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Do you really want to vaccinate your children?

I have opted out of vaccinating my children upon personal and medical grounds. The state of Michigan mandates that any child who is being put into public schools to be vaccinated, and that does not exclude children who are being home schooled. Here is a bit of research I found with the help of my pediatrician in filing a complaint with the states board of health and the school board administration.

This is just a sample of what I have found....if you wish to read more, I will be posting a nice journal of everything myself and my childrens pediatrician have found.

Todd Parish thought it was fine when his 1-year-old son, Timothy, was vaccinated against chicken pox as he had been. But that was before the Air Force sergeant learned that cells derived from aborted babies were used to make the vaccine. And that similar cells were used to make the Hepatitis A and rubella shots Parish received several years ago (6/5/98 Kansas City Star, 6/12/98 Infonet). Because manufacturers do not describe how their vaccines are made, thousands of parents may find themselves in Parish’s same predicament. Parents have a right to know the origins of common vaccines and the risks involved so they can make informed decisions in the best interests of their children.

The chickenpox vaccine was cultured in lung tissue obtained from two surgically aborted fetuses, a process which many parents find abhorrent (Experimental Cell Research 37: 614-636, 1965; Nature 227: 168-170). "I did not know when I was injected what I was getting," said Parish. "That tramples on my moral convictions. Unknowingly, I became involved in something I find immoral and hideous."

The chickenpox vaccine raises some moral questions for good, conscientious parents. While some educated parents oppose the chickenpox vaccine simply because it is unnecessary, others believe the use of aborted babies is an indirect participation in the evil of abortion. "I still think the use of fetal tissue for my gain shouldn’t happen," Parish said. "By accepting this vaccine, we’re encouraging the development of more fetal tissue products. We’re helping people profit from the deaths of two (unborn children)." An understanding of the moral implications surrounding the chickenpox vaccine coupled with an awareness of certain unknown factors regarding its safety and effectiveness are usually enough to convince parents that declining the chickenpox vaccine altogether may benefit their children’s health.

One reservation about using the vaccine stems from the fact that no one knows its long-term effects. Even vaccine maker Merck & Co. admits "the duration of protection...is unknown at present and the need for booster doses is not defined." Merck further admits that "there are insufficient data to assess the rate of (vaccine) protection against the complications of chickenpox..." Yet Merck & Co. continues to sell more than $150 million of its (government approved) VARIFAX chickenpox vaccine in the U.S. yearly!

Many are questioning the ethics and productivity of mandating the use of thousands of children for research purposes. A study to determine the effects of the chickenpox vaccine on shingles, for example, often is inconclusive because the painful, long-term disease may not surface until 20-30 years after recovery from chickenpox. According to Kristine M. Severyn, Director of Ohio Parents for Vaccine Safety, "Parents worried about the many unknowns surrounding chickenpox vaccine should not be forced to enroll their child(ren) in a massive, potentially dangerous, medical experiment. Too many safety and effectiveness issues remain unsolved to shoot this vaccine into our children without the right to say ‘NO!’"

For the safety of the group, the armed forces require their personnel to be vaccinated for a variety of diseases. But the chickenpox shot also is required for students attending military-run elementary schools. In response to Parish’s insistence that he be allowed to exercise his parental right, the Defense Department granted Parish’s daughter a vaccination exemption on religious grounds.

Now Parish is battling the military over whether soldiers should be informed about how vaccines are made and be allowed to reject them on moral grounds. He is working with legal experts from the Rutherford Institute to stop what he believes to be a violation of the sanctity of human life. They encourage all parents to investigate the ramifications of allowing their children to be shot with a vaccine that may do more harm than good, and to protect them from it, even if it means refusing a "recommended" vaccine.

My resource for this info- Link my pediatrican had emailed me-http://www. illinoisrighttolife. org /vaccines.htm
18 Responses
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284738 tn?1283106819
I will definatly vaccinate my child.. = D  I used to work in a hospital so upon seeing all of the children come in and out of their .. my choice is to vaccinate.  but I respect your choice... = D
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This can definitely be a touchy subject for many parents out there!  The research is overwhelming BOTH ways!  :)  I know people personally who have been affected by vaccination related autism...yet I still chose to vaccinate my daughter.  Tough call.  Thanks for the info.  :)
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550546 tn?1249410039
I, too, will vaccinate my children.  I will request that some of them be separated (not giving my child 4 or 5 shots in one visit, for instance), but I see no harm in them.

