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What PATM really is?

Hey guys. I think I can be at least 90% sure what causes PATM and why we have it.

Short Version :
PATM = Toxic Mold

What do you need to know about Toxic Mold?
- First of all, you need to know that mold itself isn't that harmful (though it can cause an allergic reaction whenever you're near it) but the spores it releases in the air are. The spores not only can cause allergic reactions such as hives,rashes and itching but they also contain toxins called mycotoxin that are harmful and they can make you very sick. Go google toxic mold symptoms. The symptoms are very similar to candida symptoms. That is why you see many people posted they went on a candida diet when they have PATM.

- Although the diet can really help improve your health, they can't remove the toxins inside your body and you will keep having the symptoms. This is why you need binders such as bentonite clay, chlorella, activated charcoal, etc. But then again, having all these supplements and going through with the diet isn't going to help if you don't move. Yep! That's right! You need to move in order to recover fully. What's the point of eating all those good stuff and detox your body when you're just going to keep recontaminate yourself again and again.

- If I'm not wrong, 25% of the human population don't have the genes to recognize mycotoxins inside their body and therefore will be very ill due to the fact that their immune system not sending any "soldiers" to fight off these toxins and flush them out of their bodies. This is where the binders help to bind those toxins manually and carry them out when they "do their business" in the toilet.

Why do people itch when they are around you or why do you itch when you are around certain people?
- People itch when they are around you because you're carrying the spores from your home to wherever you go. Or perhaps you're sweating out the toxins(though I'm not a huge believer of toxins coming out from your sweats). This is why when you are exposed to toxic mold, you will have candida and certain types of fungal infection. You are literally a moldy person. If you itch when someone is around you or touches you, that person is moldy and you are allergic to him/her and vice versa. This is why you have PATM.

Why some people are not affected?
1) Stronger immune system
2) Do not have the specific HLA gene that is susceptible to toxic mold illness
3) They have stronger genes that help flush out the toxins from their bodies(again related to the HLA gene)
4) Not allergic to mold

If you have PATM, check your house for any signs of mold. Mold is caused by high humidity. The black ones called stachbotrys is known to be the most toxic ones. Is your home or workplace damp? Make sure you have PATM because of toxic mold before you start the whole regimen and diet. Seek an environmental doctor or a toxicologist for advice if you think your PATM is related to mold. If you have any more questions, comment down below or private message me.
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Hey Scott,

There is a general consensus that mold has something to with it on this forum, the question is what to do next.

I totally agree that one needs to exercise to get better, moving is the only way for lymph circulation and many immune cells that reside in lymphatic system can only be moved around with exercise, same probably for toxins.

The question is will it be enough. I doubt it, but you want to try it and let us know?

When someone uses a lot of perfume, I've seen this, you can sometimes smell that perfume 10-20-30 meters away, now this thing produced by PATM for me anyways usually works "best" within that 30-m radius, but the speed of how quickly it works, makes me think more of perfume(gas) then dust(spores), also the quantity required to get the reaction is very small, I can cause reaction right after showering, when I would expect the spores got washed off.

Another thing for me is the digestion, I know for a fact that my gut flora has changed a lot since I got PATM and many people here feel that the pathogen has colonized their bodies, mucus and digestive tracts.

So far it looks to me that it needs to be killed/reduced by either drugs/supplements, probiotics, and the the body biome needs to be repopulated by good bacteria.

So let us know if you get any progress, but I don't think only clearing out the house, running and detoxifying mold will be effective. ( I hope I am wrong.)
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How can you explain people still get the symptoms when you're on facetime or on the phone with someone
I notice these too.

It is either:
#1. Side effect of the anxiety. We pay more attention to this than others so when an unrelated cough or people start clearing their throats even over the phone happens we relate these to our PATM.
#2. There is some electromagnetic stuff happening.
#3. Subconscious vocal influence?
#4. Telepathy or some other X-Files ****.
I think it is #1, but don't discard anything else.
Hi guys.Do you sleep with laptop and phone on the bed?
No too much radiation no one should do u sleep with your head in a microwave these r all things I tried to tell u guys about to reduce PATM
What really helped me with the hives,rashes and itching were :

1) Cutting out sugar and yeast from my diet. Normally, fruits are not allowed in a candida diet but I still eat them for the fiber and other benefits.

