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The PATM Cure is Here

I posted a lot on the old forum in the past about the success I had in getting rid of PATM.  I thought I'd post my solution again here just so others can have it for reference.  My cure consisted of the following:

Brown Rice Protein Powder (Jarrow Formulas):  We all have holes in our intestine which let toxins into our bloodstream and then out of our skin.  This product has a lot of amino acids (over 20) that work to effectively seal those holds.  I noticed major changes within a month.  Take a spoon mixed in a glass of water once a day.

Saccharomyces Boulardii (Jarrow Formulas):  This is the best probiotic to take for our condition.  We have candida and it helps to candida.  It also is able to travel through stomach acid without getting degraded, unlike other probiotics.  Take three pills a day initially to build up your reserve (for about a month), then take one pill a day.

Oxy Powder (Global Healing Center):  This was a miracle product.  It floods your body with oxygen, which is a natural killer of the toxins released when candida dies.  Take four pills right before going to bed with a glass of water every night.

These three products were essential in my journey.  Hope they help you on yours!!

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I wrote down my experience going to yoga today but it disappeared. Well it was nice. Nothing. No reaction! I hope it stays that way. We had dinner afterwards. I talked to everybody, had a plate full of vegetables and pasta, and I couldn't believe that nobody reacted, it was even better, not even nose touching. Absolutely nothing.Throughout the whole yoga session nobody moved but I could feel my butt and legs hurting since I've never sat cross-legged for so long. I think it was only 30-60 minutes, not sure, but it seemed to last forever. It was stress relieving though. I love it, it seems like I'm floating above the music. A friend of mine invited me in so I thought I'd go and also test how the medication is going. Enjoying a few hours of non-patm life is good. Let see how long it last.
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Hey people just want to say that today was awesome at work. Patm disappeared apart from occasionally touching of their nose but you wouldn’t be able to tell. Absolutely no coughing, no sneezing, no clearing of throats and I get to talk straight into their faces. After that me and two co-workers came and had a meal, chat face to face for about 45 minutes, I didn’t eat though because I’m still insecure about eating anything right now. But we chat and shared a laptop… laugh throughout the whole time. It was nice to feel that way.

I assume it’s still there but probably minute that they can’t sense it. I wonder what will happen in 6-9 weeks’ time. It’s only been 3 days. I want to congratulate hopeful12345 for that bit of information and sharing with the forum. I also added two products which I don’t know whether it contributed or not at all. I know I should have tried them individually to see what works and what doesn’t but I was too busy with many things. I have the list on my previous post so try them one by one if you wish to see what works and what doesn’t. I've tried different combinations but this is the best so far.

I came around at Mass Spectrometry Facility to check but they were at lunch so I peeked through the door into the room where they have the GC-MS machines, it looked neat and massive. I’ll come sometimes tomorrow to work out the details.

Now I have a big dilemma on my hands, let’s say these supplements cures me (temporarily/permanent) before the sampling? What then? I’ll waste $500 only to get nothing from the GC-MS test. I think I’m going to eat a lot of junk a week before the sampling to make sure I’m at my worst.
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Sorry this is the link.

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The following link shows what I’m trying to do. These are comparison of two breath sample chromatogram from a sick patient with H. pylori and a normal healthy person. What I expect when comparing is something like the high acetone intensity peak, shown on Figure 2 on one person, while totally absent on the normal person as shown on Figure 1. Or maybe something a little less like the peaks for 2-propanol, 1-propanol. Contrastly, if you see here 2-methylpentane is present on the sick person but not so much on the healthy person, not sure if it’s fragment or not. If that’s the case for us, it’s going to be very hard to identify, I’d need the their staff to help me.

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Don't worry, it's just character translation errors… html recognises apostrophe as that. Sometimes there’s an error and it’s interpreted as a string instead so it appears as text. That happens sometimes when someone type on some word processor/editor and copy paste into the comment text box; the characters get translated wrongly. It’s a headache because some people prefer typing on external editors for fear of losing their comments sometimes from browser refresh and accidental pressing of a link on the page etc… happens a lot to me. Some people avoid it by pasting as plain text only.
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Thanks for that clarification. Now I actually recall overhearing one of  friends explaining that to someone else years ago.
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Hey dude, I sent you a private message. I wanted you to comment on what I'm doing. Perhaps you'll see something I'm not seeing. I don't want to pay for all this and find out later there's something I did wrong or missed and redo the whole thing all over again. Finding leave time is really hard since I've asked for too many leaves this year. If I do get 'leave without pay' and do all this but fail, I'll never get another leave to redo it again.
I mean is it possible for you to duplicate the same experiment I'm doing, over there if needed?
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