427454 tn?1315500950

Am I having a Miscarriage

I am 5 to 6wks preg. I have had four u/s since I found out I was pregant. I had an ectopics pregn in 2005.  Therefore, my doctor was trying to make sure the baby was in the right place.  However, after the first u/s he didn't hear a heartbeat, and wanted me to come back in a wk to make sure it was a good pregn.  During every other u/s  that I had after the first one he is only seeing a gestrational sack. I have had a  brown discharge  for the last past 2wks. I haven't seen any red or pink blood;  just brown when I wipe and a little on the pantiliner. Does this mean that I will probably ended up having a miscarriage? Have this ever happen to anyone, and they ended up with a health pregn? Also, each u/s looks so different. started out round, but is now wide and long looking. Should I get a second Opn
38 Responses
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427454 tn?1315500950
On last night I started bleeding really heavy (passing heavy clots), and hurting. Could this have possibly been the miscarriage taken place? I didn't go to the ER because they said it wasn't anything they could do even if I was having one. This would be my first m/c so I don't know what to look for. Will the bleeding keep going heavy for several days? I am still hurting, but the bleeding has slow down some. I hate to keep bothering you all, but this is the only place I seem to get straightfoward answers. Thanks Ladies.
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237300 tn?1231454718
prayerful-  I hope you feel better soon...my thoughts and prayers are with you.  I haven't written to you but I have been reading your story and I'm so sorry for your loss.  I too had a m/c this week.  I go in tomorrow for a D and C.  The baby stopped growing at 5 weeks.  This is my 2nd m/c so they are hoping to find out something from the D and C.  Take care of yourself and get some rest!  I will keep you in my thoughts!
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427454 tn?1315500950
I thank God for women like you; who take the time to read other people concerns, and respond with such kind and Godly words. You will never know how just visiting this website has helped me with my situation.  As of this morning there haven't been any changes in my condition. I am still bleeding, and hurting. Hopefully, this will pass naturally, but if not I am ok with the surgery after praying and seeking God for direction on last night. I pray God's blessings, and favor over everyone who has stopped by just to give me a word.  I will keep you all updated on my condition.

Forever Grateful
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I am so sorry..I was hoping for the best for you... the pain wil pass ..mine lasted 5 days with pain ten with bleeding this last time but it does end.. I am gald you will try again..

My heart aches for you...I have been coming here daily just to see your progress...I am so sorry but glad you will try again soon...
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My dear I feel your pain because I was just in that similiar position last week. I was 4 weeks pregnant and had a miscarriage. I had to go through it naturally and i felt like I wanted to die but because i believe that God knows best and all is in his hands I remain hopeful and just keep praying because I also believe if we are faithful to him he will give us what he knows we need. Hold on to God's unchanging hands he will make our pathways clear. I will keep you in my prayers and I know that you will be well soon.
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427454 tn?1315500950
Thank you so much for this advice. I had no ideal this could last that long without the miscarriage taken place. I just didn't want to feel the pain of having surgery. My doctor said that if I decided to ahead and have the d & C he would have to cut me to remove the cyst. I will not wait much longer to make a decision. If the sack does not pass by next week; I am going to go ahead and have the surgery.  It feel really good when you hear from someone who has gone through what you are going through.  Again, I say thanks.
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377493 tn?1356502149
when i found out i was miscarrying, i made the same decision as you.  even though i knew there was no hope, having a d&c felt too much like an abortion to me, and I was already so emotionally distressed, I just couldn't do it.  But please, watch the bleeding.  If it gets overly heavy, you feel faint or anything like that, get treatment right away. I don't want to frighten you, but in my case I bled for 4 weeks, and ended up in emergency having an emergency d & c anyway as I was bleeding to death.  Again, I don't want to frighten you, I just want to make sure you are careful, and watch closely. I know when you are this upset and emotional it can be so difficult to make decisions like that, and I want you to be ok, and not go through what I did.