2) Applying coconut oil all over my skin except for the face because coconut oil somehow breaks me out if I apply it on my face

3) 2 - 3 drops of tea tree oil together with the coconut oil and rub it on your skin

4) Drinking lots of water

5) Gargle with salt water

6) Including probiotics

Yes I would say #1 too. It's just us worrying too much about affecting other people.
What happens if one does not have any problems on the skin? I do not have it, in fact I have not gotten sick since I had PATM.
I have thought about mold in the past as well, and I live in a older home which has mold. So the question is how to prove 100% that it is what is effecting us and are there any tests that we can do to prove this. The link posted by Betterdays7  says you can test some of the mycotoxins in your urine.

Proof and validation is important!

Also if you find mold in your home and try to clean it...soak it in white vinegar apparently it is better than bleach (per recent episode on mold by Dr. Oz).
Lets also find out the number of people who have PATM and been exposed to mold or live in it. Exciting guys, hopefully this is it!
Sorry but that is no new information.Not everyone have this.
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Honestly, I swear this forum is full of people that think they have this EXAMPLE CANDIDA, ODOUR, now MOLD WTF is going on and every crap u can think of. Maybe later they think some ALIEN MUTATED THEIR DNA. I swear this forum is just full of people believing they have this and that, hence we all have PATM, because we just think way too much they, that they went grostesque > people to react to us. And we all know that it goes through windows and phonelines. CMON now can they SMELL MOLD? As result this hypothesis is false. :)
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Yes, people can "smell" mold. Especially people who are allergic. This is why when you are moldy. you attract bugs that love mold like mold mites, dust mites, cockroaches, silverfish, etc. Maybe not everyone's PATM is triggered by mold and that is why I said make sure you are before you start any regimen. I'm not gonna get into any of those alien stuff but candida and toxic mold is both scientifically proven. Even though I believe thinking positively helps, I doubt that thinking negatively triggers PATM and by thinking positively can cure you. If thinking positively helps get rid of your PATM then good for you but not everyone's body is the same.

Mycotoxin can indeed destroy your DNA and trigger auto immune diseases such as alopecia areata and lupus. I spent 3 months doing an intense research and I started to connect the dots. The last time I got very sick, the apartment I stayed in was infested with mold. I had severe vertigo and was admitted to the hospital. I later on had a bald spot on the back of my head which I found out was an autoimmune disease called alopecia. Managed to cure that by applying onion juice everyday. Took me 5 months to fully recover and I had to stay at my parent's house. A few months ago, I started having this weird sticky skin issue whenever I'm wet. The symptom started when my house had water leaking problems and mold started to grow. I did some research online and I found out it is indeed caused by toxic mold. From there on wards, I knew what was the trigger.
'alien mutated their dna' hahhhahaha
Yes when any type of fungi yeast candida mold enters blood stream via breathing in the lung or gi it enters blood stream then after it hitch hikes a white blood cell and attaches itself it disguises it self with a type of barrier --- I don't want get to wordy I work in pathology--- once disguised it then is attached to your white blood cell which are the cells that are suppose to fight off these guys--- then it enters the white blood cell and changes the d n a ---when this occurs = a cancer cell forms-- don't be scared we all have cancer cells believe it or not -- you have to build your immune system first then work on lymph then detox liver all while sticking to a no sugar diet no caffeine no carbs and excercise lightly because hard exercise will back fire on you this is not exiting your skin per say as much as your kidneys and liver and blood--- you have keep the lymph system sweeping out the debris of the caught cells and d ink lots water and read my other post I'm done here
Dr. Luc Montagnier and five other researchers published on December 23, 2010 a paper entitled "DNA waves and water" abstract: Some bacterial and viral DNA sequences induce low frequency electromagnetic waves in high aqueous dilutions

Physically separated bacteria could exchange information, according to Professor Alan Parsons and Dr. Richard Heal of the QinetiQ ltd Research Center (Great Britain).

