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Hirsutism with PCOS..ANYONE?!?!?

This is by far the most imbarassing question and part of this disease!  Does anyone in here have problems with excess facial and body hair due to the PCOS? It was never like this before but out of nowhere it just started coming in in the most random places, my chest :( stomach and face.  I kept telling my doctor that I needed something for it and he said that we needed to get to the root of the problem first (the PCOS) well it's pretty embarassing and I have to find something soon.  I went to an electrolosis and it just kept coming back, haven't tried lazer yet but I wax constantly so that it's not seen by others.  It makes me feel like Im not even a woman lol I know this seems terribly strange and I don't look like a circus freak it's just annoying to try and manage.  Any thoughts or sugestions?
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Hello I got PCOS Syndrome an Hirtusim put together it cause a lot of problems I have a lot of unwanted excess hair all over body just like others. I have tried Saw Palmetto an it didnt really do to much. I am looking to see if anyone knows of any pills or herbs to take to eliminate hair on stomach an arms an breasts an hands?  I have had this for long time sice age 9 now 28 . I dont really have an urv e to be imtimate either. I also once in a while have cysts on Ovaries at end of month so it causes very bad cramping an pain an rolled in a ball. Does anyone have any other suggestions. I also tried Vitex it is another herb from gnc an it didnt do anything for PCOS. I need tp get rid of hair on stomach an breast an armsbthen I be more confident in myself. I have had these issues always getting teased in school an .so forth all my life due to excess hair even on my butox. I have had boyfriends some dont care some I just tell them my circumstance with my Syndrome. They say if u lose weightbit will control the hormones. I been esting fruits veggies an meat an eating small portions an doing slimfast shakes exercising walking
Mu email Snshn9984atATTdotNET

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Hello I got PCOS Syndrome an Hirtusim put together it cause a lot of problems I have a lot of unwanted excess hair all over body just like others. I have tried Saw Palmetto an it didnt really do to much. I am looking to see if anyone knows of any pills or herbs to take to eliminate hair on stomach an arms an breasts an hands?  I have had this for long time sice age 9 now 28 . I dont really have an urv e to be imtimate either. I also once in a while have cysts on Ovaries at end of month so it causes very bad cramping an pain an rolled in a ball. Does anyone have any other suggestions. I also tried Vitex it is another herb from gnc an it didnt do anything for PCOS. I need tp get rid of hair on stomach an breast an armsbthen I be more confident in myself. I have had these issues always getting teased in school an .so forth all mu life due to excess hair even on my butox
Mu email ***@****
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What are the pills called over the counter or by dr?Hello I got PCOS Syndrome an Hirtusim put together it cause a lot of problems I have a lot of unwanted excess hair all over body just like others. I have tried Saw Palmetto an it didnt really do to much. I am looking to see if anyone knows of any pills or herbs to take to eliminate hair on stomach an arms an breasts an hands?  I have had this for long time sice age 9 now 28 . I dont really have an urv e to be imtimate either. I also once in a while have cysts on Ovaries at end of month so it causes very bad cramping an pain an rolled in a ball. Does anyone have any other suggestions. I also tried Vitex it is another herb from gnc an it didnt do anything for PCOS. I need tp get rid of hair on stomach an breast an armsbthen I be more confident in myself. I have had these issues always getting teased in school an .so forth all mu life due to excess hair even on my butox
Mu email ***@****
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Hi everyone I am new to this page, and I can relate to everyone but I think my hair trumps all.  Let's see. African American, PCOS, Excessive hair on arms,legs,and chin.  Shave or nair every 3 days and still have stuble.  I want to try Vaniqua.  Please help.  I am so glad I am not alone
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1938504 tn?1323702602
I am a 30 year old woman that began shaving my face when I was around 18 years old. :(  I really wish I hadn't done that, but I was being teased in school and my self esteem was awful.  I just wanted to look "normal"...  I started noticing facial hair (as well as other people noticing) when I was in the 7th grade.  So basically once I hit puberty.  As of 2010, my doctor diagnosed me with PCOS.  It all makes so much sense now to a lot of my concerns.  It was a little frustrating to me that none of my doctors I had mentioned my problems to before had tested me for PCOS.  I tried electrolysis when I was in high school.  It was so painful.. and I didn't see any good results.  I bleached the hair.. and that was awful... I waxed my upper lip for a little while (which I wish I'd still be doing)..  it all started just on my upper lip.. then once I was a senior in high school I noticed a large amount of long "peach fuzz" looking hair beginning on my neck.. I was mortified when I saw it.  That was when I grabbed my razor and took it off.  I also had side burns... more than normal I thought.  And arm hair!  I have the hair between my breasts.. down my belly..    just a mess.  I shave my face, neck and chest...  and like I said.. I really wish I never started doing that but I wanted a quick fix then because I was just humiliated.

