152590 tn?1208146144

Cervix open 6 weeks pregnant

Ok so here is my delima, I do have a doctors app on monday, but just thought I would ask if anyone else has had this happen with good news.  I have had two mc in the last year, the last one was in feb 2006, and I am a cervix checker.  Well at my last one my cervix never really closed, (ps I had a D&C last aug 2005)anyways it never closed when I was pregnant, and on sunday of the Feb mc I started bleeding the day before my app.  So I ended up mc then.  Well, for the most part my Cervix has been staying closed this time, but I checked it tonight and it's very open.  I don't have my app. till monday.  I was just wondering if anyone else has ever battled with an opening and closing cervix without bleeding and won.  I am only 6wks pregnant, almost the exact time I lost the last one.  It is so frustrating, If I lose this one I can finally get some testing done, but I think I am going to wait for awhile to get pregnant again, money is tight and this mc thing is really getting old.  I wish God would just make up his mind if he wants me to have a baby or not.  Well, I'll post again sometime soon after my app. but just was wondering.  Thanks all
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So sorry to hear of your miscarriages, I have been there as have other women in here and it is very disheartening and traumatic at times.
I have a friend who also checked her cervix, and she had several miscarriages, although she did go on to have a trouble free pregnancy and birth eventually, she was advised to stop checking the cervix, the checking alone can cause irritatation and encourage the cervix to contract.
Medically they dont start checking your cervix until you are in the last trimester and approaching your due date.
My advice...leave the cervix alone!
Take consolation in the fact you are able to conceive, I know it is very difficult, especially after miscarriages, but the whole pregnancy from start to finish is a waiting game.
good luck and baby dust to you
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150483 tn?1212168556
I'm sorry about you m/c's I know how you feel.What I want to know is why are you checking your cervix? sorry but that sounds odd to me I suggest that you just leave it alone.I'm scared just to have sex in the first months.You should be happy about your concieving and let the dr. do their job.Dont stress,relax and enjoy.lol nanis
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How the hell do you check your cervix anyway? I would think this could quite be the reason your cervix is always opening. Do you tell your dr you do this or does he agree that this is acceptable. I mean, I know it's your body, but ????
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I understand why you are checking your cervix.   I also checked mine to help conceive.  For all those that don't get checking your cervix it is another way to tell where you are in your cycle.  You do it with checking CM and charting.  Honestly, it's normal.

I'm so sorry about your losses.  I would recommend not checking your cervix after knowing you are pregnant.  It could cause infection.  It isn't really recommended that you let the doctor do a vaginal exam during the first trimester for this very reason, but most doctors seem to do them in the US.  In other countries they don't.  

I know how scary things are for you right now, especially since you are coming up on the time of your last miscarriage.  Try to hang in there.  Keep your doctor informed of everything.  Tell your doctor about your cervix being open, but I wouldn't check it anymore at this point. You do run a risk of infection which could cause a major problem.

