377493 tn?1356502149

What stage are you at?

I am curious as to who is at what stage?  Are you currently pregnant?  If so, how far along are you, do you know if it's a boy or a girl? And if you don't mind, tell us your age as well.  Or are you currently ttc or in the 2ww?  Tell us something about yourself so we can all get to know each other a bit better.  I'll start -

I am 41 (will be 42 in January).  I have an 8 month old baby boy (a MedHelp baby!) and am currently ttc no. 2.  I am in the 2ww.  I am a Canadian, happily married and have been a member of MedHelp for almost 4 years now.  

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Thanks for the congrats, and I'm sorry you got a BFN...hopefully this cycle will be the one!!  Do you ovulate every month normally?

My name previously was allip68.  Does it ring any bells?  I was only on MD a lot for my first trimester and then my husband convinced me to give up my addiction ;)  We also had a lot going on the rest of hte pregnancy - moving etc. - so not enough time!

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377493 tn?1356502149
I am so glad to see everyone posting on here.  I see many names I recognize and lot's of newcomers as well!  It's so great for us all to get a chance to know each other, especially for a "lifer" like me..lol.

Oh yeah, I never updated..lol.  I am now on CD 12 of next cycle.  I was BFN.  I am a bit stressed right now because last month I got a positive OPK CD 12, then AF started CD 23 (I am normally 28 days, or have been since AF came back post partum).  Today still negative OPK and absolutely not a trace of EWCM, so of course I start worrying I am not going to ovulate this month.  I know my cycles can still be messed up post partum, but I hate it when my body does not co operate with me..lol.  

Alli, congrats on pregnancy no. 2!!  Great news!  Another MH baby..yay!!  What was your user name before?
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PS - what's the latest??? You must be done with your 2ww????
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Hi Amanda,  I'm sure you don't remember me but I remember you from a couple years ago when I was pregnant with my dd.  I think I had a different username because I couldn't remember my password this time around and had to create a new name!  BAck then I posted here and there but you were amazing.  I really appreciated all of your support for all the ladies on the forum, and here you are at it again!

Thanks for starting this thread!  I am joining late but hope I will be staying for a while:)

I had my FET on October 7th and just got a beta of 169 yesterday, which nurse said is good.  Next beta tomorrow.

I'm 42 but they implanted two embryos that had been frozen when I was 38 years old.  They are with donor sperm (it was before I met my husband) so it's a little strange for me still, but we are nonetheless praying for a positive outcome!

I have one daughter who is 21 months who was conceived naturally and easily when I was 39yo.  She is the light of our lives!  
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1385339 tn?1332947653
My name is Elaine, I'm 35 years old and 22 weeks pregnant. I live in PEI on the east coast of Canada.  I've always wanted children but it was not possible during my first marriage.  He has a vas during his first marriage.  We did try for a reversal but it didn't work.  Now, I'm glad it didn't.  Our marriage ended as a result of his drinking.  My ex always told me that I was selfish for wanting children.  Easily said for him since he had a daughter of his own already.

I am now engaged to a wonderful man named Kevin.  He's only 34 but has a 10 year old son who he has sole custody of.   I was actually on birth control when I got pregnant but I have not regretted getting pregnant for a moment as I've always wanted children.   I was going to wait until next year when we were married to try, it just got bumped up a little.  

I've had two ultrasounds but here on PEI, they will not tell you the sex of the baby.  I have an appointment on November 9th to find out.  Here on the island, you have to pay to find out, nice eh.  Anyways, $125 and then at least I'll know.  I think it's a boy. Only time will tell for sure.

One thing I've learned during the past 10 years of my life, don't settle.  I tried to make my previous marriage work for way too long.  Luckily, I had the guts to get out and try for a shot at happiness.  I'll be paying for it for the next 20 years (financially) but I haven't regretted it for a moment.  So for anyone out there in a similar situation, it does get better.  
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1027304 tn?1333973406
I'm 43 years old and 13 weeks pregnant.    I have a wonderful 9 y/o girl from a previous marriage and my current dh has no children.    We've been trying ever since we got married, about a year and a half ago.   Started using fertility meds about a year ago and got pg right away.    M/C'd the first baby immediately.   Beta numbers never doubled right from the beginning.    Got pg again 3 months later and made it thru beta numbers doubling, but they were low.   At 7, 8 and 9 weeks there was no heartbeat, so we decided to take medication to induce m/c.  