Now I'm dealing with the fact of having to shave every day because if I just feel any of the hair growing back I'm disgusted.  And I also deal with a bit of skin irritation on my neck that is so embarrassing :(   I've been looking online to see good ways to shave..  other products to use to shave with.. I've switched razors 2 times in the past 2 months... trying to see if they'd work better...

I've asked about Vaniqua.. but it's not very cheap...  

I'm now taking metformen, Glucophag... for PCOS..  my insulin levels were elevated..  and I researched about that medication and it said it could help with hirsutism ..but also to take it with birth control.. which I will begin taking once I can (my periods are so wacky now that I've been off b/control)...So I'm really hoping that I will see a big change once I get back on birth control..which I did notice a change for the worse when I had gotten off of it last year ( My husband, soon to be ex-husband, and I were want to conceive.. thank God I didn't because we are in process of divorce... so that's why I quit taking birth control)  

Anyways.. I know how a lot of you feel.. how embarrassing and frustrating it all is.  I wish all of you the best..  
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Yep I feel your pain guys but I just use bleach a nd lighten the hairs it's really annoying though but unlike me my boyfriend says and I quote I think it's hot ( don't worry I am still to young I mean on the beach lol) anyways what I'm saying is if it's guys your worried about guys then dont worry because as I said some guys will find it hot and the ones that don't well stuff them and what helps me with the confidence is a good body shape I have been working for 2 years to get a 6 pack and let me tell you the diets and workouts are worth it so no one can tell you your not in shape and stuff like that and when someone normally girl bully's come up to you and comment on the hair just show them your 6 pack or completely flat belly ( I know some women don't like 6 packs) and they can't say a thing after but if you want them less noticable just bleach.
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950954 tn?1271210887
Thank you ladies for sharing your experiences and providing some insight on this horrible effect of PCOS...I too will be looking into an alternative solution and aiming towards loosing the weight I've always wanted to loose in an effort to either get rid or feel comfortable with my foreign friends....LOL!
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Thank you so much.  I haven't heard of that before so I will definately work on that.  I need to anyways due to the fact it surely couldn't kill me to shed a few lol
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952542 tn?1456763561
hello all...well i know its soooooo embarrassing....i fortunately dont have much problem with the hair growth except a few on my chin, which i wax regularly...but i noticed something...when i started losing weight, the hair growth became slower. am pretty fat, and u know its the root cause of developing PCOs and with a little research i came to know that shedding even just 5% of ur body weight can result in partially curing the abnormal hair growth... but for me its been pretty helpful and true...Also, when i started tweezing the hair first, it became thicker and started appearing really quickly..i dont know may b it was my skin type...so started waxing and it was much better. i would suggest waxing as a temporary measure..but there isnt better cure than losing weight ladies...gudluck allllllll
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193609 tn?1292180293
Let me know if you find something that actually works!!!
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Unfortunately so does mine, I hate that so bad. The ones on my chin are the worst! I am constantly plucking them! I was doing electrolosis for a while but even that didn't slow it down too much and it was really expensive.(very hard to keep up!) I saw an ad for a laser hair removal place here in Salt Lake and I am going to give that a shot!
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193609 tn?1292180293
I wish I had peach fuzz....my hair grows in BLACK and THICK! It is so annoying lol. I agree that the hair seems to grow back extremely FAST! I am going to try waxing. My sister is a cosmotologist and she also has training in waxing, so we are going to try that.
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There is a cream called vaniqua but it is not a permanent treatment, there is also a pill called spironolactone, I take this one but have not seen any results yet and have been taking it for 7 months.  I would not reccomend it.  I am going to my doctors appointment this week and I will follow up with you and let you know what my doctor reccomends.
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688022 tn?1275944889
I know how you feel.  I have black hairs that grow around my nipples and it's so embarrassing.  They grow so fast it's crazy. I pluck them, but within a few days they are just as long as before.  My hubby thinks it's funny, but it's not.  I also have a lot more peach fuzz on my lower back and on my stomach. I have my own little happy trail going and it's so embarrassing.  I wish they had medication to just get rid of it.  Laser seems expensive but I am thinking of looking into it eventually.  
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193609 tn?1292180293
At least I am not the only furry critter on this site :-) I have an EXTREMELY hair stomach, UGH! It annoys me to death! But, OH WELL! As long as I can have more kids, I don't care if I am covered in hair! PCOS is such a pain, and there is no cure, so you just have to "deal" with it! BLAH!!! How much fun is that? lol
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968590 tn?1247584054
I just want to say that I am SOOOOO happy to have found this forum. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 16 years old (I am now 22) and I have had the abnormal hair growth almost ever since I was diagnosed. It has gradually gotten worse over the years, the hair on my chin being the worst. I wax regularly, but it continues to come back. It is a very embarrassing condition, especially on your face for the world to see. But like a few of you I have a wonderful man who doesn't care, and we are getting married next year (YAY! lol). Thanks so much for the tips on the cream and the pills, I have a GYN appt next week and I am going to ask about it, because it is sooo annoying, and its to the point when it comes to that 'intimate' time, I have to make sure its pitch black before I am comfortable, even though I know he doesn't care, I DO... and that's never fun.

