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562884 tn?1279632334

Scared to death!

So I had another BPP on Addy today, and she failed it! I was mortified. She was on U/S for 40 min. and refused to move AT ALL! She wouldn't respond to any stimuli, and they had to page my Dr. he had already left for the day. I had to stay hooked up for another hour to a NST, she finally moved a little, 6 times in the hour, so they let me come home, I have to go back in the morning at 8 to see if she will pass her biophysical tomorrow, they mentioned if she dosen't pass they could deliver, which it's at least 2 weeks TOO early so I'm a little freaked still.

On the bright side her heartrate did remain constant and her cord flow was in normal range.... I really hate doing these I think it is adding more stress to a stressful situation anyways, so I'm off to rest hoping she will be a wiggle butt tomorrow.
21 Responses
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570184 tn?1257544392
glad to hear everything is good kiki, roll on D-day!!
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562884 tn?1279632334
Yeah I knew from the beginning my countdown would be a little shorter, but I'll be honest even though it's my third go at it.... I am STILL freking! LOL You must remember it has been a while so it's like starting all over, but I do know a little as far as what to expect as far as my labor ( if I actually go into it) and my section, which in it's self causes a little of anxiety!

I am VERY excited to meet my little trouble maker though! :)
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708222 tn?1276135032
Oh, that is so great!  I'm so glad to hear that you are both doing better!
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good to hear Kiki!! so glad Addy is back to herself!  Seriously I dont know what I would do with only 3 weeks to go! I dont feel ready, but I guess you knew all along.
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143123 tn?1274300825
Kiki, glad Addy is back to her spunky self.  I can not believe you only have 3 weeks left.  Time is flying...WAY TOO FAST!!!  
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562884 tn?1279632334
Addy got a perfect score on her test today! :) Her heartrate has stabelized back to the 140's -160"s with perfect accelerations and decelerations! :)

I think the worst part of all of this has been that I actually saw her heartrate on U/S, I can't explain the overwhelming feeling seeing how in distress she was, If I hadn't seen her little heart and entire chest working so hard I don't think I would have gotten so upset.
I am just SO thankful she is back to her spunky little self ~ Moving and dancing all around! AND having her heart tolerate it now! I am still monitoring her at home, and still have to go see her 3 times a week, but I'm down to just 3 more weeks of it. We can make it!!

Thanks girls for all the encouragement through this!
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708222 tn?1276135032
That is great kiki... I am so amazed at how calm and together you are... of course this is not your first rodeo, but I am still impressed!!  Way to go... hang in there and make sure that hubby of yours rubs your feet every now and then ; )
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562884 tn?1279632334
Thanks guys, I'm feeling better, still a little confused, Yes I have a doppler, and I will be monitoring as well.

I will also call my cardiology specialist in the morning, he is the one that is the best qualified to give me some answers, I trust my OB, but this is not his specialty ya know, so we will see what he says about her lack of movement.

I forgot to tell you that hypoglycemia was a major side effect of Atenolol the medication that I'm taking. So if she is becoming hypoglycemic she would be more slugish in there, but the strange thing is it usually causes bradycardia(slow heart rate) not fast??? So that is where my confusion comes in.

I also have concluded I really don't think there is anything wrong with her heart, I think she is just under stress in there, some babies don't tolerate being in there this late in the game so I think she is saying "mommy I'm done" She will come when mother nature says she is, not the Drs. So now I am just gonna stay relaxed and focused on being comfy the next few days!

I'll keep you all posted!
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kiki- I feel so bad for you, what a stressful few days. I was going to ask as well if you had a doppler?
I guess the main thing is that they are keeping an eye on you and Addy, it sounds like your dr is pretty upfront and wants what is best for baby. I guess you just have to trust him that he will do that and if that means she is deliverd early then maybe that is the best thing, at least on the outside they can tell how she is.
I will pray that she moves around more and that her heart rate normalizes.

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566175 tn?1278430472
Do you have a home doppler you can use to keep an eye on her heartrate?  
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708222 tn?1276135032
I know I don't know you personally, but I just wish I could somehow give you a hug... no matter what we all write here, it doesn't help, but I know someone will give you a hug on my behalf!!  We care about you and Addy and we are still praying!!  
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570184 tn?1257544392
Oh kiki, you really don't need this stress!  The main thing is the doc wouldn't have released you if I had even an ounce of concern, so stay positive, it just might be that you'll see that little beauty a little earlier!
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562884 tn?1279632334
Well she finally moved this morning! BUT then it threw her heartrate into the 190's which is considerde tachycardic. So they rushed me over to the hospital, which is just across the steet from the perinatal center and kept me hooked up to monitors all day. They finaly just released me b/c her movements and heartrates have stabalized.

How did I get to this????? I'm not sure what's going on but it has me worried, the Dr. says she is ok and that he is gonna take care of me, Don't worry he says...HUH Does he know how hard that is. He said delivery may be in the near future, he wants to at least hold off till 35-36 weeks, me too, I don't want her to be in the NICU. I just hope her heartrate was just a fluke and Thursday morning there are no issues.
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736293 tn?1316517842
i'm sooo sorry to hear about the scare!!!  I hope all is well and she wiggles for you today.  I can't wait to hear an update, but i will pray for you and Addy until we do.
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566175 tn?1278430472
Keisha!  I know it's scary, but you are far enough along now that everything will be okay if she delivers now.  I, myself, would rather them get her out and take care of her rather than worry about what's going on inside because it's hard to know exactly what's going on in there.  And that's what's scary to me.

Look at it this way, as you get farther along, babies become cramped in there and move less.  That's pretty normal.  

You are gonna see little miss Addy very soon!  Do keep us posted!
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hey there I just was reading what you posted I am hoping everything is ok you and addy are in our prayers I agree with hkenny she was just a little tired
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562884 tn?1279632334
Mandy ~ I am considered "high risk" due to past pregnancies and the medication that I am on for this pregnancy, so protocol is that I have weekly BPP, which is pretty much just an U/S that Addy gets a score for like 1-10, she was at a 4 yesterday. they just check things like blood flow, kidney function, heartrate, movement and some other diagnostic stuff, oh and breathing pattern, all of which can be effected by my medication.
I think she will be better today, I'll keep you all posted.
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that sounds really crappy, poor Addy was probably just tired. Regardless you'll be in our prayers. Let us know how everything goes tomorrow!!
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554628 tn?1362777919
so sorry to hear that i will keep you and addy in my prayers good luck tomorrow.
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570184 tn?1257544392
I'm so sorry to hear that!!  What is the test kiki and why do you have it done?  I'm sure she was just having a sleepy day, mine has been like that alot recently!  Try not to worry...
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708222 tn?1276135032
oh, honey... i'm sorry, that has to be scarey... we will pray!!!  let us know how it goes!!
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