I will keep praying for you, and thank you for your prayers.  Please take good care of yourself, I hurt for you.  God Bless you too.
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427454 tn?1315500950
My doctor wanted me to come back in today to do an u/s to see if the gestational sack had passed. It was still there.  However, I do know that this is not a good pregn there has been no growth in the last month. I am bleeding very heavy, clotting and paining. He said that we could wait as long as I wanted to wait for the m/c to happen on its own. Or I can go ahead and schdule to have the Cyst remove as well as do the D & C. I believe I am going to give it at least one more week to see if it will pass on its on. By then I will be eight weeks. I am ok; I know God is in full control.  After this is all over. We can try again, and pray this will be our healthy baby boy:-). Continue to pray for us; as I will do the same for you all. God Bless.
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377493 tn?1356502149
I am so sorry for your loss, and sending lots of prayers and hugs your way.  

If you are bleeding heavily enough that you are filling more than a pad an hour, you need to get to the emergency room.  If the bleeding is not that heavy, you need to book an appointment with your Dr.  Calling him now and talking to the nurse is a good idea.  I took extra strength tylenol for the pain, but I have heard that IBProphin (spelling??) is better because it has a muscle relaxant that helps with the cramps.    But please call your Dr.  It is very very important to get medical treatment and advice, for your safety and well being.

I wish I could do more to help you, but I will pray for you.  I am so sorry you are going through this.  Take very good care of yourself.

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427454 tn?1315500950
I realize that it is a miscarriage. I am bleeding very heavy and hurting badly. What do I suppose to be doing; doing this time? I never had a miscarriage before, and I am very lost. What can I take for the pain, and what do I need to do, and what I  don't need to do doing this time?  Thanks for all of your prayers. I will try again when God say its time.
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281219 tn?1219114914
I am really very sorry, Prayerful2528! The HCG #s should double every 48-72 hours, so that your numbers have not increased as they should coupled with the bleeding and clots from yesterday and I would start mentally preparing that you may be having a m/c. It seem so impersonal to write this as I wish I could give you a hug and let you know God's there and He's got you covered. Hang in there and keep us posted. Lots and lots of women here have been through what you are facing. I will be saying my prayers for you!
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427454 tn?1315500950
Hello Ladies,

I started to bleed heavy, and saw small clots on yesterday.  I went out to the doctor and demanded that they check my HCG levels.  They compared the one from yesterday to the one I had on the 12th at the ER. I don't know much about HCG levels so please help me to understand. 02/12/08 14941 02/25/08 17358. The doctor said that my numbers are not increasing like they should I will soon miscarriage. I had a plevic example, and I was still closed. Didn't do an u/s on yesterday, but will have another on Monday. Do anybody know where the bleeding is probably coming from, and does the numbers look like a bad pregn to you all? Thanks ladies
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Glad you have decided to wait...take it easy...
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427454 tn?1315500950
Yes, it is so hard. However, I didn't want to make any fast moves. Although, when I first had my u/s at the er they told me that I was bleeding around my sack, and that if I saw any bleeding to go strictly on bed rest. Therefore, I wasn't sure if this bleeding was coming from that area, and was casuing the brown discharge as well. My doctor did see the bleeding on this u/s, but said that I had not yet miscarriage, but that I probably would since we should be seeing more then the gestational sack. I was thinking the same thing about the wait. I think I will give it at least eight weeks before I say yes to the surgery. Again, thanks for the words of advice.
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281219 tn?1219114914
I only had a sac at 6 weeks 3 days . no fetal pole or heart beat. Went in at 7w1d and had the full package...now I'm 28 weeks today. You h ave to decide for yourself especially if you have had spotting but even w/ spotting my gut would be to wait for another week before any major decisions. If at 7 weeks they don't see anyting then ti's something to consider.

