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800427 tn?1324945719

Question of the day!

Hi everybody! I thought it would be fun if I started posting a question of the day to maybe get some more traffic in here! Id like us to be a little tight knit community so maybe this would help to get us all acquainted with each other and our babies! Plus it will be fun AND helpful!

Today's question: When do you want another child? Why? Thoughts on age differences?
feel free to talk about anything your worried about (or excited about!) with adding another child.
6 Responses
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1794093 tn?1357930759
I want 3 kids but live in a small house, so im going to have 2 for sure... maybe someday we can add on to the house and 3 could be possible but time will tell.. so far i only have one child, she is amazing!  i am really close with my siblings adn love them so much! i want her to have that too, my pregnancy was pretty aweful but i still loved every minute of it... i really miss it actually...
i want to get pregnant closer to December or after to have the baby after summer, so then my daugher isnt stuck in the house with me and the baby(during summer), then when the next summer comes around the baby hopefully will handle the saskatchewan wind and will then be able to wear sunscreen so we can be outside! and i wont have to go back to work till the fall (paid matleave for a year-Canada)
if i got pregnant sooner, id be happy! and id make it work too!
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1309497 tn?1368318187
Because we were incredibly blessed with a boy & a girl at the same time, and the fact we struggled with infertility, we're not having anymore. I do, at times, miss having them as newborns (minus the no sleep thing!), but I'm really excited that they're getting bigger, learning new things, & all of the adventures that are yet to come!
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800427 tn?1324945719
I totally agree Heather, I really want Matthew to have a sibling and sometimes I almost want to try in a year or 2 because i do miss that baby stage! But, Matthew is sleeping through the night and on a great schedule and he's so fun and easy right now that im just like "aaaaaaah" maybe i'll just sit back and enjoy this for awhile! I love the idea of having a bigger family than what i had...i only have one older brother...i just love being a mom too so i know i want more! BUT, it is really scary to think about having another one...im scared about how hard it will be to be pregnant with a toddler in the house! I was so tired and honestly lazy when i was pregnant lol! Im also worried about if i'll be able to tell if Matthew himself is ready for a sibling or not....because i dont want to add one until he's more independent...where he wouldnt be really upset if i needed to tend to a baby...u know? Sometimes i wonder if there even is a "right" age gap. I guess you just have to wait and see when it FEELS right.
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964234 tn?1331949207
I would like another when Franky (8 months old) is about 3-4.  My reason is because I had a terrible pregnancy, bedrest, going into preterm labor weekly ect.  Oh of course then I had to have a csection.  So, most likely it will be tough the 2nd time around too I am sure.  I want to make sure he is able to get things himself ect I won't be able to lift him probably after a certain point in the pregnancy.  

Also, my sisters (2) and I are all 4 years apart and we are still to this day best friends.  Of course we had our times growing up when we would fight/hated each other. and since I was the oldest everything they did was always my fault which pissed me off...lol Bu,t we had a blast playing for hours and hours.  And the youngest sister (I am the oldest) was like my baby.  Since I was 8 when she was born she was my little live doll.

I am so in love with my son I can't help but want another one now....I started longing for it the other day because Franky is getting so big.  But, we don't have the space our house is only 2 bedrooms and we have to wait a while to sell.  But, I have the same feelings like both of you like I don't want to take away from him.... I literally cannot picture my life without siblings so I don't want him to be alone.  :)
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800427 tn?1324945719
That makes sense to me! sometimes i think it would be nice to only have Matthew too but i really enjoyed pregnancy and birth and i just KNOW i want another one...or three LOL. I just have no idea when! Im thinking of trying again right before Matthew turns 3 though...i like the idea of him being excited and able to "help" with the next one. I might even wait until he's closer to four. But right now i dont have any kind of baby fever...im very content with just Matthew right now!
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1194973 tn?1385503904
I don't. My reasoning's would be because it's easier financially with just one. We can do more, and wouldn't have to share attention or things between them. I grew up with 2 other sisters and hated it a lot at times. Not to mention pregnancy was hard and not anything I want to repeat. IF I were to have another though, it would be in the next year. I like the idea of Kylie growing up with someone. Luckily my dad's fiancee has a 1 year old baby girl, and my niece is 2 months older than Kylie so she has others to play with.
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You are reading content posted in the Playgroup: Babies 6 Months - 1 Year Community

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