Finally after many cysts and problems and on b/c, off b/c, we had finally reached the end of our rope and decided that our current month was the last month of trying.   This was changing me into a mean and depressed person.    Believe it or not, I got pg that month and so far everything has been exactly textbook.   Beta numbers were high right off the bat, more than doubled every day, then the heartbeat was great and baby measured exactly on every single u/s.   CVS testing was done at 10 weeks 6 days and found out we are having a healthy little boy.    We couldn't feel more blessed or be more happy.    

Some days feel so dark and depressing on this ttc road, but having my medhelp friends has turned this into an incredible experience and I'm so happy for each and every one of you.

Not a day goes by right now that I'm not reminded of how blessed and lucky I am, and I literally thank god everyday, but I also worry about every little thing and continually hope that this pregnancy is progressing.
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1014822 tn?1338648073
I am 5 weeks and super excited! So glad I have all you MH ladies to share this experience with.
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377493 tn?1356502149
Aww, sorry about AF.  Looks like we are cycle buddies...I'm cd4, so just a day ahead of you I think.  GL next one!!  (We were doing the "let nature take it's course as well, but last month starting getting a bit more aggressive about things..lol)
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127529 tn?1331840780
I'm out this month. AF arrive on thanksgiving :( Hubby has decided he really want's us to "try" now. I was quite happy to let nature take it's course (or not) in a more relaxed manner, now that he has decided this I am glad I had been tracking my cycles for the last three months!
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377493 tn?1356502149
So great to see some of the people that were around when I first started coming here posting as well.  

This thread is great...thanks for posting!!
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317019 tn?1532965586
you are right about brown eyed gurl...i still talk to her on the phone about once a week....her twins are so big...i hear them always talking or screaming in the background....i hope she gets her BFP this cycle...its her frist cycle TTC

i am waiting for AF to arrive since having my daughter....i believe we are going to try for #3 and then we are done done done....we are TTC right away because we want the kids close in age and personally i want to get it over with (the sleepness nights) right away then have a tease of a year of sleep and then back to the beginning....
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296076 tn?1371334474
I am 37 with a 2 year old medhelp baby... I am "done"  ttc  :(  but want another baby so who knows....  

I have 3 girls 14, 8 and 2 .  I also have 2 baby angels (I like to think they were the boys I always wanted and I will get to know them in heaven but I don't know if they were boys or girls)

My dh is a laid off architect that has gone back to school for his masters, I am an elementary school teacher.  

