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525485 tn?1314361301

November Updates!

Okay ladies, can you believe some of our babies are 9 months old or close to it! Wholy ****!

Sarah is 9 months old today, her appt is at 4 pm so I will be sure to update tom morning with the specifics on height and weight.

The past 4-5 days she has not been sleeping as long as normal. Not sure if its because of this whole time change thing or not, but shes reallly going to bed between 8-9 and waking up between 3-5. I was up at 315 this morning (She went to bed at 8, me at 10). I brought her to bed which I never do..she tossed and turned and then seemed like she was going to lay and go to sleep with me, only for her to get fussy. So I got her up, gave her a bottle, rocked her and she passed out.....I layed her back down in her crib at 515 and started getting ready for work. I decided to come in an hour or so early bc there was no point in going back to bed for 45 minutes to an hour. *****!

Other than that, Sarah is doing great! I just got her 9 mo pictures taken this past Sunday..shes such a cutie pie, will upload that when I get them.
Sarah I think will be walking by Xmas..she walks on her own with her walker toy.
She is eating all sorts of stuff....and LOVES gerber puffs..they are her favorite.

She is obsessed with Baby Einstein videos...the puppets on them are her favorite (check them out if you dont have some already). Her favorite is Baby Noah for 9 months and up!

Hope all is well with everyone.
Check in when you have time!

Cant believe I will be less than 2 weeks away from having my second daughter on Sarah's first birthday!
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At Mikayla's official 9 month check up, she weighed 24lbs 9oz and is 29 1/2 in long.  She's in the 95% for her height and 99% for her weight.  She has yet to start crawling, only pushes herself backwards, but she scoots on her butt anywhere she wants.  She is also eating table scraps, eggs and toast for breakfast.  She still gets baby food if we are out and about, or if she doens't eat the table scraps.  Other than that, getting way too big for me way too fast!
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643558 tn?1258402509
Nathan was 9 months old on the 7th...so 1/2 way to 10 months!!  He doesn't have the baby look anymore to him, he is thinning out due to crawling and pulling up on everything.  The US military doesn't allow for 9 month checkups, so his next well baby is 12 months....

Well, we too were having sleeping problems...waking up several time throughout the night...whether he is smart or not...I have determined it was because he was spoiled...before he started teething he slept all nite, when he started teething, to soothe I would go get him and throw him on the boob...well he got used to it and learned...if I cry Mommy comes and gets me...also he has seperation anxiety big time with me, because I leave for work during the day, and leave him 1 week a month....so that was an issue.  I found that if I didn't put him on the boob,   he didn't have a dirty diaper and the fact that 9 months olds can go up to 12 hours through the night without feeding...we determined that he is spoiled.  When I pick him, he stops crying, thus got Mommy he is happy.  So we did the Pick Up/ Put down method..no crying involved.  Simply just go in, make him lay down and apply firm pressure on thier back, each time they cry..pick them up, as soon as they stop put them down...keep repeating.  We did this for 20 mins, day1..10 mins day 2...and 5 min day 3...now sleeps through the night..12 hours. Has been sleeping all night for 4 days now, once or twice he might toss and wimper, but leraned to put himself back to sleep, and doesn't cry, just goes back to sleep.  The other problem was there was no established bed time, and up until they are 5 years old, they need to go to bed between 7-7:30 PM...well some night he would stay up to 9..8..no set bed time...he was getting overly tired past 7:30...which interrupted his sleep patterns...it has been great since.

He is eating everthing from eggs, shrimp, salmon, mashed potatoes, broccoli, brussel sprouts, asparugus, parsnip..whatever is on our plates!!!  He loves food...and burns it off crawling fast everywhere.  He says is double constant word..Ma..Da..NA...and shakes his head "NO" when he is doing something he is not suppose to.  I have officially stoppped breastfeeding him this week, while I am on one of my business trips! Ouch, drying up hurts!!  Only 2 teethers for now..
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231441 tn?1333892766
Michaela had her check up today.  She is 9 months and 3 weeks old.

She got her first tooth yesterday, with no trouble or discomfort at all.

She hasn't gained any weight since her last checkup (about 5 weeks ago) and is still at 8.8 kg (19.3 lbs), but has gained height of about 4 cm in the past 2 months.

She is very very active and always happy.  Lots of noise, but no words.  Even without language though she is pretty good at telling us what she wants.

Saw the allergy dr today.  She's been getting heaps of rashes and can't work out from what.  Plus she's had major reaction to ant bites.  Unfortunately can't always prevent them.  He legs come out in huge welts.  So we discussed management and also an action plan in case she has a major reaction.  We are set up at home with nebuliser and benadryl which hopefully we won't need to use.