As for the chicken pox vaccine having tissue from aborted fetuses ...

First of all, I am pro-life ...I'm not stating this to start a debate, but to let you know my personal choice and how it relates to any opinions that follow.

If a mother chooses to have an abortion, I think it is a tragedy ... that life will never get to experience anything in this world.  However, if some good can come from taking a life so early ...oh, say ...making a vaccine ...then I can at least say that that abortion had some purpose ...even if it's still a horrible thing to do to an unborn child.

Those aborted children have helped thousands, maybe millions, of other children by keeping them safe from a disease.  Their death had meaning.  Will I let my children get the chicken pox vaccine?  Yes.  Do I let my whole life be taken over by the fact that two aborted fetuses helped create it?  No.  I have more important things to worry about ...like how I will get that spit up stain off the couch.  =D
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I'm not sure yet where I stand with vaccinations.  My sister had a bad reaction to a vaccine when she was younger and stopped breathing, so from then on we were never vaccinated.  My mom always got notes from the doctor excusing us from getting vaccinated for school.  I have yet to discuss this topic with my husband, so I'm glad it's been brought up.  Maybe I'll ask my mom for more details on what happened with my sister because it's kind of unclear exactly why/what happened.
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414635 tn?1272217693
I will vaccinate, but I am going to seperate the shots as well
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558728 tn?1275442570
My kids are getting vaccinated but not 5-10 shots at a time. I will spread them out over the first 5 years of life. That many at a time is horrible. Their poor immune systems can't handle that many at one time!
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461781 tn?1285609481
I am going to pick and choose which vaccines are absolutely necessary and which they can go without. An I'm going to try to spread them out.
For me, not for any religious reasons, I don't think the chicken pox vaccine is necesary.  I had chicken pox when I was a child and I am glad I had it because I am immune to it. It really wasn't a big deal besides the itching and I don't need any boosters.  If your child gets vaccinated those vaccines wear off and they could develop those childhood deseases as adults and it could be much worse.
Also, there are some antibodies to some of those childhood deseases that get passed off to your baby in breast milk and they develop a higher deffense to the desease.  That does not happen when you get vaccinated for those deseases.  
I also don't think that the flu shot is necessary.
I think Polio and meningitis vaccines are vital.  I would vaccinate for those vaccines that the desease is life threatening, not for a common childhood desease that isn't life threatening.
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561451 tn?1257476350
I will and do vaccinate.  I know I have to watch some of the vaccines and do my research on them first because of allergies.  Mostly the stuff they put in them!  But otherwise, I say if you choose to, do so, if not, don't!  It's a personal decision and everyone has a right to reject them!

Although, I do know that to go into any public school here they have to be vaccinated, otherwise the parents have to homeschool or find a private school who will take them.
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I am prepared to get slaughtered by rude comments on this topic....so feel free to speak your true feelings :) I however wanted to post that I am in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM, trying to offend anyone in this post. We all have opinions and opinions are never right or wrong because they are personal beliefs. I am not judging those who decide to vaccinate either. I just thought that the information I have found in ky research may help those who are trying to decide wether or not to vaccinate. With that said I will reply to you all.

Avanaar- Pro life means that you do not agree with abortion, but in my opinion using something that has been formed from an unwanted baby, gives abortion clinics and physicians greater reasons to provide such a hideous act. I am pro life, and do not agree in abortion for the sake that someone couldn't keep their legs closed. Maybe you meant to say your pro choice?

How do you know that these aborted children were not aborted because of health reasons, and if unhealthy aborted babies are being used to derive a vaccine, could also be giving your child the risk of *catching* what they could possibly have? Just like with blood donations, blood isn't throughly scanned for diseases.....which is why people who need blood transfusions get Hepatitis and aids, so why believe that scientists who are using dead animals and dead human babies to make a vaccine, are testing those corpses for possible transmittable diseases?