I hope everything is OK.
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152590 tn?1208146144
Thanks everyone for you help, yes, alot of women do check their cervixes to find ovulation, but if I have clean hands, how worse could that be then having sex, or the man using his fingers (sorry tmi) but I don't really see a differnce,and they don't say to not do that when your pregnant.  Also I don't force it open, I just brush over it very lightly to see if it is open or closed. It really isn't that hard to do. But I'll hang in there its just hard not having an kids yet with a possible third mc on the way.  I am happy that I can get pregnant, but sometimes it's worse because you can't move on to adoption as easly in your mind if you know you are able to get pregnant.  So it just confuses the issue.  But I am still young and have time, I just have a feeling that things are only going to get harder the older I get, since I am having problems already.  Thanks and baby dust to all of you.
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I don't think the only risk to checking your cervix would be infection.  The cervix, expecially during pregnancy, is very sensitive.  It's prone to bleeding and contracting.  I don't see how any good can come of constantly checking it.  I would leave that up to the Dr.  That's what they are there for.  I can understand the practice of checking for ovulation...but once you're pregnant, the situation changes a lot.  If anything, the cervix may become irritated...which is no good either.  Good luck!  I hope everything works out for you.
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Just to point out to you that in pregnancy the cervix is extra sensitive, any irritation can cause bleeding, contracting or infection of the cervix.
I was actually advised not to have intercourse at all during the first trimester because of my previous miscarriages.
In fact I have not partaken in any intercourse whatsoever for the whole pregnancy!
But it is small price to pay to carry a baby full term.
best of luck to you
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152590 tn?1208146144
We also have not had intercourse, I don't know what hubby would do for a whole 9 months. lol But I will stop checking I think it only makes me more nervewrecked.  Also wether it's a good sign, I did puke today (sorry tmi) for the first time in any of my pregnancies.  So the doctor said that if you puke it means things are going pretty good.  Thanks for your support.
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Anything touching the cervix can cause an infection.  Even gloved hands.  I'm not suggesting that you will get an infection, just letting you know that it can happen.  An infection at this point might cause a miscarriage.  I know you are gently touching your cervix, but shouldn't be at this point. You could easily cause spotting/bleeding which would stress you out.  You should really just leave your cervix alone as much as possible.  I bled through my entire first trimester and my doctor only did one vaginal exam.  
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When you check your cervix are you able to see it with a mirror? I had a baby 2 and 1/2 years ago and have cervical prolapse issues since delivery.  There are times when it actually hangs out of my body.  gross, I know.  My sister had the same problem and after she was done having kids had to have a hysterectomy.  Anyway, I was just wondering if you are able to see what the surface looks like as I can see mine and at times it looks a little red and patchy.  I had a normal pap 10 months ago and have my yearly in November.  I mentioned this to my doc in June when I had a miscarriage and he said the cervix will go through changes monthy, but I still have been a little concerned. I ocassionally have a little drop of blood here and there as well, but thought it might be irritated since it is so low some times.
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I have the same problem as you do, but something different I never checked my cervix.  My cervix thin out and open while my pregnancies progress.  I had a M/C at 18 weeks pretty much just open and the baby came out, no pain, no signals, no nothing.  Well the next time I was pregnant I told my DR and he did a CERCLAGE at 10weeks( tide up your cervis in a simple procedure) then by week 35 he took it out and a week later I was having my daughter.  One thing be prepare to do a lot of bed rest.  I was in bed rest since week 26 to week 35, (2 weeks at home and 8 weeks at the hoispital).  The best you can do don't check your cervix your self that can cause you to loose your baby, don't have sex that can cause to the cervix to open too, and talk to your DR.  he might do a CRECLAGE at 8 weeks wish is the earlier they can do it.

