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Breast feed how to...

Anybody planning on breast feeding? if so, how are you learning how to? A lot of my friends said that breast feeding was not as easy as they thought. They expected the baby to just know what to do. My hospital is offering a class, but without the baby, I don't think it will make sense to me. Anyone know of a good DVD that shows you how? Or a book that gives good, clear instructions?

Thanks so much for any suggestions.
7 Responses
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353148 tn?1293061164
I am going to BF and I did it w/ my other two kids as well. They are now 14 & 15 so it has been a long time. However, I remember my daughter did not take it well and I ended up having to pump, while my son did great. I am nervous about it this time so I am going to take the classes and also heard they can get you a BF consultant to show you how and help out while you are in the hospital. I would ask your Dr if your hospital will have any of those services available.
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1032669 tn?1252456404
I have breast fed my two daughters both until a year old.  I am preg with my third daughter, and plan to do the same.  At first it was hard because I did not know what to expect, I had an emergency c-section and I think it made it a little harder for me.  But it is a team effort with you and your baby, don't get discouraged.  A lot of people give in because they think the baby is not getting enough milk......don't give in.  If you can pass the first six weeks of breast feeding then you have overcome the hurdle.  The baby latching and the sore nipples are hard to overcome.  It is not easy, but your nurse will help and most hospitals offer a lactation specialist to meet with you privately in your hospital room ...call the labor and delivery floor where you will deliver and ask.  You can always call the La Leche League: http://www.lllusa.org/  and they will maybe send you reading materials and get you in touch with your local group.  Good Luck!
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It is different for everyone..  SOme people it come super easy..lucky them..others not so much and it varies so much for so many people and all I can say is don't beat your self up if you can't and if you can that is great too.  My first little one I made it a week my nipples hurt and bled and blistered and plus he had juandice and was 4 weeks premature...my milk took a while to come in and at the end it was awhole lot less stressfull to use formula...  and it was fine.  This one I am going to try to breast feed again..but I will not stress about it if it does not happen the way I plan.  
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900952 tn?1262692177
I loved breast feeding!!  It took a while to get the hang of with first baby, but once it settled, I absolutely loved it.  It didn't hurt at all (for me) and once established - actually felt pretty good.  My thought is that if it is hurting, then chances are the baby is not latching on properly.  A few tricks I learned with #2 is to let the baby nuzzle as soon as possible after the birth when the 'rooting' instinct as really strong.  If the baby takes just the nipple, use the tip of your little finger to break the suction, and pressing gently on their chin helps them open wheir mouth wider to get a full mouthful.  Oh, and a really BIG tip.....don't listen to the instructions of anyone who has never breastfed a baby themselves....they really have no clue on a) how it feels, b) what the baby's mouth is actually doing as opposed to the theory of what it is suposed to be doing, and c) how emotionally turmultuous it is to be engorged with milk with a screaming newborn and a pushy 'advisor' who isn't really helping at all!!  Some mother/baby partnerships just don't work unfortunately, and I wish you all the best.  The other good advice I got from my sister - who breastfed 5 babies - is to get to know your breasts and nipples while pregnant, with each pregnancy.  Learn where your trigger points are for releasing colostrum and massage a little into your nipples and areola after you shower as the oils help to keep the skin stretchy and supple - you'll also learn where on the areola the release points are so you'll know how much of your breast the baby needs to have to trigger the milk let down (which is probably going to be most the areola area)  a friend of mine made the mistake of thinking the baby only sucked on the nipple and she was in agony and the baby was constantly hungry because she wasn't actually getting anything.  Just remember to let your little on have a real mouthful!!  All the best...hope it goes well.
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470885 tn?1326329037
I didn't find breastfeeding that hard - DS seemed to know what to do for the most part - and the nurses at the hospital helped, too.  I wouldn't say that it was easy or natural (at first), but it wasn't hard, at least for me.

They won't wait too long to have you breastfeed at the hospital....and they'll monitor everything to help you with technique and everything.  

The hospital where I gave birth had a nurse come a couple of days after I was home to see how we were doing, including with the lactation side of things.  Does yours do something similar?
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Good luck bf. I also heard it was very hard - nobody I know said it was easy and natural. I will bring the boppy to the hospital - I have heard that it helps with bf, but I can't even picture what to do with it.
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I am going to breastfeed and I have heard it was very hard to, but once the baby learns to latch on properly it is easy but sometimes painful.  Im giving birth where my cousin did and the nurse showed her comfortable positions showed her what to do with herself and the baby so I am going to try that also my boyfriends sister is going to be there to help me she breastfed for like 10 months so it pretty good to.  Everyone i've talked to recommended to get the doughnut shaped pillow i always called it a bobby but there are different kinds of bobbys and laying the baby on that really helped.
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