I am praying foryou. This is really  hard, I know!!
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427454 tn?1315500950
Hello Ladies,

I went in for my doc appt today. The doc still only saw the gestational sack with no heartbeat or yolk sack. I actually saw light bleeding that came on my p/liner today. He stated that by the u/s I should be around six wks pregn. Said he thinks that a miscarriage will soon take place. stated that I could either have surgery to remove the cyst and have the d &C.  Or I could wait to see if the miscarriage will take place on its own. (Said he never recommend his patients to have surgery unless it a life and death situation). He leaves that up to his patient. Do this sound like a bad pregn to any of you? Have anyone heard of a baby showing up after been six weeks pregn, or should I be seen more by now?  How long should I wait before I make a decision about having the surgery? Thanking each of you in advance for your help and concerns.
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To both of you...

I am glad I was able to help...yes, Our merciful God is all powerful but He puts us on earth to help each other ...we are all on th si pilgramage together and we should help each other as much as we acn especially in sharing knowledge...I hope that both of your pregnancies turn out well...I truly believe that all things happen for a purpose and our purpose is not the same as His...so hang in there...I am anxious to hear how your doctor's appt goes, and to know what your blood levels are and hopefully to see more on the monitor! ..and preservernace, I hope the next u/s sound you hear and see a sweet heartbeat...hang in there...glad the bleeding stopped!
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427454 tn?1315500950
You are so right. God bless you for those encouraging words. Jesus is our only doctor and  hope.  When we have our trust in him whatever happen we must accept his will. Thank God for this website. It can be hard going through something that no one you communicate with knows anything about. But when you find a person who has experience what you are experience, and whether their situation turn out good or bad. It helps to hear their storys.   My condition hasn't changed much. I didn't see anymore blood, but is still having the discharge. Keep me in your prayers. I am prayering for all of us. God Bless
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Thank you so much for that information.  I had one ultrasound in the ER on January 25th and there was a sac but no baby.  My levels at that time were 7400.  My levels were checked again on Jan. 28th and they were at 12000.  I have no Idea where they are now.  I was told that I have a cyst on my ovaries but wasn't given the info you gave.  Thank you so much.  I have learned that there is only one doctor and HIS name is JESUS!  These docs are just "practicing medicine".  GOD has the final word.
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427454 tn?1315500950
Thanks, I decided not to go the ER. I do still have an appointment with my previously doctor on Monday. Therefore, if the new doctor can't see me then I will keep that appt. Also, the bleeding did stop, but I am still having a slight brown discharge. I have been laying down most of the day. I will try to relax and not worry or stress myself over this. Again thanks for the advice.
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It could be...bright red is never a good sign but there are also a million other reasons...stress for one..again I am so sorry that you are going through any of this and I am so sorry you are going through it alone iwthout medical assitance...the ER can't stop a miscarriage....but they can tell you things are okay...having said that unfortunately if you are going to m/c you will, if you are not, then you won't...the only think you can do is put your feet up, stay off of them as much as possible and stay calm...Thursday seems a while away maybe you can call the new doctor and explain about the bleeding and see if he will see you earlier...MOST IMPORTANTLY...you have to try and relax...it is the only think we can do and hope...
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427454 tn?1315500950
GoodMoring Ladies,

I have a question? I woke up this morning around 5 to use the bathroom, and when I wiped there was bright red blood with no cramps. I was wondering if this is the sign of the miscarriage getting ready to take place? And should I go to the ER? When I used the bathroom again and wiped, I only saw brown again.  Felt something moving around in my stomach as well. I don't know what to do since my doctor said that a miscarriage was on the way. Please help Thanks
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427454 tn?1315500950
Thanks ladies, I think I will just wait to see the new doctor on Thursday. I will try not to worry, which is so hard sometimes not to do.  Maybe I will get my girls, and go out for a movie or dinner just to take my mind off the situation for a while.  I will keep you all updated as I know more.
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167664 tn?1203972620
It's horrible to wait.  I have been through it before.  Don't give up hope. I think there is still a chance all will work out fine considering what the date of conception would have or could have been.  Please be patient and give it some time.
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