American researchers of univercity of california have developed a method to grow bacteria that incorporate microscopic solar panels into their bodies. These mutant organisms will be used to produce fuels and plastics by mimicking the phenomenon of natural photosynthesis
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Scott I think you nailed it on this one! It really all makes sense! I realized my apartment has had leakage and my bathroom shower has some visible mold growing. It's black and looks gross. All the symptoms of PATM are almost identical to what you would suffer through mold exposure. Clearing of the throat, itchy red eye, lethargy, and brain fog. I can't believe I just figured it out. Mold enhances candida growth which creates all these other problems like leaky gut, gut flora imbalance etc. Here's something to back up your statement

That's why no matter how healthy I ate symptoms would only subside but would always still be there. I'm almost certain these toxins from the mold in us are released via are pores and breathe. On hot days I would be able to smell a yeast smell on my face side of nose especially if I was in a car with AC. Also I remember when I used to work out and hit the sauna my PATM reactions would dramatically decrease.

My eyes are always irritated and when I used to play sports I would always be short in breathe. Moisture seems to be molds best friend so maybe that's why after you shower you would think PATM reactions would be less but actually seem to be worse even though you cleaned the surface of your body. But in reality you have mold inside you exactly what it likes.

We need to figure out how to remove this mold inside of us. That's the root of the problem. I read that tea tree oil, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda is good for mold. But abviously you can't consume most of these.
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Also frequent use of antibiotics leads to mold,yeast and candida.That's my case.Also mold is in us and that leads to moldy and dust environment,not the opposite.
Yep. Long term usage of antibiotics not only kill the bad bacteria, but also the good ones thus leaving your gut weak and vulnerable, giving the chance for pathogens like virus and fungus to attack your body.
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I've had PATM for almost 2 years now and seeing all the posts on this website none have resonated more than this one.

Admittingly I've been living in a mold infested house for I'd have to say... 4 years. though I can't rightly say because we only found it out by a toxicologist a year ago. It could have been more, if black toxic mold has systemically infested my body then it makes sense how mycotoxins could be causing allergies from the air I breath out and the sweat I secret from my skin. It sucks because with the job I have I can't really move out but I can't get a better job with this horrible disease. I currently work alone so it's the perfect situation to resolve this. I'm saving to move out for a year, this should be enough to cleanse my system.

I have also recently been having really bad digestive issues, sinus issues, minor vasculitis, constipation, all symptoms of inflammation.

I'm also getting a gluten allergy test but I think it will come back negative. if the candida diet does work like PATM carriers say it does then it won't matter if they haven't changed their environment.

I want to formulate a survey between the correlation of PATM carriers and their surrounding environment ( susceptibility to mold)
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I also lived in a mold infested house when I was a teenager. I've had PATM for 20 some years. I had several good friends and my husband who dont react to me so I have been able to live with it. Although it's keep me from a higher quality life. Now things have changed And I've had a child. She is starting to show sever reaction to me I worry about her health and my sanity. Help
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One thing you can do is buy a dehumidifier. I did because I live in  a very humid environment. I also have a very moldy house.

The key here is to remove this mold from our bodies which up to now it seems impossible.

I don't think PATM damages other people's health on any fundamental level. Most people treat it as a minor nuisance and will not blame it on you. There is no need to feel any guilt, though one does occasionally need to find excuses to escape from situations when people overreact.
yes unless it cause cancer or death its not to worry about.
The only thing that make sense to electrohypersensitivity is vitamin b12 deficiency and MTHFR gene deficiency.Who will check vitamin b12 and homocysteine levels?It's important to check both of this.
I actually live with another human being, my wife, so I know first hand what it causes to other people close to you and it's not good.

I think the mold issue is a step closer to figuring PATM out.
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Have it 8 years now and defintely lived in mold, mine smells bad too
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skin smells moldy after how showeer
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