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Simple Question

Please answer this simple question. This is a very important question and doesn’t have anything to do with smoking but will reveal something interesting about the disease itself. Please be honest with your reply.
Were you a smoker when patm first appeared for the first time?

3 Responses
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Generally, foods, supplements, and drugs that are bad for patm are highly inflammatory or indirectly aid inflammation by feeding gut microbes that produce inflammatory compounds. Nicotine has many health disadvantages but has as well been tested to restrict pathways that allow immune cells to spew inflammatory compounds into the bloodstream. A dose of about 2 - 12 mg per cigarette is absorbed through the lungs because of extreme surface area of the lungs. There are inflammatory flavors added but comprehensively I think nicotine wins out in that battle. For nicotine tablets, it’s completely inflammatory. In experimental lab rats, nicotine alone reduced body inflammation significantly.  The expectation is as shown on the survey. Most people before patm were non-smokers. It’s only a prediction. Browse any website with a list of the worst inflammatory foods and you’ll find it’s too the worst food for patm. Find the list of best anti-inflammatory supplements and resveratrol will be among the top five. Black Seed is considered highly anti-inflammatory but contains antimicrobial compounds too. Tamarind is used for many things including glucose control and helping the pancreas.
Please don’t go smoking or take nicotine tablets since they contain inflammatory compounds including sugars. The amount of nicotine in a cigarette is likely too little to reverse anything. In all probabilities you’d have to smoke a pack a day to show any effects, and that is if the theory is right. If it’s wrong, you’ve wasted your money and health. Just stick to healthy supplements for testing. Search anti-inflammatory supplements/drugs and try them.
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I have 3 women / ladies in my email registered 8contacto) from different countries (Peru, Thailand, Philippines), all three are under 20 and have PATM, they never smoked or know the drug because they are still in the school-school, I for my part smoke like 7 years ago in my adolescence, then I never smoked again until now after having PATM 2 years since the PATM somehow isolated me and my only company is the cigar. I do not believe in any way that the cause is the cigarette unless the girls of my contact and other girls with PATM have acquired-nicotine consumed in a different way than the cigar.
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Damn, where do I connect with PATM women?

Is there a dating site for PATM sufferers?
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I've always been a non-smoker and health drawbacks aside it never seemed appealing and plausible to me why one would smoke cigarettes.

If you feel like the result of the poll is significant enough, please share your idea with us.
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