She's still breastfeeding as her main food source, but also eats meats, fruits and veges... no dairy at all, and we only give her a little rice now and then (no wheat), and no egg.

All is great and i'm enjoying her so much.
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341551 tn?1266980730
Caidens 9 Month appointment was yesterday! He weighs 22 pounds 4 ounces and is 31" tall! His doctor said he is super tall for his age! He's in the 90th percentile for height and 75th for weight. He is thinning out so much! I totally thought he would weigh more!
He was tested for lead and was such a trooper..didn't even cry! All came back negative-so that was good. I had an hour long talk with his doctor about his sleeping patterns and she said a lot of "intelligent" babies don't sleep because their always thinking about what they've learned, what they want to learn next etc etc. So I told her, he better be the next Einstein because I am getting NO sleep! She said it was completely normal...some babies sleep really good, some don't. SUPER.
We talked about his food and formula intake. He's down to about 28 ounces of formula a day and eats jar food/food off the table 3 times per day. She said thats perfect. He's a very healthy happy boy!

He's accomplishing so much lately! Saying new words such as apple, again, all done. He's a super fast crawler and started taking steps on his own! I think he's going to be walking very soon. If I ask him where the light, phone, TV etc is..he understands, points to it and proceeds to go get it if he can. He's not a big TV baby,  he prefers to be entertained with his toys...and he loves going outside for walks-thats his favorite.

He has 5 teeth already too! I can't believe our little ones are almost a year old :( Their growing up so fast and learning so quickly!!
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Well Mikayla's 9 month check up is Friday, but I had to take her in today becaus she has pink eye in both eyes!! Ugh.  She has had a stuffy nose for the past week, which I think I gave to her, and then this morning she wakes up with pink eyes :( They didn't do her 9 month well baby check up today (will still do Friday) but did weigh her and she weighs 24lbs 10oz!  That doesn't surprise me either, LOL.  She is definitly chunky but is very long also so the doctor has never been worried.  But I'll update on Friday (or whenever I get a chance to get on) after her appointment.
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487124 tn?1256654549
mckenna is doing great she is  going  to her  pedi for her  9 mth  checkup on the 18  so i will have udated weight and height there.
She  does just about anything   but  she doesnt  bounce up and  down  but  i figured out she  can  just dosent like to . she  does it when she gets made but only then. right now she  has three teeth  working on her forth  ( the top left) she is happy lil  girl smiles at everyone  never really  cries doesnt want to  crawl but is already pulling herself up to standing.    SHe will get there  eventually   i lik eher  still needed me to  get around lol  unless she wants to  roll her way there lol
Lance06-- i hear u  about the  swine flu  thing i am  actually getting  sick of  hearing about it is  driving me nuts. My  hubby is now  sick  and  at the doctors i  hoping he doesn thave it. Being a  diabetic that would land him the  hospital  ( yay  me ) never mins  make all the  kids sick .  MY oldest has  gotten her flu shot and she is  getting her H1N1 in school   on tuesday . but  they  dont have any  vaccine for Mckenna or my son devin .  that ismaking me angy  consisdering all of my kids has asthma ( including Mckenna)  which makes them a  higher  risk .  I  hoping that mckenna  and devin will be able to  get there when they  go to there doctor on the  18  for now it is  wait wash and  see . Hopefully   sarah will be  fine. Was she in the  same room as the  lil girl who has H1N1.
            i have three of my  coworkers that have diagonsed causes of  Swine Flu and they  have yet to say anything  about all the others whoar e sick. I lucked out i hope i was out  for vacation for about a week and half  when  everyone got sick a nd i got my H1N1 shot when our company  offered it so  i am  hopefully in the clear.
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525485 tn?1314361301
Well, Sarah's 9 mo appt went great!

She is 20 pds 14 oz and 28.5 inches long (Doc says thats tall, an inch taller than normal for her age!)
She got her first flu shot and got her finger pricked for her lead test, which all came back great!

Her top two teeth are coming in too!

Just a call yesterday that a girl from Sarah's daycare has the swine flu and sarah was just there monday, so I have to keep an eye on Sarah for a fever! THIS FLU **** STINKS!
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448723 tn?1301454958
Lucy is developing so quickly now!

She crawls really quickly,
stands up on anything she can grab onto,
points to things she wants to see,
Says mum, dad, duck and bye,
and eats whatever we eat (including curry!)
and weighs 8kg/17.6 pounds.

Still no teeth though...
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