple thing to test for that. I can do it. Almost all high school students with good grades in physics can do it too.

The other simpler question to ask is patm a microbe that’s airborne. It’s possible and that simple hypothesis can be tested too but none of us has the detailed knowledge or equipment to carry out a successful experiment to verify and eliminate all possible microbes. But remember many here have tricked experts into giving them strict pathological tests and came up with nothing. Nevertheless beside all that, how do you explain why other people aren’t patmers after being exposed to us? Have you heard of an infectious disease that causes harm to others but no infection? So far, we have never heard of another person being infected from a patmer. None!

So whatever the substance that is airborne, it’s not infectious. So it cannot be a pathogen. However, we don’t know what’s causing the allergic agent to be created in the body in the first place. It could very well be bacteria/fungi in the gut but the actual agent that gets airborne in the air has to be some non-life entity. Identifying that can lead us one by one back to the source.
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Here is some information I found for my mold sickness.  I too have some of the same symptoms as those that are sharing here.  Dr. Bernstein shares some great information regarding testing available at Quest Diagnostics. The link below will lead you to his interview;


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Thisissoweird, I have the same reservations with a couple of theories here. The gas theory is a good one, since when I used to experience severe PATM my skin was covered in bubbles every time I took a bath. But this theory really doesnt work with making people itch upwind, through windows of moving cars, and it also struggles to explain the times when the bystanders seem to itch first or at the exact same time as the sufferer.

The electrical currents theory also interests me, since during the onset of my PATM, (which went from nonexistent to making 95% of people that I passed react in just one week and has taken 4 years to nearly eliminate), I was shocked by everything I touched and my hair stood straight up on end for 2 months. I suspect that the organisms involved generate or feed off electrical currents, but the currents are not the main explanation for the phenomenon.

An NPR story a couple days ago outlined what I have intuited the past 4 years since this started- that all people are surrounded by a "cloud" of airborne microbes that are constantly being emitted from their skin. I suspect these microbial communities use very advanced and poorly understood means of quorum sensing communication. Communication inciting movement between these microbes could be the explanation for PATM.

Here is the link: http://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2015/09/22/441841735/wherever-you-go-your-personal-cloud-of-microbes-follows
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It doesn’t mean that breath is the only means of distribution. All bodily secretions of a patmer should have the patm molecule but breath will only contain airborne VOCs. We are looking for only airborne type. It’s a narrower group to test for.

You’re not a science person so I can understand why you don’t know what I’m talking about. The only thing that you can exchange with another person is airborne molecules. There’s nothing else.
Let me repeat that statement, there is nothing else, no possible way for any exchange of material between two person not touching each other except through the air. All scientists that look for diseases past from one person to another without contact will consider only this factor alone because there’s nothing else.

That’s why I insisted for many of you to attend university or at least community level because it’s very hard explaining these things to ordinary folks.

Someone insisted electromagnetism but that’s crazy talk and it’s not worth discussing.

The other side of the classroom scenario is simple. Just think a little further after reading my comments below.

About the car issue, there are two possible explanations. First one is paranoia on our part. You cannot spontaneously assume that every allergic reaction is from you; especially if both cars have all windows closed and have just come in adjacent to one another for secs. Second, if patmer’s car window is open then of course air will seep out. If you’re breathing for hours in that area, then of course, the whole area is contaminated with your breath..lol.. any car that comes in close proximity with at least one window open will likely… finish it off etc.

You might think this is impossible but there are toxic gases that can do this even worse. Some toxic gases are 1000 times more potent. It will probably take you hours to breathe in an area to observe the effect you mentioned, but a much small amount of toxic gas such organophosphates released in any area, can literary put people to sleep in cars if they happen to pass by.

Now I don’t want to get there for two reasons. First, it sounds paranoia to even presuppose a situation like that. There are too many factors to consider to even propose a possible scenario. The general idea in problem solving is not to conclude for complicated problems as such but leave it alone but break the problem to smaller manageable size. Then you can tackle the smaller problems individually. It’s not a good idea to challenge a problem as big as a cruiser. That’s why we should start by identifying what we release in the air first. It’s simple and can be tested for.

Concerning what hopeful12345 was referring to, we are all thankful for his contribution but you need to update yourself with posts on other forums first. If I remember correctly, that was given by hopeful12345 in some 1 to 2 years ago using the same name in another forum. People have tried it including myself. I have improved that formula with a combination with other drugs and got better results, however, the combination is dangerous. Hopeful12345’s method can decrease your patm by about 40-60% depending on other factors but it won’t cure patm – read his comments, he says it on other forums. It takes about 3-4 weeks, more or less, for any effects to show. Once you’re off the diet patm will return at full force.

The lab technician and I have combined that with our own formula to come up with an experiment which gives almost 99% patm free within 8 hrs. The purpose of the experiment is to test the nature of patm, not for a cure – that’s a long way off. Within a week I was sick most probably from the toxicity of the drugs involved.
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What is everyones thought on why people can get reactions if they are in a car adjacent to ours or if they are sitting on the other side of the classroom?

If it's caused by some chemical in our breath then how can it possibly effect people when there's a door in between us? Any theories on this?

BTW i've started my strict diet a week ago, no meat, dairy, sugar the works.

I don't believe the reactions have gone done drastically enough for me to conclude that they indeed have gone down, but I feel AMAZING. I'm able to think clearly, my sinuses have improved and my breath has improved.

I've also begun taking many supplements, some of them include:

-  L - Glutamine power
- Sacc Boullardi Capsules
- Pau D' Arcro
- Oxypowder

I also drink apple cider vinegar 3 times a day. I've also begun to do oil pulling in the mornings.

I'm taking this diet VERY seriously and will be reporting my results here at the end of each month.

I'm confident that this will work, as it has for other members of this forum (hopeful12345, grateful)

If any of you have tried any of these supplements or tried the vegetarian diet with any success, please let me know about it! Would love to hear everyone's stories.

Good luck!

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Perhaps one way is just to visit a store that has many of these VOC sensor equipment and check them out one by one. Take a buddy with you who is normal. The chance of narrowing it down wouldn’t be that substantial but at least that is something that any of us can do.
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