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Amino-acids proved scientifically to aid gut function

These are studies that prove the reason for why amino-acids supplementation works well for PATM. While studies on each individual amino-acids is lacking, two amino-acids in particular glutamine and arginine have been studied and are essential in maintain the gut lining. However, studies also exist where whole amino-acids profiles have been successful against gut related diseases. It’s the same thing we are doing. We apply all the 20-amino-acids and shorter peptides and whole proteins, as found in the Jarrow Brown Rice Protein Powder.

Though we have found products that work, by trial and error over the hears, studies are confirming our findings and that they’re aren’t randomly nonsense. They all have something in common. All the products that work, seems to either,

1) improve gut permeability & functions and innate immunity.
2) kill pathogenic microbes that work against the above.
3) Increase beneficial microbes that either kills/crowd out pathogenic strains or help to improve the above.

Again if any of you are interested in reading the research academic papers and can’t access, please let me know and I’ll see if I can find an alternative source.

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Several publications make me think that it is actually homocysteine, I posted the result of my homocysteine, you can look on google to see the details of this rare disease. And tell us what you think.
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I haven’t found any studies to support black seed oil as improving gut permeability or function but there are plenty to support its strong anti-microbial activity. I’d group it among the antibiotic/antibacterial/antimicrobial category. Remember anything that we have found either falls into improving the gut or working against pathogenic strains.

Antibiotics that seem to worsen PATM are either killing beneficial strains but have no effects on pathogens (probably because of resistance), OR/AND worsen/toxic to the gut lining itself, thereby increasing gut permeability.
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