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Hey guys, I've read a lot of the post on this forum and unfortunately these things are happening to me too, except I don't think I have a bad smell. people would cough, sneeze, rub their nose, their eyes would water,and they would have a runny nose. Most people around me do not know thats its me that's causing their reactions. I dont mind people sneezing and coughing, its normal i know, but for it to happen everytime i'm around and only when im around something has to be wrong. i have shared my story with a few close friends and they think Im "loco" (crazy). I have been noticing those reactions for about 3 months now and started to explain it to my doctor but she didnt really pay attention to me....Her response was, "don't worry about what other people do and don't let it bother you. she also ask me if i was stressed at home. lol. anyways I dont know what to do anymore because this is really affecting my life and most people dont believe that I have this condition which means theres probably no hope of me getting a doctor to take interest in finding treatment. I have been going to the same school with the same students for about 2 years now and everything was fine, until a few months ago. the good thing is not everybody hve those reactions around me. my classes are three hours long, the coughing usually starts after a few munites of me entering the room, even the teacher  is coughing  and rubbing her nose and she told me that i cannot miss anymore days : ( . the days that i do not go to class...everyone is fine. my little sister also sneeze and coughs around me and thats been happening everyday (only when im home). the only weird things I feel in my body is: this feeling like i got poke by a needle, it happens in various places in my body. I've lost my appetite but i never use to eat in the morning anyways (im usually in school till 2:30 dats when i get my first meal), my nostrils are swollen but i thought that was because the house I live in has mold or mildew (allergy meds doesnt help either), I have this tingling feeling in my hands and feet but it doesnt happen all the time, I do feel like things are crawling on my scalp and I would scratch it when i feel it, i did notice a big red rash on my thigh a few months ago but i just thought it was a mosquito bite since i always get bitten by mosquitos. they always leave a small red bump after a bite but that one was way bigger than the others, I urinate frequenly and i was on meds for inflamation,  I use to have a really white tongue but I got meds and it went away (the sneezing and coughing did start while i was on meds for the candida. I was diagnose with herpes about 8 months ago, I dont know which type and i've never been on meds for herpes because i dont have any breakouts (not yet at least). i got it from my boyfriend of 2 years and i dumped him after i found out because he knew he had it but gave it to me anyways...I use to think that people are having these reaction because of  my herpes but after reading this forum it has to be something else because none of you guys have herpes, thank god. that was my medical history...my only problem right now is the allergic reactions, I have a doctor appointment tomorrow at 11 am but i dnt know what to tell my new doctor..I want to tell her whats happening but i fear that she wont believe me..I plan on bringing my test results from my last doctor to her because theirs no need for her to test my blood when ive been told twice that everything is fine..except for the herpes of course. I  will check this forum before I sleep and also in the morning...please, any advice on what to tell her so she can try to find a solution for our problem.  im glad i found this forum and I hope we find help..smoochies

SD:  I  live in the US
some days i go to class and its not that bad but others times its worse. I  tried putting little cotton balls in my nostrils leaving me little space to breath but i cant do that for long. it did help tho thats why i thought that i was something that our body is releasing.
I also did a salt and water flush but i dont think that helped.
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hey. im a 14 year old girl. live in the us. have the same problem.  Went to doctor, my doctor said it was phycological problems going to see a phycologist this month.  She even checked if I smelled bad, and even sniffedmy armpits, and said I didn't smell at all.  Ive even asked a couple of friends and they said the same thing.  My doctor gave me some anxiety pills, and ive noticed that the sneezing and stuff has somewhat decreased.  i need advice on what to do im veryy lost.(my doctor also says im suffering with stress, which I might)
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please try Oil of Oregano with "P73" on the label - it has helped me as of yesterday I began taking it and today had few to none people around me coughing, sneezing, wiping nose - google for more information. God Bless
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