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What I think PATM is caused by

I believe it has to do with H. pylori. Too much of this causes it to expel from the stomach and out the mouth. H. pylori smells. People who have PATM usually eat acidic food, skip meals, lot of stress, bad sleep habits. (this is all me) H. pylori causes stomach cancer. I believe those who have should be aware. I have PATM for five years now. It has gotten a lot better. Partly from not skipping meals and taking probiotics.
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I go tested for h pylori and it came back positive. The doctor prescribed me some meds. When I took them it got better, when I stopped taking it was the same.
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I just want to touch base on some people who state they work out a lot--- hard working out is never good even runnning -- I am a firm believer of a steady walk not run and weights--- when u break sweat -its enough ------ and I only do this 3 x week. Over exertion will only escallate cells that are trying to find the bad cells
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I'm on here because I cheat with coffee and chocolate and im a female -- so during menses I'm craving worse than a monkey. We all have to realize we cheat and we will damage the cell wall more and more and in addition more cells will hide and travel everywhere
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There is no quick fix to repairing these cells and cell walls --- if you saw a biopsy you would understand under the microscope. So please eat clean organic only blueberries for fruit all greens all day long magnesium zinc d3 that's it take a multivitamin every other day. Lots water
Someone ask grateful how is she doing --- every time she says she cured -- but I doubt it. Too many supplements creates toxicity.
@isuffertoo happy Tuesday!
I’m doing good , especially after learning that my body apparently has a Methylation deficiency
which I now believe 100 % contributed to my history of patm

I only learned about Methylation in about August 2017 .

So it has been a very proactive journey from 2011 until this year - for me to get to the root of my patm

This journey required non-stop , consistent and hundreds of trials and errors to improve and try to remain patm free

I have never said that I was cured from patm

I always say I am patm free - because as most people on this forum know - patm will return if we choose to eat  junk, processed, sugar filled snacks, meat , fast food etc, etc

I am patm free now with taking my Methyl formulated B complex vitamins and my Methyl formulated multivitamins daily .  I also take Zinc and Vitamin C and D3.

I joyfully continue to choose plant based food choices at least 90% of the time.  I still do not eat meat, no gluten, no dairy .

God Bless you always on your continued journey to better health !
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Also doing a vegan diet.  I’ve been doing juices with kale, broccoli, parsley, and apple cider vinegar!   I started having reactions when I was on a high protein diet and losing weight.  I notcied that PATM reactions would increase when I worked out (stress levels increased) .  Additionally, I believe our histamine levels are increased.  I have high libido, random sweats or random cold spells, random migraines or tension headaches, etc.  Lower histamine, eat a plant based diet, and heal leaky gut :)
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Greens heal EVERYTHING and yes mold candida yeast is all the same and they break down the villi --- cells in intestines. You are all damaged so eat like you have celiac s and even better because they research on celiac is not good enough. You must eat green only every meal lots water lots lemons no gluten free cookies crap so on. It's still cookies its sugar its a type of flour. You will get worse you will end up in years with a possible colostomy bag -- so don't or a nose drip due to mal absorption. Be smart.
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I have to include this....I believe it is related to leaky gut.  We have to fix our guts.  That is the sole reason why we are experiencing a plethora of issues (histamine levels out of whack, GI issues, methylation issues, etc).  I’m going to try to lower my histamine levels ..supplementing with querctin, methionine, and taking mastic gun just in case h pylori is present.  H pylori can cause all of these symptoms as well as LEAKY GUT!!  I currently have extreme halitosis (due to possible h pylori) so I’m waiting to see ID doctor to test my stool.  We got this guys !  Stay positive!!
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Sorry for typo
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Hello Isufferto,

What does ihc test stand for?
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It's stands for immuno histo chemistry -- I am a histologist in anatomic pathology
Well isuffertoo if you are a histologist in anatomic pathology you definitely should know what is the  problem with us because is something about low immune system,autoimunne diseses,definitely is related to some pathology or gene deficiency.
Actually I believe with out a doubt it is a mold spore that hijacks the WBC and covers it with a smear -- once it has this smear ---- disguisises itself --- like a wolf with a sheepskin skin next to the sheep --- except now your other wbc's can not figure out who is the enemy /antigen because of the smear --- on top of this once they have this coating they go completely undectected and can never kill them and they start ******* up your rna in the cell --- this is why you HAVE to build up your immune system like crazy first before you can attempt candida diets ect...
Actually I believe with out a doubt it is a mold spore that hijacks the WBC and covers it with a smear -- once it has this smear ---- disguisises itself --- like a wolf with a sheepskin skin next to the sheep --- except now your other wbc's can not figure out who is the enemy /antigen because of the smear --- on top of this once they have this coating they go completely undectected and can never kill them and they start ******* up your rna in the cell --- this is why you HAVE to build up your immune system like crazy first before you can attempt candida diets ect...
No idea what's up with the typos here -- apologies again
Actually I believe with out a doubt it is a mold spore that hijacks the WBC and covers it with a smear -- once it has this smear ---- disguisises itself --- like a wolf with a sheepskin skin next to the sheep --- except now your other wbc's can not figure out who is the enemy /antigen because of the smear --- on top of this once they have this coating they go completely undectected and can never kill them and they start ******* up your rna in the cell --- this is why you HAVE to build up your immune system like crazy first before you can attempt candida diets ect...
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thanks for your opinion I will add an option to the survey to choose if somebody already is tested positive for h. pylori. You can find the survey below all patm videos in youtube (it's not allowed to post public gdocs on this site)
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and people are allergic to it.

soruces: https://www.google.com/search?q=h+pylori+smell+ncbi&oq=h+pylori+smell+ncbi&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i22i29i30k1.52277.54606.0.54961.

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Well I don't think necessary smell but people are allergic to it. That's what makes them cough.
I have always suspected hpylori and yes I used to have it behind the stomach lining. I took 6 months of antibiotics to erratic it and have tested negative several times after the treatment. I’m thinking that maybe it evolved and changed cause even though I tested negative for it , I still have the symptoms. What do you think?
I too had positive h pylori many years ago in 1998-- but cleared in 1 month with the antibiotics --- PATM started only -5 years now - and I was under high stress in pathology field high chemical exposure and exposure to mold --- the perfect storm as well as a third shift-- h pylori does change the cells forever but an ihc test would rule it out 100% do not take a breath test they are not accurate in my opinion. You would have tar colored stool and bad stomach pain as well if u had it-- you would know
So my conclusion is this is not h pylori at all but maybe a week link from it and poor habits to the immune system created the cells to become damaged
I agree.I've always get tested negative for H pylori.Leaky gut,mycotoxins(candida) b12 deficiency,high homocysteine,high histamine,low methylation,MTFR gene deficiency-I think that's it.
do the survey guys the more people are answering the faster we find the cure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KesbGVd_1XY&t=5s (look at the comment section)
also you can choose what you've been tested like b12 defiency/h.pylori etc
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