I love being pg and ttc so I stay on here to live vicariously through you all!
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Hi, I am Suzanne and I am 36.  I have 1 medhelp baby (2 year old boy) born after our 4th IUI and am currently 25 weeks pregnant with a baby boy (after our 3rd IUI).  I have been a member since April or May 2007 and am so thankful for the support I have found here.  I think we will be done after this-if we ever feel the need to add a girl, I think we will adopt-much more of a 100% chance to get a girl...but I fully expect to have my hands full with 2 boys.  Our 2 year old is in the trenches of terrible twos and it makes me question my sanity on having another...but I digress...My husband is in the Air Force and so I am a single parent much of the time.  We live near Seattle WA.
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121828 tn?1333464491
Hmm, I'll chime in, just because :)  I'm Kellie, and I have 3 med help babies :0)  ......4, 2 & almost 11 mo's.  I'm 37 and I'm getting antsy, LOL.... My dh and I haven't said specifically yes or no to #4 but I find myself lurking here again, ha ha..  I haven't had my first AF so I thought if it happens it happens??  Still bfing with no supplementing... One one hand it's exciting but on the other it's scary...
So nice to see updates on the old friends & learn about the new ones...
Dana, miss the POAS days and congrats on your new bundle! I'm going to have to friend you, was surprised when I saw we weren't friends..
Amanda & Tricia, GOOD LUCK!!
Rachel, HUH, I would love to be 30
Cassie, nice to see you...
Wow, brown eyed girl (brandy right?) what is she up to?? I'm going to keep it on the DL, but I'll be lurking !!!!
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1345697 tn?1430619021
Oh.... I live in Houston and got my BFP as a result of IVF after 4 failed IUIs.
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1345697 tn?1430619021
I'm Tammy. Turned 38 in August and after a year of tcc, I am 21 weeks pregnant with my first baby. Just completed all genetic tests and had negative results, so that was a huge relief. Decided to wait on gender. The results are sealed and hidden away somewhere in my house. Excited but nervous. Seems the more I learn, the more I realize I have to learn. This forum has been such a help on so many different occasions!
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377493 tn?1356502149
Wow, this is great!!  Thanks so much all...there are so many new members and so many that have been around a very long time!!  Potential first time mom's and some that are having babies after a very long break!!  It's so great to see everyone here.  There truly are so many strong women here...so many heartbreaks and so many that have beaten the odds.  I feel so lucky to have met you all!!  
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1173196 tn?1292916490
Hi! I'm 36 and I have 4 children, aged 13 (girl), 12, 8 & 6 weeks (boys). My daughter is autistic while my boys are not. Unusual since autism is so much more common in boys. I'm not planning on having any more children but I do love this board! Good Luck to all those TTC.
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667409 tn?1309152183
Okay...I'll play. I'm Tricia. Turned 42 in July. I had my tubes tied when my third child, Ian, was born in July 2009. As many of you know, he passed away from a brain tumor at eight weeks old. Through scrimping and saving and the generosity of many people (quite a few of them from this board!), I had tubal reversal surgery in February 2010. In April my HSG test showed that the one tube they could repair was blocked (the other tube was too damage by endometriosis to repair - and I didn't even know I had endometriosis). We stopped trying to get pregnant after that, and have been through some very rough times. After talking to some people who were also told they had blocked tubes but went on to conceive, I convinced my husband last month to start trying to get pregnant again. He's been working out of town, so it hasn't worked out too well. But, this month, we BD'd on Monday and I ovulated on Thursday last week. So, I suppose - if miracles can happen - pregnancy is a possibility. So, right now I'm in my TWW.
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127529 tn?1331840780
I am 35, have two lovely sons and happily married. We too have just decided to see if nature blesses us with a third child.
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317019 tn?1532965586
hey lady...

i just had emilee in august....im not officially ttc but my husband and i are letting nature take its course

i just finished pumping almost 2 weeks ago and still no AF....its been 9 weeks since emi was born and no AF...will be taking a test at doc appt on monday to see

my husband and i would like 2 children close together in age and then we are done, done, done

good luck in the 2WW....do you remember brown eyed gurl...she is TTC again too...soo exciting...

when are you testing?
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419158 tn?1316571604
I just realized that my comment didnt make any sence, lol! You on the other hand Amanda are soooo funny!! There are days when I would love to have more and days I feel like I could pull my hair out. 4 kids is alot now days even though I really dont feel as if I have that many children, lol. I dont know if I could suffer through another first year all by myself:~( DH has never once woke up to change diapers or do feeding with any of our kids:~( But I do agree with you I think I make cute babies:~P So do you btw! When can you test???
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Hi, I'm Lisa and live in Ohio. Recently turned 43 and found this site when I became pregnant in April 2010 (by surprise).  Unfortunately had a miscarriage at 17weeks.  So trying again, due to my age was referred to the RE (again) have 2 daughters 14+16 conceived with fertility drugs and here I am doing it again.  Yikes.  Anyway we discovered I have Factor V Ledien disorder so when I am pregnant again will be taking daily Heparin injections to sustain the pregnancy.  So I am at the ready to ovulate stage, had U/S this am and 2 follicles just about ready, take my trigger shot tomorrow then TIC.  Wish me luck!!!
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202436 tn?1326474333
Hi my name is Cassie and I'm addicted to choco...oh wait...wrong thing LOL ;)

I'm 33, married for 11 years, I have 5 kids - 2 boys (6 & 2) and 3 girls (14, 7 & 4 wks) I also have 3 angel babies-1 was a 38 wk stillborn, the other two were lost at 9 wks and 5 wks.  

My youngest two are medhelp babies :)

I've been a member of medhelp since August 2007 and I'm a Community Leader for the Pregnancy 18-34 Forum.  

I have been fortunate that I have not had any major complications with my pregnancies with the exception of my first.  At 40 wks 3 days they discovered I had NO amniotic fluid left, she was breech and was small for her gestation age.  I delivered her by emergency c-section, she only weighed 4 lbs 15 oz and was 18 1/4" long.  I'm proud to say that she is now a very healthy 14 year old.  The rest of my pregnancies were delivered via VBAC.  
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