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Static electricity disease?

I was always of the belief that PATM was due to methylation and candida issues. These issues may still be at the route of our problems, but I think the allergic reactions are due to particles in the air, which become airborne in our presence. I can't speak for anyone else, but at least for me, the reactions can happen through glass and around corners. It sounds crazy, but I have noticed particles in the air all around me - lots of particles. I am also often shocked by metal and sometimes I even have the ability to shock other people when I touch them. Headphones never last more than a month for me and I almost always hear background static when listening to music on them. All of these observations point toward static electricity as a potential issue.

A few days ago, I found this article: https://incompliancemag . com/article/static-electricity-and-people/ which is very interesting and says, "There is, however, one physical effect of static electricity that has some likelihood of causing physiological or hygienic problems: the effect an electric field around a person has on airborne particulates. If a person is positively charged, he or she will attract negatively charged particles from the air. Or, as a physicist might prefer to phrase it, the field around the body will enhance the plateout of negatively charged particles onto the clothes and exposed skin. But neutral particles will also be attracted, because they will be polarized, and because the fields, in general, will always be inhomogeneous. The field around a person may, as explained above, originate from charges being separated by walking on an insulated floor covering. But it may also be caused by proximity to a television or computer monitor."

Any thoughts on this? I've been suffering with PATM for at least 18 months now. I don't know how long I've had it, but I noticed it when I started working in an office environment after college. The more research and observation that I have put into the issue, the more I believe it is an issue of static electricity and some sort of ionic imbalance in our bodies - perhaps due to low methylation or candida or other imbalances. This could explain why sugar free diets and supplements help some people. I know my observations may not be applicable to everyone on this forum, but I wanted to share my break throughs in the hope that we can collaborate to find a cure or at least more relief from this pain.
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Root not route above, sorry! I was typing pretty quickly and missed that in my review.
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They tried; Oral rehydration salt?
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I just want to share with everyone who is currently smell like **** or known as PATM (People Allergy To Me)  I know some have suffered almost entire of their life.

It make people stress since no treatment can cure.. those PATMers spent thousands of money to buy suppliment or probiotic on the belief that it can cure. yes it do but they did not treat the root of the problem. thats why it works for some people and not to the other.

If you suffer fecal body odor or people cough at you, rub their nose or sneeze .. rest assured that it is not you mind or some electromagnetic thing.

Now read.carefully what i'm going to tell you.

PATM is reality. It is caused by AMMNONIA usually through your sweat or from your skin.

AMMONIA can irritate nose, throat amd make people cough. That's why people make that kind of reaction immidiately at your presence.

So you may ask me how hell they can smell me at say 4-5 meter away?

Of course they can. Have you ever smell someone who wears strong perfume? sometimes you can smell his/her perfumes meters away. That's the same thing happen your body odor. The smell of ammonia on you skin can be detected a few meter away.

How to treat?

I read that the reason your sweat/skim emit AMMONIA is due to your diet.