I agree the the abroted fetus could have possibly saved many other live children from illnesses but how do we know that they haven't caused more harm than good?

Also kids especially female's who recieve the chicken pox vaccine are at a greater risk, what is going to happen is that female children who are given the vaccine will eventually and possibly contract chicken pox while pregnant......that means that those babies can and may be born with birth defects and health issues that could have been avoided if that woman had gotten chicken pox in her childhood. It hasn't been studied either that vaccines pose a life long immunity to the diseases they are being vaccinated against, so they in turn could eventually get sick, making the meaning behind vaccinating quite useless in my opinion.

You dont see children in Africa or other poor countries suffering from autism or learning disabilities, but they are however suffering from lack of education and some diseases which cannot safeguarded against.

For the other posters....you really didnt give me much to reply about lol. I do however respect each and every single persons decision on wether to vaccinate or not. But I think that it should be seriously researched and thought about before jumping the gun.

Did I mention, that most doctors don't even vaccinate their children? I wonder why?

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Also the way an immune system works...is it builds antibodies to protect us from getting sick...even with the common cold. But if we don't allow our children to get sick, how are their immune systems supposed to build strong enough to protect them in the future when the vaccines eventually wear off? Just a thought.
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561451 tn?1257476350
Ooops, I wanted to mention that one I wont let my kids have is the chicken pox one!  I don't see why they needed a vaccine for that, I had the chicken pox, and there was greatful not to have to be quarantined when people had it.  So I say, if my kids get it, i'm calling all my friends with kids and offering them to get it as well!  Which is what I asked of them.

Maybe sounds a little weird, but what the heck!  It's only itching!  =)
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461781 tn?1285609481
BTS- I agree with that absolutely, children need to develop immunity for certain childhood deseases that are not life threatening like Measles, chicken pox, mumps, etc. But I also think that there are other life threatening diseases that need to be prevented because the risk is too great and life threatening.  
I think all parents should research what they think is best for their children but at the same time sometimes children get too much medical intervention when nature works best....
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558728 tn?1275442570
Kids today are too protected. A lot of parents don't even let their little ones play outside and get dirty. Purell and Germ-X is everywhere, and the Flu's and cold are just getting worse and worse every year. In my opinion there is such a thing as too clean, and kids need to be exposed to common germs.
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I'll say this. I have vaccinated my DD with all her due vaccines. I will do the same for my next child.

As for the U.S. Military having an option on vaccines LMAO. Yeah right. When you join the military you have no options, you have orders. You obey them. I agree with that.  As my DH is in the U.S. ARMY, and I was on my way to joining before i got denied for medical problems. They are vaccinated for many reasons, and should be or else u WILL see soldiers die overseas due to malaria and other things. My very good friend died due to a illness in IRAQ, they dont know what caused it and probably never will. When you join you sacrifice all including your opinions.
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550546 tn?1249410039
No, I am pro-life ...I don't believe in abortion.  If my mother had listened to my biological father's parents and gotten an abortion, I would not be here today to have an intelligent and well-worded debate over the topic of vaccinations.  =D

I was just trying to say, that even tho I think abortion is abhorrent, there is some "good" coming out of it by the creation of a new vaccine.  Your point about the fetuses being unhealthy is a valid one.  We can only hope the doctors researching and creating these vaccines were intelligent enough to test the fetuses for anything abnormal.

As for the children in Africa ... many of them don't survive long enough to find out if they have autism or any learning disabilities.  And, because their education systems are, as you said, lacking ...it is hard to see who has trouble learning and who doesn't.  The medical community in many places in Africa is so scarce, that nature's "survival of the fittest" takes over.  The sick and unhealthy die ...the strong and fit survive.  It would not be prudent for nature to let the sick people breed and create more sick people.

And when it comes to our immune systems  ...aren't most vaccines "dead viruses"?  Here's a little of my own googling research.  =D  ( http://www.madsci.org/posts/archives/2001-01/980101701.Vi.r.html )

"Safe and effective vaccines can be produced from either dead or weakened viruses.