You girls are great, anyone who can walk with their head held high despite the hair on their chinny chin chin is someone I deeply respect, becasue I'm still sooooooo embarrassed by it.  :-)
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950954 tn?1271210887
You're not naive...We have all been misinformed at one point or another...When I started noticing these changes in my body...I never would've thought that it was due to PCOS. I was then informed by my GYN not too long ago that abnormal growth of hair in certain areas of a women's body is a common side effect of PCOS. I was diagnosed with PCOS early this year....and like you, I only seem to have cysts in my ovaries but I'm slighly overweight..I also have black hairs on my boobies, back, stomach, face, and also chin...I may sound to you like wolf woman...but I'm not...the most visible black hairs I have are on my stomach, which I do not expose...and as to the public, the most visible black hairs are the ones I have on my face and chin..the ones on my boobies are visible but they are more spread apart.... small...and just as annoying...from time to time I get these long black hairs that I just eventually pluck out with my tweezers....
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Hi all.. i was diagnosed 8 weeks ago... so my whole teenage years i based normal off of my best friend, we had to same issues i thought we were normal.  turns out we both have pcos! so now i'm confused is peach fuzz normal? i have it on my stomach, chest, chin and lower back.  and today i found a black hair on my chin!!! have i been naive? is this a symptom i missed?  i'm normal weight, normal testosterone, normal insulin, i have cysts and absent periods, maybe this is just one more symptom.. any advice?
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I agree with you there! It really helps you realize that your not the only one dealing with this even though it feels like that at times!  

Big hugs to everyone lol!!!!!
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950954 tn?1271210887
I still get a bit embarrassed b/c my mind starts playing games with me...I tend to look at his chest...and then I look at mine...even though we can't compare..b/c he has more than I do....LOL...I know that it's not normal for women to have hair on their boobies...It's just something I still can't get over sometimes....but I thank god for the a great husband I have....He does his best in showing and telling me how beautiful I am with hairs and all.. I don't necessarily consider myself having a low self-esteem b/c of this...just a little insecure...and slowly but surely I can see myself seeing this as an annoying side effect of PCOS.

Even though I feel somewhat comfortable with my DH, I am definitely super happy to have found this site and to have stumble upon girls like you, who I can actually relate to almost 100%!

Big Hugs To All You Girls!!!!

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It's true!!! This is really all we can do about pcos (other then all the different types of meds) is complain and tell our hairy stories!!! I most of the time, I will be honest with you....the shorter hairs (thats what I'm looking at now) I normally leave them alone. I don't bother trying to pluck them or wax or shave. BUT, now the longer ones, well thats a different story. Those need to be plucked out. Sometimes I do get those stray black hairs on the boobies too...YIKES! But what I have noticed is that the only place my hair stoped growing is my eyebrows!!!! Sunday was the first day I re-plucked them since over 1 month! Go figure!!!!
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950954 tn?1271210887

msniki412: I've gotten those long ones on my boobies...and that's when I know that it's tweezing time...Have you ever tried removing some of the small ones with your hand or tweezer and have them come out smoothly? I always find it kind of odd that the small ones are that easiest to come off and the I have to yank the larger ones....All this hairy boobie talk is really making me laugh and be a little bitter about it too...but it's a fact of our lives...and we have to deal with it the best we can..So I say, lets talk, bicker, and laugh our butts about it...and not forget that there's a solution for almost everything...hopefully, someday someone will find a cure for this one!

Cheyenne_08: After learning what PCOS does to our bodies, I've begun to hate it myself....My stomach is hairy as a result of PCOS...and the hairs have made me itch in the pass...causing me to also now have stretch marks...Now, I can't get rid of the hairs nor the stretch marks....Can you see now why I've begun to hate it so much...  :-/
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Agreed!!!!! I use to get embarrassed with it, but now it's just on the annoying side. But all you can do is live life to the fullest and don't let a few hairs (or allot!!!! lol) get in your way of being who you are and having fun!!! Atleast we all got people on medhelp to talk to about our horror hair stoires!!! lol

Love ya guys! : )
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193609 tn?1292180293
lol....mine are dark BLACK and grow extremely fast! There are probably 50 that grow in a patch lol It is horrible but all I can do is laugh about it. I mean I could be embarrassed, but where is that going to get me? lol If a man can not apprechiate a little hair, then he is not the man for me lol Mike knows about my PCOS and he is great, but it is still super annoying!!!!
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