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What patm is like to a non-patmer

There are these 2 girls sitting close enough to me where they are being affected by patm by not close enough where they would talk as if they were in private. Before i explain i want to inform you on how people react to me currently, so initially people touch their nose then gradually they start to sniffle more and more until they have to blow their nose and i can either oscillate between people sniffling more or people having an itch in their nose more and i can do this with full control. One girl might know already and she was the least vocal about it but the other girl probably didnt know and she was saying how her stomach hurt and this was after about 15 minutes and then 5 minutes after that she said how it hurt more then around 10 minutes later she said that her head hurt and she described it like this "i feel like your(to her friend) migraine is transferring to me, well not as bad but it still hurts" after this she said that her headache was getting worse and worse. She described her headache similar to a migraine but less intense and later she stopped talking about it but when she got up to leave she said "I feel like i have to sit up straight for my stomach not to hurt you know?" "It feels like my stomach has wrinkles in them like when ..." and then she described doing a sit-up/ curl-up. I had seen my cousin for the first time since i had patm and he said "dont you just hate when you have an itch in your nose?" and he said it defensively because from his perspective im still normal and he probably thinks that im wondering if he is picking his nose but he said this during a time where my patm might have been at its worst since people from 6ft away could still react but now no matter how bad my patm is, if i calm down enough then no one will react not even the person next to me. One common theme ive seen between the different posts about how people describe patm is that their stomach hurts. Headaches are also something ive noticed many people talk about(in my personal experience) so take all the information as it is and the interpretation is up to you.
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I get All the above reactions but there is also coughing. And yes it all stops when I calm down.
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reactions  in others are in response to you.  it carries smells  but its not a smell.   nerotransmitters  {chemical and electrical} leaving your body.   wait another 5-10 years. it will make your news.   ive met a few doctors that are aware but "they dont know" what causes it, but better then being crazy.  be patient.   times are changing
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