Well, good luck to you and your baby

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WTF the woman DID NOT ask if touching the cervix will cause infections. Why is everyone so concerned with her checking her own cervix, many women everywhere do that on a regular basis and are just fine. Your vagina naturally cleanses itself of bacteria so with your own clean hands i dont see you introducing a life threating infection to your uterus. And doctors dont usually do it because they dont want the mother to blame them if a miscarriage does occur after a first trimester internal. If you dont have an answer to the QUESTION she asked why bother answering at all. If she wanted to know if she could get an infection im quite sure thats what she would have asked. Thats why I dont think using these forums is always a good idea, people are to quick to put in their own two cents! Everyonce in awhile you'll actually get a helpful person who will answer the question you asked and nothing more.
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i also had two mc and i think if you really want that baby u should get your cervix stitch , lots of bed rest and a lot of prayers and u will see the different   i did it and i am on my second child
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1141449 tn?1263005799
i also have an incompitant crevix it may seem open on the outside but it could be a funnel like mine was also checking ur own can cause an irritation and it may swell so it may seem its open just bed rest ur self and keave it alone for a couple of days ive had three babies early 35weeks 31 weeks and 34 weeks all with cervix comps
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906115 tn?1344200509
I have never had cervix problems really. ONce with my first at 16 weeks I went into labor and dialated to 3 then stopped and closed up. I am pregnant with my 7th pregnancy and had contractions and was worried so I checked myself. HAve not done so since I stopped TTC and doinf the FM. SO I was open but after two days I rechecked and was closed. I have checked one other time and it was open again  and I probable not recheck. I am not worried about infection but cramping as touching the cervix can casue cramping for up to 30 mions afterwards just like an orgasim. I think they can open and close and if you are not having rpessure (like I did with preterm labor) or bleeding it is ok! We don't really know that it is not normal! It can just be your bodys way or preparing for labor and delivery. Of course if your hormaones are not right it can make you open and even being dehydrated can do it! We jsut ahve to do our best and if you are out on no pelvic activity then don;t check for sure! A woman knows hr body and if you are really worried and need to know if you need to go to the hospiatl to be put on fluids or a shot of proegesteorn I say check! jsut don't push and be rough but then again who would!
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I was 6 weeks pregnant, and had heavy bleeding, with an open cervix...the er doctor even told me that she pulled out products of conception. Before I was discharged early the next morning The drew blood and my level was 525, my cervix had also started closing, so the doctor said the miscarriage was complete. This was Friday 11/27/2009. I went to be checked on Monday like the doctor advised me to and they drew blood again. My levels were at almost 4000. They thought that something might have been left over, so they scheduled me for a sonogram. I couldnt be seen that day , so it was scheduled for a week later. I went in and explained to the tech what happened. She also read my chart. I asked her what she thought and she said that was all new, but the sonogram would tell her alot. I figured that she would tell me that there was no baby since the er doctor pulled out the products of conception. The tech turned the volume of the sonogram up and I was shocked. She told me that was my baby's heart beat and from the looks of it, I was 7 weeks pregnant. Today 3/4/2010, I am now 19 weeks and 2 days pregnant.
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im 5 weeks pregnant and its been very interesting and different then my first child. with my son, my first and only child i found out i was pregnant days before my missed period and my tests kept getting darker and darker and so forth. I had a wonderful and healthy pregnancy. DH and i have been ttc for 7 months and just found out were pregnant again. i took a hpt a day before af was due and it was a plus minus clearblue and it was positive, same day i took two more clearblue digitals that both said pregnant right away and i didnt even use FMU. i took two more digitals the next day before i went to the Dr. same thing still positive. the Drs urine test was negative so i made them draw blood. it was positive. today though my cervix is very open and low at least a cm or so open and im very worried. since the Drs urine test came back negative and my cervix is opening does that mean im early miscarrying? im going to the hospital tonight but am afraid because generally theyll want to do a pelvic but ive been reading on here that thats bad in early pregnany what do i do.
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sorry i wasnt trying to write on ur question or make it seem like i didnt care. im new to this site and thought i was posting a new question. im sorry. i hope this pregnancy goes well for you baby dust!
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1386405 tn?1291587800
i have worked in ob/gyn and i have had a few patients pregnancy survive with an open cervix what we would do is if the patient was not yet 14 weeks we would put them on bed rest until that time and we would put in a stitch which is where you actually sew the cervix up until 35-36 weeks and then remove it so you can go into labor if it happens after about 14 weeks they can put it in right away.

As far as checking your cervix your self i agree that i would let the md do that and you not do it yourself because you can irritate the cervix, cause infection and RARELY maybe even cause a miscarriage. The Dr I work for will not even do pap smears during the first trimester because it can cause bleeding and other concerns.

try not to stress to much because all the stress on you and the baby can cause problems as well and I know that is easier said than done because i am about 5 weeks myself right now with my first baby after trying 7 years and every little pain and cramp scares me to death and worries me and i drive myself nuts worrying about it. But stress is very bad look at what all it does to your body think what it will do your baby so try to relax. I WISH YOU ALL THE LUCK AND PRAY THAT THINGS GO WELL FOR YOU THIS TIME I REALLY DO.......  
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I need help too, I mc twice in one year. Last time the doc saw do to my cervix being open some. I never made it pass 7 weeks of pregnancy.
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i had an abortion at 8wks and was ask to come back for a check up 4wks after but immediately a week after i started having this funny feelings that im still pregnant and then i called the hospital where i had it done to explain my feeling but i was told that the feeling is normal that i couldn't have still be pregnant that i should wait for the 4wks appointment.it was a terrible experience for me cos i was really sick vomitting and having every normal preg symptoms.eventually on the 4th wk i went into the hospital and a scan was done there it was a baby already 12wks n some days and so d dr said because the preg has be tapered with at 8wks they suggest i go through another full termination cos my baby could ave complications or deformed,so they had to perform another termination which i even passed out after the operation was done i was revived.and sent home.i believe that due to the force of two abortion within a month it has caused me my cervix to be short so far ive had two miscarriages ever sincethe longest at 19wks which was 4mths ago, .still ttc now as i'll be 34 and no kids yet.im so worried as i dont seemed to be ovulating since my last mc. my cervix is so dry now it gets me so worried if im getting to menopause i feel so sad  i intent to see a dr.
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