Just google how to eat and what to eat correctly to eliminate the production of AMMONIA by your body.
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4-5 meters is noting. Try up to  50+. No smell.  Just reactions.     Your information is good.  Just there is more to some of ours than that.   Hope all is well in your world.  Thanks for taking the time to post.  It is appreciated
i have taken arginine (amino acid)that clean the amonia from the system and i took like 4 pills once and I felt
like liquid in my head goint into
my body and went to the toilet to pee, but the patm was worst after I took too much of arginine but i get scared and never tried it after.
Good read but ever wonder how ammonia can move that quick to irritate somebody? I mean in a nanosecond from 20 to 30 feet away ay? Something else is in play here, and it might be electrical..
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I definitely know what you mean about blowing out headphones...when my PATM was worse I was setting off alarms and my computer connectivity to the internet was constantly interrupted.  Even my refrigerator motor would sound like it was going on the "fritz"...sigh...I have much weirder phenomena but do not want to share on public forum...
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what kind of alarms were you setting off, soiled? was it car alarms? they have air pressure sensors and microphones to capture either a change in air pressure or a some kind of sound. so this would point to either a soundwave or some kind of change in air pressure or both... I heard of a PATMer who can't get close to big parking lots...as she sets off some car alarms...just by walking by..
soiledsystem just share what you are facing do not be shy ,I know that you may feel that others could think that we are crazy or psychics .
I have been for a long time (9 years long) treating myself for allergic ,colon,asthma-like symptoms ,rash and dermal eczema ,hair loss, sinusitis ,dry red eyes,itchy skin and feet,liver ,kidney ,memory loss , nightmares such as being chased by ghost ,falling from high place ,eating dirty food ,loss of sharpness and many more but without any improvement even controlling effect.Doctors are either amazed or saying "It's all in your head" . I hope it stops here but the issue goes beyond to annoying calls and sms to my phone and family members and friends some times carrying my phone number and other weird stuff
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Patm2324,     I have what you have.  I have been trying to figure this out.   Any new news?    I will be in contact with you.  I am compiling data all week and figuring out a plan of attack.  Please message me.  I’d like you to be part of this.   Medhelp is good but everyone here does not have the same thing.   Thanks hope you have a good day
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I will message you in a few minutes. Thanks for being in touch.
When this is published in a medial journal that would be a big step!
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candida albican digestive disorder, make electro static, you become sensitive intolerant to a lot of things because your intestines are fragile , your organs are tired, there is a lot of symptoms to  candida albican that explain the patm and i think telepathy is involve because people scratch their face exactly where i would do but im more used to it, i once scratched my ear and a girl did the same roght in my face it wasnt because of patm its like she can feel how i feel but its my fault cant explain telepathy but thats reality
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I do not think that such micro organisms have the power to transfer electricity even an inch away , if it is candida albican you can defeated it with a couple of anti-fungal med. doses or it will be detected and shown when you test for it. I have been making fun of people saying weird stuff and calling them psychopathic and to be more realistic.Now things changed and I started make fun of myself and how silly I was . If there was a candida , bacteria overgrowth ,thyroid issues ,liver issues ,kidney issues ,nervous colon, IBS , IBD, TB ,Wilson disease ,rheumatoid arthritis ,not eating healthy food ,hayfever ,and many more of symptoms that accompanying patm , they would be revealed by a simple test. Believe me guys we "Patmers" have  tried every medication and supplement and herb is there.We have tested ourselves for every disease is there and the results come back negative. So What is going on. What is this thing.
I do not think that such micro organisms have the power to transfer electricity even an inch away , if it is candida albican you can defeated it with a couple of anti-fungal med. doses or it will be detected and shown when you test for it. I have been making fun of people saying weird stuff and calling them psychopathic and to be more realistic.Now things changed and I started make fun of myself and how silly I was . If there was a candida , bacteria overgrowth ,thyroid issues ,liver issues ,kidney issues ,nervous colon, IBS , IBD, TB ,Wilson disease ,rheumatoid arthritis ,not eating healthy food ,hayfever ,and many more of symptoms that accompanying patm , they would be revealed by a simple test. Believe me guys we "Patmers" have  tried every medication and supplement and herb is there.We have tested ourselves for every disease is there and the results come back negative. So What is going on? What is this thing?.
You need to be consistent with strict diet for about a year to clear systematic candida. Most of us (myself included) expect results after dieting for a month, well it's not enough, this fungus is stubborn and will take a lot of effort.
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I think you might be onto something. This might be unrelated, i found through my life i emit a heat or musk. Every room i sleep in over time becomes the hottest room in the house. I also do notice electrical disturbances that i just attributed to coincide.
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Tambien me pasa que en las habitaciones en las aue paso mucho tiempo se vuelven las mas calientes, pero no solo en la casa, sino en donde sea.
Same here, I run very hot, that is probably why i have hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) , my feet and hands sweat a lot.  It's also why we will fog up car windows.
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