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patm suffering unbearable

As a professional(unfortunately not medical) that has to visits many different client sites this condition is so difficult to deal with.  I feel like i have a sickness that only affects some  people not all.  Take for instance this morning I go visit a clients site and the receptionist is constantly coughing, but it's not like a sick cough it's a cough that sounds as if almost she is suffocating.  Then i go to a different site and the other receptionist and I are the only ones there and she is constantly clearing her throat every minute to two minutes.  My throat started bothering me so i take a cough drop and i don't hear her clear her throat for a whole 10 minutes!  Am i onto something or is this cough drop just a placebo?  Then i go out to lunch and sit 20 feet away from everybody at the bar.  There were about 10 people there and only 2 were coughing on n off.  I've done so many different supplements/probiotics non have seemed to work! I've tried the lemon tea with lemon juice.  I've tried changing my shampoo, soap, deodorant, detergent all to no success.  I've tried giving up meat/dairy/sugar/alcohol for a few days still the issue remains.  Fortunately I am going to visit a new endocrinologist who i'm hoping may shed some light on this.  A nurse i spoke with actually believed me for once and told me it could be my bacteria plume.  Hopefully, please god , let me get over this.  Besides interacting with other people that i feel are affected by me I don't feel sick at all.  This has been going on for few months unfortunately, i've told one of my friends and he thinks it's a delusion, maybe he is right and it's the winter right now where lots of colds and illnesses are going around but it doesn't feel this way.
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Just joined today.  Had this problem for long time.  Hang in there.  We'll find a solution.  
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You mentioned the cough drop, it sounds like it probably took your mind off things! Even so what you described is strange.

I so wish this thing didn't exist.
Don't think about patm and people coughing at you develop assertiveness more and think about another problem

definitely use diet and take out meat to help your energy.

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God Bless you - u can do this ! I have walked in your shoes and yes u can become patm free - however u must be consistent in making changes in your food and lifestyle and not wavering !!!! This takes time to rid your body of the toxic stuff and repopulate with the good - this is not a quick fix !!!

I noticed u said above u have tried different things but it appears u stopped doing these things after a few days / in order to become patm free u must be proactive and consistent 365 days a year !!!

Yes to unscented soaps etc, no fragrance, yes to sauna, yes to l/glutamine powder , vitamin d3 - for me no meat, no dairy at least 90% of the time - plant based food choices are my joy !

do your research, Google and youtube  and check out past posts on this forum

God Bless always !
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