Viruses are “killed” by using chemical agents such as formaldehyde. The killing process is known as virus inactivation and the vaccines which result are known as inactivated virus vaccines. After the virus is inactivated, it is no longer able to replicate and produce disease in the body. However, after injection it is still able to stimulate an immune response. This immune response, primarily the production of circulating antibodies, are able to prevent illnesses when the host is later exposed to the infectious virus."

"'Weakened' viruses are produced by taking a virus infectious for humans and passing the virus a number of times through another species, such as monkeys, chickens, guinea pigs, or mice. Passage can be done either in the animals or through the use of animal cell cultures. As this virus is passed from animal to animal, variants develop which can lose their disease producing ability in humans. The virus is still “alive”, but when inoculated into humans will replicate only enough to produce an immune response and not enough to produce an illness. This immune response is again able to prevent illness when the host is exposed to infectious virus at a later time. These types of vaccines are called live attenuated virus vaccines. Examples of these attenuated vaccines would be measles, mumps, rubella (German measles), polio and varicella (chickenpox) vaccines."

So yes, embalming fluid is present ...because that's what they had to use to kill the viruses.  But the vaccines are meant as a 'safer' way of having our immune systems fight off some of the nastier viruses out there.  Yes, some people do not have a good reaction to this ...so imagine if they were to get the *real* full-blown virus ... they would have a little more to worry about, I think.

As for the chicken pox vaccine ...and I mentioned this on your journal post... I do think that certain illnesses that wouldn't normally cause death (like chicken pox), should be let to take their natural course.  I, too, had chicken pox when I was little.  I remember getting to stay home for a week and being rather itchy.  But I am still here today.  And, the majority of people who would forget to get their follow-up adult vaccine for chicken pox will grow exponentially.  And from what I've read and heard ...the adult version is a lot worse.  So, for chicken pox, I'm bound to skip that one based on logic alone.
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550546 tn?1249410039
I agree with Griggsy about things being "too clean."  If you don't let your kids be exposed to some germs, they will never be able to build up any immunities.

Just think about when any group of people have traveled from one land to another.  When the Pilgrims and others from England came and settled here in the Americas, the Native Americans had no immune defenses against the viruses and bacteria they were exposed to.  But because the folks from England had lived in (sometimes) very squalid conditions, they had built up an immunity over time.  Only the very strong and hearty Native Americans were able to stave off the infections brought over.  Perhaps if, back then, they'd had vaccines ...not nearly as many would have died.

BTS ~ You may get flamed and berated by others ...but I am always open for a clean, good-natured debate.  No mud-slinging from me, I promise.  Tho I can't say I won't throw in a witty or snarky comment once in a while.  =D
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I fully respect your comments about vaccine's and believe that every parent has the right to choose what their child gets or doesn't get.  I just wanted to make an off-topic correction to your comment about blood transfusions and how they aren't scanned thoroughly for diseases.  I work for an HIV/AIDS clinic and it is now rare to get HIV (not AIDS) from a blood transfusion.  It happened a lot in the 80's and early 90's because there wasn't proper testing.  Not saying it doesn't happen, but it is uncommon and I have only seen a few patients that contracted HIV that way and it was at least 15 years ago.  But a common misconception also is that people get AIDS - when people contract HIV and if their immune system weakens to a certain point they are considered having AIDS.  I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but I like to correct people about common misconceptions regarding HIV/AIDS because there are a lot of misconceptions out there.  But like I said in the beginning, I think that everyone is entitled to their own opinions when it comes to decisions about their children.
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I am Todd Parish and this was my fight.  I won. If I was Muslim and the vaccine was incubated in pork they would have been less resistant to my denial of this vaccine.  As it turns out, they gave me and other airmen an exemption because it is hideous to us to be injected with fetal material from aborted babies.  Order the freedom of information material by Merck laboratories. I dare you to see what actually goes into your body during this vaccine.  It is horrible.  In my opinion it is not just normal material, you get items from the fetus.  How can I prosper morally by being injected with dead babies.
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